Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

And another day of full on fascism, renewed charges, TN Republicans blackmail Memphis, abusing the pardon power, rising heat-related deaths, the rising sea, cell phones, HPV, HS football deaths, microplastics in your brain, and Star Wars comes to a close:

“The idea is all people are equal.” -- George Lucas

Trump Goes Full Fascist in Truth Social Posting Spree. Usually the best indicator of Donald Trump’s mental state at any given time is the tone and frequency of his social media posts. On Wednesday — in the aftermath of a new election-interference indictment from Special Counsel Jack Smith — the former president seemingly spent the morning scrolling through his Truth Social comments and “re-truthing” all manner of conspiratorial, sexist, and fascist content. Trump posted dozens of memes and comments from accounts promoting the QAnon conspiracy theory, false claims about the 2020 election, sexist attacks against Kamala Harris, and the use of authoritarian tactics against his political enemies...Trump boosted several posts and comments calling for prominent Democrats to be imprisoned.  One such post featured the image of former President Barack Obama with the caption “All roads lead to Obama. Retruth if you want public military tribunals.” Another post on the former president’s feed shows Harris, Hillary Clinton, President Joe Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and Hunter Biden in orange prison jumpsuits. The image text reads “How to actually ‘fix the system.’” Trump has publicly indicated that if reelected, he would use his office to exact revenge on  Biden and other prominent political figures. Last year, after being charged with offenses related to his mishandling of classified documents, Trump vowed to appoint a “real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden. And the entire Biden crime family.”...A senior Trump campaign official tells Rolling Stone that they are consistently relieved, for the sake of their 2024 campaign, that the former president’s main social-media home is now Truth Social, if only because it limits the public reach and media attention that these kinds of posts receive, as Trump is trying to appeal to moderate and swing voters in the final months of the election. — So share this wide so those moderates and swing voters know what Trump is promoting and what he plans to do if put back in the White House. Vote Blue, and relegate this motherfucker to the dustbin of history.

Trump shares social media posts with QAnon phrases and calls for jailing lawmakers, special counsel. Trump reposted a doctored image that was made to look like President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in orange prison jumpsuits, among other political figures, and a lewd post about Harris and Clinton that referenced a sex act. One post seemed to suggest former President Barack Obama should be tried in a military court. Trump has long talked about seeking retribution against perceived enemies if he wins a second term. — It’s very important we all see what Trump is doing, and then understand what he will do if put back in office.

Donald Trump said he will fire America’s leading Generals and replace them with MAGA Generals. This is what fascism looks like.

Trump’s January 6 Charges Have Been Renewed—Despite His “Absolute Immunity”. Trump is still charged with conspiring to defraud the United States, conspiring to obstruct an official proceeding, obstructing an official proceeding, and conspiring to deprive people of their civil rights. The charges relate to Trump’s bid to retain power after his 2020 election defeat. But the new 36-page indictment drops a section that detailed Trump’s efforts to pressure the Justice Department to support his false claims of election fraud. It also no longer cites an unnamed official—who was easily identified as Jeffrey Clark, a former Trump loyalist in the Justice Department—among unindicted co-conspirators who assisted with Trump’s plot. The superseding indictment also still includes allegations that Trump attempted to pressure then–Vice President Mike Pence to refuse to carry out his ceremonial role in certifying the electoral vote count. That section remains even though Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the court’s immunity ruling that Trump’s interactions with Pence were official conduct for which “Trump is at least presumptively immune from prosecution.” Roberts, with little specificity, said the government would have to rebut “that presumption of immunity.”

More than 200 former Bush, McCain and Romney staffers endorse Harris. "Of course, we have plenty of honest, ideological disagreements with Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz. That’s to be expected," they wrote. "The alternative, however, is simply untenable.”

Tennessee Republicans tell Memphis to abandon gun reform or risk funding cuts. Republican leaders in the Tennessee House and Senate warned Memphis officials on Monday that if the city puts gun reform on the ballot this November, the state will withhold the city’s sales tax revenue. — a.k.a. Blackmail. Republicans only want their way of life to be followed, and they are doing their damndest to impose that life on those who want to live differently.

Trump abused the pardon power and promises to do so again. First, Trump may be the only candidate in American presidential history to be running on the promise of amnesty for criminals. He has floated pardoning the over 1,400 rioters who wound up criminally charged for participating in the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot. Trump has called them “Great Patriots.” A fundraiser at Trump’s New Jersey golf club is scheduled for next week to pay their legal fees. Second, Trump is the first former president to face criminal charges and a criminal conviction himself — and thus the first to raise the specter of a presidential self-pardon that would evade and obstruct the rule of law. In June, the Supreme Court condoned criminal self-dealing for presidents by manufacturing immunity for crimes committed using official executive power. Coupled with pardons for co-conspirators willing to carry out a president’s criminal orders, that ruling virtually invites an unaccountable criminal network into the Oval Office — again, largely thanks to Trump. Third, Trump stands out among presidents for the numbers of pardons and commutations he gave to some pretty reprehensible people — including friends, politically connected allies, corrupt politicians and people whose silence unmistakably benefits him.

Trump’s businesses are raking in millions of dollars from Republican political campaigns – including his own. Between his three presidential campaigns, Trump and associated political groups have funneled more than $28 million in campaign donations to his businesses – helping convert the enthusiasm of his political supporters into personal profit.

Judge in Texas orders pause on Biden program that offers legal status to spouses of US citizens. A federal judge in Texas on Monday paused a Biden administration policy that would give spouses of U.S. citizens legal status without having to first leave the country, dealing at least a temporary setback to one of the biggest presidential actions to ease a path to citizenship in years. The administrative stay issued by U.S. District Judge J. Campbell Barker comes just days after 16 states, led by Republican attorneys general, challenged the program that could benefit an estimated 500,000 immigrants in the country, plus about 50,000 of their children. The states accused the administration of bypassing Congress for “blatant political purposes.”

Heat-related deaths spiked 117% in the US since 1999. Using data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers found the annual number of deaths varied from year to year before 2016, with spikes in 2006 and 2011. But after 2016, the study found a steady increase. On average, heat-related deaths decreased by 1.4% from 1999 to 2016, then increased by 16.8% each year from 2016 to 2023. The authors say heat-related deaths are probably undercounted.

The worldwide catastrophe of rising seas especially imperils Pacific paradises, Guterres says. Sea levels are rising faster in the western tropical Pacific because of where the melting ice from western Antarctica heads, warmer waters and ocean currents, UN officials said...Guterres is amping up his rhetoric on what he calls “climate chaos” and urged richer nations to step up efforts to reduce carbon emissions, end fossil fuel use and help poorer nations. Yet countries’ energy plans show them producing double the amount of fossil fuels in 2030 than the amount that would limit warming to internationally agreed upon levels, a 2023 UN report found.

Canada imposes a 100% tariff on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles, matching the US. Canada announced Monday it is launching a 100% tariff on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles, matching U.S. tariffs imposed over what Western governments say are China’s subsidies that give its industry an unfair advantage.

Schools are competing with cell phones. Here’s how they think they could win. In some ways, it’s as if students “just care less and less about what people think, but also somehow care more,” said Isabella, 14. Some teens, she said, no longer care about appearing disengaged, while others are so afraid of ridicule they keep to themselves. She blames social media and the lingering isolation of the post-COVID era. Educators say their tried and true lesson plans are no longer enough to keep students engaged at a time of struggling mental health, shortened attention spans, reduced attendance and worsening academic performance. At the crux of these challenges? Addiction to cell phones. Now, adults are trying new strategies to reverse the malaise.

Some types of HPV may affect men's fertility, new study suggests. A new study from Argentinian researchers has found that the strains of HPV considered high risk because of their links to cancer were not only more common than low-risk strains in a small study population of men, they also appeared to pose a greater threat to sperm quality. The study, published Friday in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, found that high-risk HPV appears to suppress key components of the immune system in the male genital tract. This could hamper the body’s ability to clear HPV, a process that typically takes about six months to a year after infection, while raising the risk of other infections that may also compromise male fertility...The CDC recommends routine HPV vaccination for all boys and girls at 11 or 12 years old — children can receive it at as young as age 9 — and for those through age 26 who were not previously fully vaccinated. Experts consider the vaccine exceptionally safe.

Alabama high school football player dies of brain injury sustained during game. Tellier's death is the latest in a string of deaths involving high school football players. A West Texas high school player also died from a head injury in 2022, while a student died during football practice in Florida in 2021 and a 15-year-old boy died after collapsing during practice in Georgia the same year.

A West Virginia boy died after a collision during football practice. It’s the third student football player death this month. Their deaths highlight the risks of the America’s most popular sport as the country enters Labor Day weekend and football season. — Stop playing and watching football.

Nearly .05% of Your Brain Is Likely Microplastic, Brain Samples Reveal. In a new paper, scientists report that brain samples taken from cadavers had an average of 0.48% of their weight made up of microplastics, meaning pieces of plastic that are smaller than 5 millimeters. The study has yet to undergo peer review; it’s hosted online as a preprint on the National Library of Medicine website...The researchers noted that the rise in microplastics over time aligns with a global increase in the rates of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia conditions. “I don’t know how much more plastic our brain can stuff in without it causing some problems,” Campen said.

A stark social divide: Adults without a college degree more likely to have no close friends, survey finds. Nearly all U.S. adults used to have close friends. In 1990, the share of the population that said they didn’t was low and roughly the same no matter one’s education level: just 2% for people with college degrees and 3% for those without. But a recent survey suggests that share has risen overall, particularly among those who did not graduate college — creating a kind of class divide in people’s level of social engagement and connection. Nearly a quarter of U.S. adults with a high school diploma or lower education level said they had no close friends. The number was even higher for Black adults in that group: 35%. Just 10% of those with a college degree said the same.

People Who Are More Flexible Tend to Live Longer, Study Finds. After accounting for other factors like body mass index or age, less flexible men were nearly twice as likely to die than highly flexible men, while less flexible women were almost five times as likely to die than highly flexible women...This type of research can only show a correlation between being flexible and a longer lifespan, not a direct cause-and-effect relationship. But plenty of other studies have found that exercise in general can extend and improve the quality of our later years of life.

Police officers are starting to use AI chatbots to write crime reports. Will they hold up in court? Oklahoma City’s police department is one of a handful to experiment with AI chatbots to produce the first drafts of incident reports. Police officers who’ve tried it are enthused about the time-saving technology, while some prosecutors, police watchdogs and legal scholars have concerns about how it could alter a fundamental document in the criminal justice system that plays a role in who gets prosecuted or imprisoned.

Can the Best of Star Wars Survive the Worst of Its Fans? But like most popular culture, the Star Wars fandom, especially online, has become inundated with loud, conservative, and in some cases, incredibly racist voices. While Disney has never said these voices are directly impacting what shows get made, the vocal minority of Star Wars devotees keep limiting what they’ll accept as true Star Wars. These fans say they’re fighting for Star Wars’ future. But if their endless fantasy world can’t accept any stories that they don’t recognize — some of the self-professed biggest fans in all the worlds could be closing themselves off to any future at all. What is crystal (kyber?) clear is that before Star Wars can have another successful show, the loudest voices online need to realize the Star Wars they want to return to never existed in the first place. Will the real Star Wars please stand up? -- The Star Wars universe deserves better than these racist and misogynistic “fans.” Click the link and see what George Lucas has to say.

Take a break from all the above chaos and tune in to 99.9 Waiting for the Comet. The songs you love. The songs you forgot you love. And the songs you don’t yet know you love.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday, August 22, 2024

And another day of echoing efforts to undermine the election, Republicans supporting Harris, nonverbal learning disorder, fake AI endorsements, new Covid vaccines, and the end of a most joyful week at the DNC comes to a close:

“Trump has suffocated the soul of the Republican Party.” -- Adam Kinzinger

“"How can a party claim to be patriotic if it idolizes a man who tried to overthrow a free and fair election?" -- Adam Kinzinger

“Let me be clear to my Republican friends at home watching: If you vote for Kamala Harris in 2024, you're not a Democrat; you're a patriot." — GOP former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan

“Because the vast majority of us don’t want to live in a country that’s bitter and divided.” -- Former President Barack Obama

“We need a president that actually cares.” -- Former President Barack Obama

Trump says his focus is ensuring Democrats 'don't cheat,' not voter turnout — echoing efforts to undermine election. The former president has been laying the foundation to ultimately claim that the 2024 election was stolen if he doesn't win in November. Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday said his strategy for the fall is less geared toward turning out supporters to vote and more focused on ensuring Democrats “don’t cheat” in the general election. -- Win or lose, Trump will try to destroy the country. Harris and down ballot Democrats must win by overwhelming numbers. Make sure your vote is one of them.

Former Trump staffers get prime-time speaking spots — at Democrats' convention. His one-time aides plead with Americans not to elect their former boss. Trump isn't backed by his former vice-president; his second and third national-security advisers; several White House press officials; a chief of staff; and half his previous cabinet. Now two officials from the Trump White House have spoken at the Democratic convention in Chicago to plead with Americans not to elect their former boss. They included Trump's press secretary and a national-security official. That's atop other Republicans who addressed the convention.

RFK Jr. as Trump’s health secretary? Here’s what he wants to do. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an anti-vaccine activist, appears to be angling for a Cabinet role. He has advocated dismantling core functions of federal health agencies. -- RFK Jr. needs to be relegated to the dustbin of history.

Arkansas Supreme Court upholds rejection of abortion-rights ballot measure. A majority of justices agreed with the secretary of state's decision last month to block the proposed constitutional amendment over issues with the signature-gathering process.

Walz's family relied on Social Security when his father died. Many don’t know kids are eligible for benefits. ‘Lots of kids ... do not claim their survivor benefits’. About 3.7 million children receive Social Security benefits, according to recent Social Security Administration data. Children can receive benefits if they are unmarried and younger than 18; between 18 and 19 and are full-time students in grades 12 or below; and age 18 or older with a disability that started before age 22.

Sudden fame for Tim Walz’s son focuses attention on challenges of people with learning disabilities. There has long been tension between Washington and local school districts over federal funding of special education. Federal law requires schools to provide special education services, but doesn’t come close to covering the costs. When passed in 1975, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) committed the federal government to paying 40% of the average per-pupil expenditure for special education. But currently it’s more like 13%. That’s one reason the Democratic Party platform adopted at the convention this week says, “We support fully funding IDEA to prioritize students with disabilities and the special educator workforce.” This year’s Republican Party platform doesn’t mention special education. But dozens of national education groups have long called for fully funding the costs that IDEA imposes on local schools.

What is a nonverbal learning disorder? Tim Walz’s son Gus’ condition, explained. Almost 3 million kids in North America have the learning disability NVLD. It affects spatial-visual skills and has nothing to do with speaking abilities...The number of people who receive a diagnosis is likely much smaller than those living with the disability...“These individuals are very intelligent and articulate well verbally, but they are typically clumsy with motor and spatial coordination,” he told NBC News. “It’s called a learning disorder because there are a lot of cues other than verbal cues that are necessary for us to keep information in our memory.” People with NVLD often struggle with visual-spatial skills, such as reading a map, following directions, identifying mathematical patterns, remembering how to navigate spaces or fitting blocks together. Social situations can also be difficult...Unlike other learning disabilities such as dyslexia, signs of the disability typically don't become apparent until adolescence.

Trump says he will make 'provisions' for mixed-status families but doesn't rule out separations with mass deportations. Former President Donald Trump on Thursday said the cost to deport millions of undocumented immigrants is justified and would not rule out separating families made up of citizens and noncitizens...When pressed, Trump provided no details on how he would pay for his plan, which could cost billions of dollars to implement at scale. -- He has no plan. He just says shit.

Fake celebrity endorsements become latest weapon in misinformation wars, sowing confusion ahead of 2024 election. Taylor Swift didn’t endorse former President Donald Trump last weekend. Ryan Reynolds wasn’t photographed wearing a pro-Kamala Harris shirt. And the Communist Party USA never backed President Joe Biden’s now-defunct campaign. But these false claims about the 2024 campaign, and dozens of other posts with similar fake endorsements, have exploded on social media in the run up to the election, according to researchers at the News Literacy Project, a nonpartisan education group that launched a new database Thursday chronicling more than 550 unique instances of election-related misinformation.

Gov. Abbott sent zero migrant buses from Texas to blue cities in July. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vowed at the RNC on July 17 to keep sending the buses, but state government data obtained by NBC News shows no buses left Texas in July.

MIT's Black student enrollment drops significantly after Supreme Court affirmative action ruling. The university’s white and Asian American student populations have increased, while all others have declined — some even down to zero, according to MIT. -- Which was the Republican plan all along.

Utah lawmakers want voters to give them the power to change ballot measures once they’ve passed. Utah’s Republican-controlled Legislature will ask voters in November to relinquish some of their rights to lawmakers who want the ability to change state ballot measures after they’ve passed. Frustrated by a recent state Supreme Court ruling, lawmakers called a special session Wednesday in which both chambers swiftly approved an amendment to Utah’s constitution that would grant them greater power over citizen initiatives. The Legislature used its broadly worded emergency powers to hold the session. If a majority of Utah voters approves the amendment this fall, it would give lawmakers constitutional authority to significantly rewrite voter-approved ballot measures or repeal them entirely. Democrats decried the decision as a “power grab,” while Republicans argued it would be dangerous to have certain laws on the books that cannot be substantially changed. The proposal would let lawmakers apply their new power to initiatives from past election cycles. -- Oh this will never be abused now, will it? Hopefully the people of Utah see through this Republican power grab and say no, they will not give up their rights.

Transgender people in Texas blocked from changing gender on state IDs. The Texas Department of Public Safety has stopped accepting court orders for the purpose of changing gender markers on driver’s licenses, Texas DPS said.

Canadian government forces rail lockout to end. The Canadian government stepped in to end a shutdown of the nation’s two major freight railroads less than 17 hours after it started, ordering binding arbitration to end the labor dispute that threatened severe disruptions in both the US and Canadian economies.

FDA approves the new Covid vaccine. Here's the best time to get it. The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved the new Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. It’s the third time the vaccines have been updated to match circulating strains since the original series. The shots should be available within days. The agency hasn't yet approved a third vaccine, from drugmaker Novavax.

FTC’s bid to ban noncompete agreements rejected by federal judge in Texas. A federal judge in Texas has blocked a new rule from the Federal Trade Commission that would have made it easier for employees to quit a job and work for a competitor.

Former patient testifies doctor told her future husband would regret it if she got tubes tied. A woman who sought a surgical procedure to prevent pregnancy testified Wednesday that a Cape Breton gynecologist told her the choice should be up to her future husband and that "no other doctor in Canada" would perform it on her. The former patient, whose identity is protected by a publication ban, said she was seeking to get her "tubes tied" in 2017 and was given a consultation with Dr. Manivasan Moodley, who is currently facing a multi-day professional misconduct hearing in Bedford, N.S. The woman was in her early 20s when she met with Moodley in his Sydney office, and is one of three former patients who have testified before a five-member panel at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia hearing.

Doctor charged with filming women and children in hospital with hidden cameras. He spied on people in changing rooms, closets, bathrooms and bedrooms at hospitals and at a local swim club..."This is one of the most disturbing sexual predator cases I have seen in my very long career," Sheriff Michael Bouchard told a press conference Thursday. "He violates literally anyone and everyone he can. From a 2-year-old boy to grown women, no one is immune from his disgusting predatory behavior." The number of victims is unknown “because there are so many of them,” he said.

Take a break from all the above chaos and tune in to 99.9 Waiting for the Comet. The songs you love. The songs you forgot you love. And the songs you don’t yet know you love.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

And another day of crossing legal lines, promises, ‘staying on message,’ women, Trump hating people with disabilities, more abortion on state ballots, keeping sick kids home from school, corporal punishment, and empathy on the rise in young people comes to a close:

“America, hope is making a comeback.” -- Michelle Obama

Trump’s Latest Scheme to Beat Harris May Have Crossed Legal Lines. Donald Trump is reportedly advising Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which would be a violation of the Logan Act. He may not be in office, but Donald Trump has been speaking with the powers that be about Israel’s war on Gaza—but it’s not in an effort to end the genocide. Instead, Trump has allegedly been talking with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to avert a cease-fire deal, fearing that doing so could help Vice President Kamala Harris win in November, according to PBS. -- Isn’t this treason? Lock this fucker up. He is a traitor to this country.

Promises Donald Trump has made so far in his campaign for a second term. But an urge for vengeance is also coursing through Trump's bid to return to Washington, and he is plotting retribution against the systems, institutions and people he believes have wronged him. He and his allies have suggested Trump in a second term could unleash the Justice Department on his political enemies, purge the federal government of disloyal bureaucrats and consolidate power in the executive branch. -- He has destroyed almost everything he has touched in his life, and he will also destroy America if he gets back in the White House.

Trump is “staying on message” and that message is racism and sexism. Donald Trump knows his base better than anyone. He understands what makes them line up hours before a rally to hear a bloated, nearly 80-year-old man meander for 90 minutes as he showers them with a firehose of lies. And Trump knows what will get them to buy his autographed Bibles, sneakers, mug shot T-shirts, head to the polls—and even attack the Capitol as they did Jan. 6 on his behalf. Do you think the MAGA base does that because Trump is going to bring down the price of milk by 30 cents a gallon?! Or that Trump has a plan to reduce the trade deficit?! Of course not. And no one knows that more than Trump...Despite what the corporate media claimed at the time, Trump’s base was not motivated in 2016 by “economic anxiety.” Rather, as numerous studies after the 2016 election found, it was racism and sexism...Trump doesn’t need studies to tell him that. He instinctively understands this. He knows the biggest applause lines at his rallies are when he is trafficking in racism –be it versus immigrants or about Harris. And he hears the crowd laugh and cheer with his sexist remarks—be they about his past accusers, Hillary Clinton or now VP Harris...That is why we can expect Trump to double, triple and quadrupole down on racism and sexism over the final two months of the campaign. That was his message in 2016--and he won. Trump believes that message is how he will win in 2024. America may have dramatically changed since 2016, but Trump and his base have not changed a bit. In fact, they want to take us back to a time when this type of vileness was acceptable. But as Vice President Harris tell us in every speech, “We're Not Going Back!”

DNC Delegates Want Their Woman to Win—for All Women’s Sake. One party hopes to elect the first woman president. The other is coalescing around the idea that women should step away from public life in order to bear and raise children. The hope for a first female president is tempered by the knowledge that losing wouldn’t just be a setback for women in politics, but for women in every corner of the country.

Why does Trump hate people with disabilities so much? It’s easy to see that Trump’s main grievance stems from the rift that began in that era. As with most of his existence, his concerns are brutally cosmetic and his gripe seems to be that government no longer hunts down and removes the vulnerable the way it used to. In that stunted worldview, the presence of disabled people in public is an affront that he cannot abide. The important question is why Trump has escaped any sustained blowback for the underlying belief connecting so many of his comments that garner media attention as standalone incidents.The clearest answer is that his hatred of disabled people is acceptable to the widest swath of his supporters while the least number of his opponents find it objectionable. Trump is hardly alone among political figures in espousing beliefs that are cruel and demeaning to disabled people. Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, New York Mayor Eric Adams, and Governor Gavin Newsom of California are just a few who seem to see disabilities as an easy foil for their vain attempts at finding relevance through ignorance.

Montana becomes 8th state with ballot measure seeking to protect abortion rights. Voters will get to decide in November whether they want to protect the right to an abortion in the constitution of Montana, which on Tuesday became the eighth state to put the issue before the electorate this fall.

Arizona Supreme Court clears way for voters to decide on constitutional right to abortion. The Arizona Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a 200-word summary that abortion advocates used to collect signatures for a ballot measure is valid, clearing the way for voters to decide on the constitutional right to an abortion. Under the measure, abortions would be allowed until an embryo or fetus could survive outside the womb, typically around 24 weeks. There are some exceptions for later-term abortions to save the mother’s life or to protect her physical or mental health. The decision comes on the heels of a Thursday ballot printing deadline in Arizona.

House Republicans release their impeachment report on Biden but the next steps are uncertain. House Republicans have released their initial impeachment inquiry report on President Joe Biden, alleging an abuse of power and obstruction of justice in the financial dealings of his son Hunter Biden and family associates. The nearly yearlong investigation by Republicans stops short of alleging any criminal wrongdoing by the president. -- Read that last sentence again.

Trump shares AI-generated images of Taylor Swift and her fans supporting him. Trump reshared posts from his supporters that have pushed the idea of a “Swifties for Trump” movement that has little grounding in reality. On Sunday night, Donald Trump shared a series of images on Truth Social appearing to show Taylor Swift fans wearing T-shirts that read “Swifties for Trump.” Among the images was a mock “Uncle Sam” poster with Swift’s face that said, “Taylor wants you to vote for Donald Trump.” Trump wrote: “I accept!” While two of the images Trump shared feature a real woman who supports Trump, most of the women depicted there aren’t real. At least 15 of them are representations of people created using artificial intelligence.

Got cold symptoms? Here’s when kids should take a sick day from school. Now, the CDC suggests people treat COVID-19 like other respiratory illnesses, such as the flu and RSV. If a child has a fever, they should stay home, no matter the illness. A child can return to school when their fever has been gone for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. Other symptoms should be improving.

‘Hitting kids should never be allowed’: Illinois bans corporal punishment in all schools. This school year, Illinois will become just the fifth state in the nation to prohibit corporal punishment in all schools...When the ban takes effect in January, Illinois will join New Jersey, Iowa, Maryland and New York in prohibiting paddling, spanking or hitting in every school. -- Only five states? WTF? Many in our society seem fine with abusing children.

Disney backpedals on saying man can't sue over wife's death because he signed up for Disney+. Disney has backpedaled on its stance in a wrongful death suit filed by a widower whose wife died after eating at a restaurant in Disney World, now saying it'll waive arbitration that it argued the man agreed to when signing up for Disney+...Disney said in a statement shared with NBC News on Tuesday that, given the sensitivity of the case, “we’ve decided to waive our right to arbitration and have the matter proceed in court.”...Denney also criticized Disney’s reliance on arbitration clauses. “The right to a jury trial as set forth in the seventh amendment is a bedrock of our judicial system and should be protected and preserved. Attempts by corporations like Disney to avoid jury trials should be looked at with skepticism,” Denney said. Arbitration agreements are quite common in company terms of use agreements across multiple industries...Arbitration agreements “almost always favor large corporations, to the detriment of injured plaintiffs who are trying to sue them. That’s why they are so popular with companies.” -- Yet the general population is left with only the choice to not subscribe to services such as Disney+ in order to avoid agreeing to the arbitration clause, and that’s only if they read the full terms of service. Sneaking things like this in a TOS sure seems like the company is doing their best to take advantage of their own customers. Sure it may be legal. But it doesn’t treat their customers with any respect. And doesn’t it actually allow the Company to abuse their customers knowing that their customers cannot take them to court because they clicked through a TOS somewhere? “Go ahead, sue me. Oh wait. You can’t. You signed a TOS?” Fucking greedy bastards. This is corporate America taking advantage of the people.

Empathy is on the rise in young people. Here’s how to build yours. Empathy is the compassionate capacity to detect and feel others’ emotions coupled with an ability to understand another person’s perspective. This awareness is not a fixed trait...The research team found that young American college students (average age of 20 years old) and American high school seniors are engaging in perspective-taking and empathic concern at higher rates compared with previous years of study. Perspective-taking (a form of cognitive empathy) measures people’s ability to imagine others’ viewpoints, while empathic concern (a form of emotional empathy) measures compassion and concern for others. The study included data collected from 1979 until 2018. The team’s analysis spanned that entire period...We are hardwired to need person-to-person, live contact with others...Despite the benefits of digital communications, it’s in these in-person conversations where you can begin to grasp others’ perspectives and feel their emotions, according to Brodkin. “Social media and the internet can distort the way we connect with each other, and then the companies that are using it for profit (can) tilt it towards disconnection, polarization, hostility and so on,” he said.

RIP Phil Donahue. He was 88.

Take a break from all the above chaos and tune in to 99.9 Waiting for the Comet. The songs you love. The songs you forgot you love. And the songs you don’t yet know you love.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday, August 18, 2024

And another day of videos, misogyny treated as extremism, ‘asinine’ statements, drought and food shortages for 70 million in Africa, stopping bleeding from a gunshot in seconds, brain scans of unresponsive people, earthquakes, and being over involved in your college kid’s life comes to a close:

“[Jesse] Watters isn't trying to explain polling. He's creating conditions for violence. By setting the expectation that Trump will win handily, he's ensuring his viewers will reach a critical level of dissatisfaction when he loses. It's the J-Curve of Rising and Declining Satisfactions.” -- Acyn

Tennessee family’s lawsuit says video long kept from them shows police force, not drugs, killed son. The case highlighted a central finding of the AP-led investigation: A lack of accountability permeates the justice system in the aftermath of fatal police encounters that don’t involve shootings. From the patrol officers at the scene and their commanders to prosecutors and medical examiners, the system shields officers from scrutiny. Some other deaths the investigation documented reflect another reality of policing in America: The fraying of the nation’s social safety net can thrust officers into violent situations with people who need mental or substance addiction treatment. In Tennessee, it was hard to find an attorney. Goodwin said she contacted 20 before a Nashville law firm agreed to take her case. Lawyers know they have high hurdles even to get a case to trial, including “qualified immunity,” which protects officers from lawsuits.

Misogyny to be treated as extremism by UK government. The review will look at the rise of Islamist and far-right extremism in the UK, as well as wider ideological trends, including extreme misogyny or beliefs which fit into broader categories, such as violence. It will also look at the causes and conduct of the radicalisation of young people.

Veterans of Foreign Wars blasts Trump’s statement as ‘asinine’. “It’s [The Medal of Freedom] actually much better, because everyone who gets the congressional Medal of Honor, that’s soldiers, they’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead. She gets it, and she’s a healthy, beautiful woman,” Trump said in reference to Adelson. “And they’re rated equal.” The moment sparked an onslaught of condemnations from veterans rights advocates and allies.

70 million hit by devastating drought and food shortages in southern Africa. In landlocked Malawi, the situation is particularly acute, with almost half the nation’s population — an estimated 9 million people — in need of humanitarian assistance, according to a UNICEF report. Half of those are children, as the worst midseason dry spell in over a century devastates a nation where over 80% of people rely on rain-fed agriculture.

The FDA just cleared a new device that stops bleeding from gunshot wounds in seconds. Traumagel, which will launch later this year, is a 30-ml syringe of an algae- and fungi-based hemostatic gel that’s the color and texture of hummus. It can be applied directly into a wound, helping stanch bleeding within seconds. The FDA cleared its use for moderate to severe bleeding. Joe Landolina, founder of Brooklyn-based Cresilon, which makes Traumagel, says that in addition to stopping bleeding quickly, the product’s “flowable” properties can improve the safety of treating something like a gunshot wound.

Idaho school district says parental consent needed before students can be treated with Band-Aid, medicine following new law. Senate Bill 1329 went into effect in July and includes a section that states that "an individual shall not furnish a health care service or solicit to furnish a health care service to a minor child without obtaining the prior consent of the minor child's parent." It defines health care service as anything that includes a diagnosis, care, screening, prevention, cure, examination, or relief of any physical or mental health condition, illness or injury.

Disney’s not alone in saying your clicks means you can’t sue. Every day, consumers may be unknowingly signing away their rights to sue companies – such as online retail platforms, gig economy apps, and streaming services – even if the claims have no relation to the service a person signed up for...Disney joins other companies such as Airbnb and Walmart that are using increasingly aggressive strategies in attempts to steer lawsuits they face from consumers into arbitration, a private legal process viewed as disadvantaging plaintiffs. Customers more and more must agree to contracts with sweeping arbitration clauses to use their services, but the consequences can be larger than they can be expected to comprehend.

Big changes to how you buy and sell a home go into effect today: What you need to know. The second change affects the relationship between prospective home buyers and their real estate agents. Buyers must now sign a legally binding representation agreement with their agent before they can begin touring homes together.

Overinvolved in your college kid’s life? It’s understandable but not helpful, experts say. As much as you may want to help your kid as they go off to school, getting immediately involved in their college choices and challenges will likely backfire, Lahey added. Experts explain why it’s beneficial for adults to let their college students take charge of their own lives – even if they are clumsy and make mistakes.

Brain scans of some unresponsive hospital patients show detectable activity. Scans suggest many people with severe brain injuries are more aware than originally thought. The study looked at 353 patients who, from the outside, seemed to have lost consciousness due to a brain injury. The sources of these injuries varied from accidents to heart attacks and strokes. Of those patients, 241 were diagnosed as being in a coma, a vegetative state or having only minimal consciousness. The researchers gave the patients verbal commands, like telling them to imagine themselves swimming or to open and close their hands. For 60 of the 241 patients, there was evidence that they could still perform those tasks in their head. The study refers to this as “cognitive motor dissociation.” Some doctors prefer the term “covert awareness.”

With cases rising, FDA authorizes first over-the-counter home syphilis test. Until now, people who suspected that they had the sexually transmitted infection had to go to a doctor to get tested. With the new test from the biotech company NOWDiagnostics, it will take the user just 15 minutes and a single drop of blood to determine whether they have syphilis.

‘SNL’ Alum Victoria Jackson Says She Has an Inoperable Tumor Amid Cancer Battle. The actress and comedian estimated that she has roughly three years to live. “[Doctors] cannot operate and cut out the marble in my chest that is laying on my windpipe, and eventually would suffocate me to death,” Jackson explained in the lengthy video...The Ocean Ave. actress added in the caption for Wednesday’s Instagram video, “Cancer Update: I have 34.8 months to live if I don’t get hit by a meteor, shot by a MAGA hater, get Covid again or WWIII breaks out.”

Earthquake scientists are learning warning signs of the 'big one.' When should they tell the public? A magnitude-9.0 earthquake on the Cascadia fault and the resulting tsunami would kill an estimated 14,000 people in Oregon and Washington, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. But if a smaller quake like the one Japan just saw happened near Cascadia, seismologists would have to decide on the fly whether and how to alert the public. It’s the scenario Tobin has been thinking about for years: If he finds clues that a devastating earthquake is more likely, even just slightly, what warrants sounding the alarm? If the odds say you would be crying wolf — should you?

RIP Jack Russell. He was 63.

Take a break from all the above chaos and tune in to 99.9 Waiting for the Comet. The songs you love. The songs you forgot you love. And the songs you don’t yet know you love.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.