Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday, April 30, 2018

And another day of questions, expenses, migrants, and the case of the missing tree comes to a close:

“Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions.” -- Harold S. Geneen

New York Times obtains list of questions Mueller reportedly wants to ask Trump.

The Trump campaign has spent nearly $228,000 to cover some of the legal expenses for President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen, raising questions about whether the Trump campaign may have violated campaign finance laws. More questions mount.

In a press conference with the Nigerian president Monday, Trump linked the travel ban to his call for a wall along the Mexican border — even if some will be able to scale it. “A small percentage can climb to the top, but they have to be in pretty good shape.” We really do live in Bizarro World these days.

Newly released documents show George Mason University, Virginia’s largest public university, granted Charles Koch Foundation a say in the hiring and firing of professors in exchange for millions of dollars in donations.W. T. F?

Stormy Daniels sues Trump for defamation over ‘con job’ tweet.

Migrants in caravan criticized by President Trump begin turning themselves in at US-Mexico border to seek asylum.

Trump defies Fifa with repeated threat over World Cup bid. It seems like his only “negotiating” skill is to issue threats.

Senate Democrats plan to force vote on net neutrality May 9th.

The Trump administration is coming under fire for rewriting a federal rule that bars discrimination in health care due to "gender identity."

Get ready for the most expensive driving season in years.

The mysterious disappearance of a tree planted in the White House grounds last week by President Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron has been solved: It's in quarantine. Whew, I’m glad that’s been taken care of.

“What’s going on?” Rare form of eye cancer detected in two groups in two states.

“The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it is conformity.” -- Rollo May

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday, April 29, 2018

And another day of threats, deletions, changing parties, and a missing tree comes to a close:

“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.” -- William Shakespeare

The Justice Department Deleted Language About Press Freedom And Racial Gerrymandering From Its Internal Manual.

President Trump says he might support a government shutdown this fall if Congress doesn’t meet his funding demands for border security.

Guns banned during Pence’s appearance at NRA convention. There is no end to Republican hypocrisy. Guns in schools...with kids...yes. Guns at an NRA speech given by the VP...not so much.

Trump blasted Democrats, James Comey and the media in a campaign-style rally in Michigan Saturday night. He’s such a small man.

Joy Reid says she “genuinely” doesn’t believe she wrote anti-LGBT blog posts, but acknowledged previously holding those views.

Former George W. Bush ethics lawyer chooses to run for U.S. Senate as a Democrat. Um, that speaks volumes.

Teachers say 'frustration' over decade of cuts to education is fueling nationwide revolt. "It's not about our salaries."

The world watched as Trump and Macron planted a sapling from a WWI battlefield on the White House lawn. Now it’s gone...

Myanmar policeman who testified Reuters reporters Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo were framed is sentenced to prison.

"Pope Francis remains silent over the abuse indigenous children suffered for 150 years at the hands of Catholic priests."

Woman found with loaded gun inside vagina after traffic stop by police. A bullet was in the chamber.

“Happiness can exist only in acceptance.” -- George Orwell

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday, April 27, 2018

And another day things that make you go hmmmm, comes to a close:

“Society, have mercy on me. I hope you’re not angry if I disagree.” -- Eddie Veder

Yesterday, Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, forced out (fired, actually) the House chaplain. Members of both parties expressed outrage about the move. It might be tied to a prayer the chaplain made about the GOP tax bill.

Today, lawmakers demand answers from Ryan about his decision to oust the chaplain. The Rev. Patrick Conroy still doesn’t know why Ryan asked him to resign.

How Trump’s travel ban became normal. “Trump’s travel ban, now in its third iteration, is currently being enforced in full; it’s been in effect since December.” And hardly anyone noticed. Where’s the resistance that accompanied the first travel ban? “These changes are almost entirely the result of the Trump administration’s attempt to build a court-proof travel ban.”

A taped conversation reveals how national Democrats are trying to dissuade insurgents.

Chance the Rapper spurns Trump after president thanks him: 'I’d never support anyone who has made a career out of hatred, racism and discrimination'. Yeah, that sums it up.

Trump has a 40.6% approval rating. Approving of Trump is approving of hatred, bigotry, racism, misogyny, discrimination, and white patriarchy.

Republicans say 51-37 percent that the media is the enemy of the people, rather than an important part of democracy, the only group to believe that. Holy shit. Republicanism is a disease. From Trump/Comey to legalizing marijuana, there’s more from the Quinnipiac Poll.

Lawyer who met with Trump Jr. says she is informant for Russian government.

Colorado teachers are protesting this week for higher salaries and increased money for schools, prompting questions about why the state's booming marijuana sales have not fixed the funding problems.

100 US mayors sign pledge to defend Net Neutrality against crooked ISPs.

Trump: “What happened with the Paralympics was so incredible and so inspiring to me. And I watched--it’s a little tough to watch too much, but I watched as much as I could.” Fuck. You. Asshole.

For four months, two Reuters journalists have languished behind bars for exposing a massacre of Rohingya in Myanmar.

An investigation into the death of a mentally ill man who was repeatedly tased in his shower by two West Milwaukee, Wisconsin, police officers has concluded with no charges being filed, Milwaukee County District Attorney says.

New Trump teen pregnancy approach stresses abstinence. Sex education advocates say it looks a lot like the abstinence-only approach they feared it would be. And they say they don’t understand why programs that had been demonstrated to work are being tossed aside for a whole new approach. People are supposed to have sex. It’s innate within us. Educate them, don’t demand that they shouldn’t have sex. That goes against nature.

Sixty-five women in TV television industry circulate letter in support of NBC's Tom Brokaw.

Archaeologists find ancient mass child sacrifice in Peru. 140 skeletons of children between the ages of 5 and 14.

The iPhone boom times may finally be officially over.

“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.” -- Anton Chekhov

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday, April 26, 2018

And another day of tweets, a verdict, a protest, and a memorial comes to a close:

“Everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people.” -- The Refreshments

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 14-7 to approve legislation aimed at protecting special counsel Mueller. Four Republicans joined the Democrats in support.

Ronny Jackson withdraws as VA secretary nominee. As usual, all the best people.

Trump Acknowledges Michael Cohen Represented Him In Stormy Daniels Payment. Um, didn’t he originally say he knew nothing about it?

Why Kanye West’s Pro-Trump tweets are a real threat. “The conservative movement has never had an advocate as cool as Kanye West and many should be alarmed...When you wear that hat [MAGA], you are aligning yourself with the man who wants to deport immigrants who have done nothing but pursue a better life; to bar trans people from serving in our military; to subject gay, bi and queer people to legally protected prejudices of all variances; to subject black people to harsher realities in every facet of our lives; to deny women autonomy over their own bodies. Worse, you are joining the likes of the tiki-torch–clutching white supremacists who stormed Charlottesville in the promotion of what that hat and the man behind it symbolizes.” Said, perfectly.

Starved, sexually assaulted, enslaved. Unaccompanied immigrant children have been sent to homes where they are exploited and a US Senate panel found government policy is delaying moves that could protect them. Health and Human Services says it lost track of 1,475 migrant children. Did they fall into the hands of human traffickers? To some, these kids are thought of as “lesser” because they’re immigrants. It makes it easier to not care about them.

In Colorado and Arizona, waves of outraged teachers are protesting at the state capitols to press their demands.

Bill Cosby guilty on all three counts.

Two women accuse former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw of sexual misconduct.

At least 11,800 people now serving in the military have a spouse or family member facing deportation, according to data from American Families United, a group that advocates for the families.

The first national memorial to the victims of lynching in the United States opens today in Montgomery, Alabama. Never forget the horrors of humanity’s past, or else we’re doomed to repeat them.

Golden State Killer suspect was tracked down through genealogy websites.

The latest survey of autism in U.S. kids shows big variations from one state to another but add to evidence that autism is becoming steadily more common. Awareness alone can’t count for the increase, researchers say.

CNN's Sanjay Gupta takes unusual step of urging Attorney General Jeff Sessions to change his mind on his opposition to medical marijuana.

Amazon Prime is increasing to $119.

Trump warns other nations not to undermine a joint North American bid to host the World Cup in 2026.

Remember, American football is horrible sport...and the NFL is a horrible league. Stop supporting it.

“Education is the foundation upon which we build our future.” -- Christine Gregoire

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

And another day of admitting, dropping, and finding comes to a close:

“In American mythology, people are rich because of ‘hard work.’ Yet nobody can explain why those who do all the actual labor have no money.” -- Steven Salaita

Mick Mulvaney, head of a consumer watchdog, told bankers he only spoke to lobbyists who paid him. “If you’re a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn’t talk to you. If you’re a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you.” Did he just admit corruption? Taking bribes? It’s certainly not democracy.

US drops to 45th in press freedom ranking due to "media-bashing enthusiast" Trump.

Look, there really is a Trump Train.

Jeff Sessions won't recuse himself from Michael Cohen's case. The Attorney General had once promised to sit out cases linked to the 2016 election.

James Comey says his own experience in college joining with others to bully a classmate helped shape the person he is today.

Gunman wounds 2 Dallas police officers, store employee.

The Toronto van killer posted about sexual rejection before the attack on Monday.

A decades-long search for the "Golden State KIller" — who police say committed 12 murders, 45 rapes, and 120 home burglaries during a reign of terror back in the 1970s and 1980s — may be finally over.

Federal judge in Spokane, Washington halts Trump cuts to Planned Parenthood teen pregnancy program.

27% of solo parents (those without a spouse or partner) are living in poverty: 30% of solo mothers, and 17% of solo fathers.

Nearly 7-in-10 Democrats and just 18% of Republicans say dealing with climate change should be a top policy priority this year. Because Republicans don’t need the environment to survive? Republicanism is a disease.

Climate change will make thousands of islands uninhabitable. A new study says it'll happen sooner than we thought.

Five black women were kicked off a golf course in Pennsylvania after the club owners said they were playing too slowly and took too long of a break between holes.

Amazon and Tesla facilities named among the most dangerous workplaces in America.

You can now set your Gmail messages to expire or protect them with a passcode.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” -- Arthur C. Clarke

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

And another day where “If I was as black I’d be picking cotton, but I’m white so I’m picking you,” is somehow a prom proposal finally comes to a close:

“And if your head explodes with dark forebodings, too. I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon.” -- Pink Floyd

Senate committee approves Trump’s nominee, Mike Pompeo, for secretary of state. Of course they did. Horrible people support other horrible people.

Adopting a strategy successfully employed by the tobacco industry, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt announced a sweeping new regulation that would restrict the kinds of scientific studies the agency can use in developing its regulations. Scott Pruitt is a horrible person. You know it. I know it. He needs to go.

Republicans want answers from embattled EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.

Flight records undercut Trump’s claims to Comey. Of course he stayed overnight in Russia, you’re not stupid. Gullible and scared, maybe, but not stupid...not really, right?

Republicans want to throw the book at Colorado teachers getting ready to strike. The bill would stop public school teachers and teachers’ unions from organizing strikes against employers. There’s more. None of it good for teachers, of course. Republicanism is a disease.

"There is not one single official willing to swear on the record to a national-security-based need for the travel ban," former CIA Director Michael Hayden told NPR.

Inside Sinclair Broadcasting’s hostile takeover. Trump is setting up Sinclair to be the next Fox News.

Facebook is unveiling its guidelines for deciding what its 2.2 billion users can post on the social network, including hate speech, pornography, and even cannibalism.

New federal data finds continuing disparities in how students of color and those with disabilities are disciplined and in the opportunities they get in school. Police interactions are the opportunities for those that are thought of as “lesser.”

“Promposal” sparks outrage. America, 2018.

Amazon wants to shove packages in your car's trunk now, too.

Children with rare, incurable disease that causes rapid aging and early death may live longer if treated with an experimental drug first developed for cancer patients, a study suggests. Science. It matters.

As if the name of the planet wasn't enough, scientists recently discovered Uranus is home to fart-smelling clouds. Poor Uranus. No respect.

“Where words fail, music speaks.” -- Hans Christian Andersen

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday, April 23, 2018

And another day of flips and flops, bending and stretching, comes to a close:

“Who needs power when everything’s wonderful.” -- Amanda Anderson

A new study finds that Trump voters weren’t losing income or jobs. Instead, they were concerned about their place in the world. We’re all humans on this little blue orb floating through space. No one is better than another. Our place in the world is that we need to help one another, not hate someone because of their skin color or language they speak. None of that matters. What matters is that we’re here, and we--humanity that is--can do such great things if we’d just stop being assholes to one another.

Rand Paul flips vote after talking with Trump and will now vote for Mike Pompeo, putting him on track for committee approval. Figures.

And Pompeo advances out of committee.

Nine dead, 16 injured in Toronto after van strikes pedestrians.

John Bolton chaired anti-Muslim think tank. He chaired a nonprofit that has promoted misleading and false anti-Muslim news, some of which was amplified by a Russian troll factory. “Jihadist takeover,” “ Great White Death.” Why of course he chaired this group.

Michael Cohen case shines light on Sean Hannity's property empire. He’s such a horrible person.

Martha And Bela Karolyi Deny Knowing About Larry Nassar's Sexual Abuse And Defend Their Gymnastics Training.

Trump’s revenge: U.S. oil floods Europe, hurting OPEC and Russia.

Scientists can now make diamonds bend and stretch like rubber.

“We are afraid to care too much, for fear that the other person does not care at all.” -- Eleanor Roosevelt

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sunday, April 22, 2018

And another day with a national downgrade, and of course another shooting, comes to a close:

“I can’t remember all the times I tried to tell myself to hold on to these moments as they pass.” -- Counting Crows

Every day is Earth Day. Take care of her and she will take care of us. Don’t take care of her and she will still take care of us...and then we’ll be gone.

The U.S. Was Just Downgraded from a 'Full' to 'Flawed Democracy'. While U.S. citizens could once claim to be part of the 9% of people in the world governed by a “full democracy,” they are now part of the near 45% who live in a “flawed democracy.” And we all have those who voted for the current incarnation of Republican to blame.

Jay Feely says picture with gun, his daughter and her prom date was a joke. Yeah, I’m sure it was. The problem is that it’s not funny. Stop doing that shit.

4 people were killed after a naked gunman opened fire at a Waffle House near Nashville. Police are searching for a suspect.

The mayor of Nashville demands stricter gun control after the shooting at a Tennessee Waffle House.

Trump challenges Native Americans’ historical standing. “The Trump administration says Native Americans might need to get a job if they want to keep their health care — a policy that tribal leaders say will threaten access to care and reverse centuries-old protections.”

ISIS Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 50 Outside Afghanistan Voter Registration Center.

Jerry Falwell Jr.’s Liberty University makes millions of dollars from low-quality online courses.

One in eight birds is threatened with extinction, global study finds.

Cities and nations are looking at banning plastic straws and stirrers in hopes of addressing the world's plastic pollution problem.

“Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.” -- Paulo Coelho

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Saturday, April 21, 2018

And another day--one where I kind of relaxed and stayed away from the news cycle for most of it--comes to a close:

“It’s no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” -- Jiddu Krishnamurti

Natalie Portman says to skip Israeli ceremony due to Netanyahu speech. And she’s gotten some shit for it.

Mitt Romney fails to secure GOP nomination for US Senate seat in Utah.

India's Cabinet passes an executive order to make the rape of a girl under 12 punishable by death as national outrage grows over sexual violence in the country.

Colin Kaepernick named Amnesty International Ambassador of Conscience.

President Trump considers posthumous pardon of boxer Jack Johnson after call from Sylvester Stallone.

Raging demand for tutoring makes math teacher a billionaire. Chinese parents spend an average of $42,892 on their children’s education.

No one should eat romaine lettuce — or any lettuce at all — unless they can be sure it’s not from Arizona.

World's oldest person dies in Japan at age 117.

The average American utters their first curse word of the day at 10:54 am. Slackers.

Tomorrow is Earth Day. Treat the planet nice. It’s the only one we’ve got.

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” -- Buddha

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday, April 20, 2018

And another day of smoking weed, road rage, and Republicans denying the natural instinct to have sex comes to a close:

“There is nothing makes a man suspect much, more than to know little, and therefore men should remedy suspicion by procuring to know more, and not keep their suspicions in smother.” -- Francis Bacon

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper won't rule out banning marijuana again. Here's why. We need a lot more data than just oh look marijuana was made illegal in 2014 and the crime rate has been rising since 2014. Making the conclusion that the former is the cause of the latter is not good mathematics.

Trump administration will shift federal funding aimed at reducing teen pregnancy rates to programs that teach abstinence. You know, toward a program that has been proven to not work. You know, because people are supposed to have sex. It’s in our genes to fuck. Educate the youth about it.

Kim Jong Un's government says it has suspended nuclear and long-range missile tests and it plans to close a nuclear test site.

Now ICE is targeting immigrants for being married to US citizens.

Alex Jones, Backtracking, Now Says Sandy Hook Shooting Did Happen. Hmmm, a lawsuit got him to see reality. What a waste of flesh he is.

Engineers are leaving Trump’s America for the Canadian dream.

Cops: ‘Irate’ man shot at woman who cut in front of him on I-20 in DeKalb County; woman hit by shattered glass. Because everyone having guns is obviously the answer.

A Texas charter school is apologizing after a teacher gave an assignment to an eighth grade American History class, asking students to list the positive aspects of slavery.

Texas court rules 2015 revenge porn law is unconstitutional.

AI helps grow 6 billion roaches at China's largest breeding site. Because there aren’t enough roaches? They are eventually crushed to make a "healing potion" that cures ailments like stomach ache.

There is a new warning tonight for anyone who has recently bought any type of romaine lettuce: if you don't know where it was grown, throw it out.

Making medical marijuana available might help reduce opioid prescriptions, researchers reported.

Retired couples face $280,000 in health care costs, Fidelity estimates.

Volcano in southern Japan erupts for first time in 250 years.

Fruit flies help explain why a male orgasm matters. Ejaculation is rewarding--just ask a fruit fly. When a male doesn't enjoy enough of it, he's prone to drink. (As fruit flies go, so go human males).

“Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature.” -- Marilyn Monroe

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday, April 19, 2018

And another day of the leaders of this “pro-life nation” cherry picking the lives they view as important yet disregarding the rest comes to a close:

“In spite of all my fears, I can see it all so clear.” -- Of Monsters and Men

Rosenstein told Trump last week he is not a target in Russia probe.

Rudy Giuliani is joining Trump’s personal legal team for the Mueller probe. “I’m doing it because I hope we can negotiate an end to this for the good of the country and because I have high regard for the president and Bob Mueller.” Hmmm. Or might it have something to do with Cohen and, well you know, New York?

In closed-door UN meetings, Trump administration officials pushed abstinence-based policy and teaching women...wait for it...sexual “refusal skills.” They went much farther to the right than the opinions expressed by most other countries including Russia and the representative for the Arab states. WTF? Farther to the right than the Arab states? They went on to say the US was a “pro-life” nation and asked for references to contraception, abortion, and comprehensive sex education to be struck from a document on international gender equality. Yep, we all lose when you vote Republican. There’s so much more. Read it yourself. America, 2018.

Holy cow. Your DNA can end up on people you’ve never even met. Then things can get really bad when they get murdered. Once it’s out in the world, DNA doesn’t always stay put.

Report: Palantir helped a JPMorgan security team spy on employees and executives.

Athletes testify sexual abuse 'a much bigger problem than just' Larry Nassar.

A Catholic hospital in Austin forces patients who miscarry to consent to fetal burials. For one woman, that made a painful loss even worse -- and she worries it could soon become routine across Texas.

Syracuse University suspends fraternity after video surfaces of members taking racist oath. The video showed fraternity members taking a racist oath and making hostile comments toward gay people and people with disabilities. I’m too pissed off to find something to say. Fuckers.

Chuck Schumer will unveil a marijuana decriminalization bill on Friday—which, yes, is 4/20. Call your senators and tell them to vote to decriminalize marijuana.

FDA panel approves marijuana-based epilepsy drug. It’s been approved to treat Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

After YouTube built the system that recommends videos to its users, one former employee said he watched as it started pushing users toward conspiracy videos.

The U.S. is finally getting a system to warn West Coasters when an earthquake is coming.

E coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce now in 16 states, over 50 people sickened.

“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.” -- Leonardo da Vinci

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

And another day where, “With all due respect, I don’t get confused,” comes to a close:

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.” -- George Orwell

Trump tweeted that Comey was not fired because of Russia investigation. Um, he said the exact opposite in an interview on NBC last year. Orwell rolls in his grave.

Wisconsin Attorney General (A top Republican official) says Trump won Wisconsin because of Voter ID Law. The law blocked thousands of Wisconsinites from voting in 2016, predominantly in Democratic-leaning areas. You can bet Wisconsin wasn’t an isolated case.

Nikki Haley responds to White House blame over sanctions: “With all due respect, I don’t get confused.” MAGA = Morons Are Governing America

Report Says Sean Hannity Linked To Other Trump-Connected Attorneys, Besides Cohen. Hannity needs to go.

Trump says Stormy Daniels sketch is of a 'nonexistent man'. How would he know that? Unless of course it’s a sketch of a real man that he knows. Seems there would be no reason to protest if it wasn’t a real person.

Pompeo nomination runs into more U.S. Senate Democrat opposition.

11 House Republicans call for prosecutions of Clinton, Comey, Lynch, and others. Republicanism is a disease.

Lawyers: Journalist was detained by ICE because of reporting. He’s been “critical” of their work. That should ring alarm bells. It is not America.

Former FBI Director James Comey says the Republican Party no longer represents his values and that he "can't be associated with it".

Pittsburgh police preparing for protest if President Trump fires Robert Mueller; detectives required to have riot gear.

The Resistance is infiltrating Trump Country. About goddamn time.

Majorities of teens and parents of teens are worried about the possibility of a shooting happening at their school.

Bump stock maker Slide Fire will stop taking orders and is shutting down its website. Hmmm, they said they will process and ship all orders taken prior to May 20. I’m thinking there’s about to be a major bump stock run. Why not just stop taking orders immediately and only process and fill those taken before today? Oh, that’s right, because of money. I can be so foolish some times.

Senator Duckworth proposes rule change to allow senators to bring infants on the Senate floor.

Then later in the day: In a rare move, the US Senate has voted to allow newborns -- for the first time -- onto the Senate floor during votes.

Child marriage on the rise among Syrian refugee girls in Jordan. “I wish I could have continued my studies.”

Retiring GOP congressman resigns immediately to halt ethics committee sexual harassment investigation. You know. Like you do.

Ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal reaches settlement with tabloid over agreement that blocked her from speaking about alleged affair with Trump. She’s now free to tell her story.

Trump: “Melania and I send our prayers to Barbara’s husband of 73 years. I’ll never beat that record.” WTF?

Professor sends out tweet trashing Barbara Bush. She then writes that she would never be fired because she has tenure and free-speech rights. Ah, an example of how to abuse tenure. That’s not what tenure is for, Miss Jarrar.

Puerto Rico hit by island-wide power blackout. Yeah, there’s still the Puerto Rico situation.

On this day in 1906: The Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. It ranks as one of the most significant earthquakes of all time.

“It takes a long time to become young.” -- Pablo Picasso

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

And another day of McConnell being McConnell, Starbucks doing PR damage, and plastic eating enzymes comes to a close:

“I will prepare and some day my chance will come.” -- Abraham Lincoln

Senate won’t consider measure to protect Mueller, McConnell says. McConnell: “I am the one who decides what we take to the floor. That’s my responsibility as majority leader. And we will not be having this on the floor of the Senate.” Because you’re part of the coverup, Mitch. Does it go to you, too? You act like it does.

Neil Gorsuch sides with liberals in Supreme Court deportation case. Hmmmm. Will Trump now get pissed off because he can’t understand why he can’t fire Gorsuch?

US, UK issue joint warning on Russian hackers.

Stormy Daniels releases a composite sketch of the man she says threatened her in a Las Vegas parking lot to stay quiet about alleged relationship with Donald Trump. Popcorn, anyone?

How Trump has gone further than any president to make the U.S. even more dominant in the global weapons trade.

One of Congress’ most unpopular Republicans might not even have a Democratic opponent in November. Representative Dana Rohrabacher might just get lucky. Jesus, people. Get someone in there to challenge this guy.

Hannity’s ethics under fire. Let’s be very clear here: Hannity doesn’t have any ethics.

Broadband advisor picked by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai arrested on fraud charges. Of course he did.

A new report concludes the EPA broke the law when it spent more than $43,000 to build a soundproof privacy booth in Scott Pruitt's office.

Facebook to combat pornography and hate speech with more content reviewers.

Starbucks plans to close more than 8,000 US stores for anti-bias training.

One person dead after Southwest plane engine failed in midair, forcing emergency landing.

Morrissey is a poor excuse for a human being.

A new study finds athletes and veterans who suffer even minor concussions can have problems focusing in class and taking in new information.

City mice carry disease-causing bacteria with drug-resistant genes.

Scientists have engineered an enzyme which can digest some of our most commonly polluting plastics, providing a potential solution to one of the world’s biggest environmental problems.

RIP Barbara Bush. She was 92.

RIP Harry Anderson. He was 65.

“Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.” -- George Eliot

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday, April 16, 2018

And another day of mystery clients, talking cars, and red lingerie comes to a close:

“Don’t worry about me Mama, I’m alright.” -- The Gaslight Anthem

Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen’s mystery third client is none other than...Sean Hannity. This shit is hysterical. And now you know why Hannity verbally fellates Trump on air practically every night. Fox News is propaganda. Turn that shit off. Damn it, I dropped my popcorn. Be right back. Or for us old timers: brb.

Sean Hannity says he never retained Trump lawyer Michael Cohen. Mmmm hmmmm. If that’s true, then Cohen just lied to a federal judge.

Read the transcript of James Comey’s interview about Donald Trump.

Trump lashes out at Comey after explosive interview.

Legal fees made up more than 20% of Trump’s campaign spending so far this year. Wow. What a racket.

Windfall from tax cuts isn’t going to workers: Savings are flowing to company stockholders, trickle to hourly workers. “Most of the extra cash from tax savings is going into the pockets of stock shareholders through dividend increases and companies buying back their own stock in hopes of boosting its price.” We all lose when you vote Republican.

The New Yorker and The New York Times win the pulitzer prize for public service. Thank you for your contributions regarding sexual harassment and assault, and for “sounding the alarm on devastating attacks on civil rights during the first year of the Trump Administration.” You know, those “fake news” outlets.

Most of Toyota's cars will talk to each other by 2025.

More than 13% of all organs transplanted in the US now come from people who died of a drug overdose.

Test scores show American students made no progress in reading since 1998, experts speculate standardized tests to blame.

Handmaid's Tale-inspired lingerie seems like a very bad idea, but someone is making it anyway. The red version of the lingerie line has been given the name “Offred.” Christ in a basket, these people.

“The best way to find out if you can trust someone is to trust them.” -- Ernest Hemingway

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Sunday, April 15, 2018

And another day of a Twitter tantrum, failing health, and me wondering what the hell I was thinking having kids comes to a close:

Have kids, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. Yeah, whatever.

In a barrage of tweets Sunday morning, Trump took aim at James Comey, ripping the fired FBI director as "slippery" and a "slimeball." You know, like great leaders do. Oh, I’m sorry, I mean like someone who is scared shitless does.

Two new polls show that around four in 10 Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his job as president. Around 40% of my fellow Americans are so disappointing.

Joe Biden refuses to rule out White House run in 2020. Rule it out, Joe. Rule. It. Out.

Former first lady Barbara Bush in “failing health,” won’t seek medical treatment.

Starbucks CEO apologizes for arrest of two black men waiting in Philadelphia store.

Janitor, Lyft driver, retail worker - after putting in a full day of teaching, the workday isn't over for teachers who need to make ends meet.

Facebook collects data on non-Facebook users. If they want to delete it they have to sign up.

200 million eggs recalled over salmonella concerns.

As the second anniversary of Prince's death approaches, his heirs have yet to collect a dollar of his estimated $200 million estate. But bankers, lawyers and consultants have earned millions from it.

The next flagship iPhone may cost more than the iPhone X. And the next flagship iPhone will be another one I don’t buy.

“Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them.” -- P.J. O’Rourke

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Saturday, April 14, 2018

And another day of some interesting stats and facts comes to a close:

“I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.” -- Thomas Jefferson

Whether you agree with the strike in Syria or not, It was manifestly unconstitutional.

Mueller has evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of dossier. But Cohen has said he’s “never been to Prague in his life.” Interesting...

How Often Do People Use Guns In Self-Defense? "The average person ... has basically no chance in their lifetime ever to use a gun in self-defense," he tells Here & Now's Robin Young. "But ... every day, they have a chance to use the gun inappropriately. They have a chance, they get angry. They get scared." But you know, math and science and all. They don’t matter.

How Facebook 'likes' predict race, religion and sexual orientation. With just 10 likes, a computer model fundamentally knows you better than a colleague, according to additional research published by Kosinski in 2015. With 70 likes, it knows you better than a friend or roommate; with 150 likes, better than a family member. And with 300 likes, Big Data knows you better than your spouse.

Harvard’s Institute of Politics poll found that 64% of 18- to 29-year-olds are more fearful than hopeful about the future of America. “Young Democrats under 30 blamed politicians (77% responsible), Donald Trump (77% responsible), money in politics (75% responsible), structural racism (69% responsible) and lack of access to higher education (66% responsible) as the most significant factors responsible for the state of politics and society today. The top five factors Republicans believe are responsible are: the media (72%), politicians (70% responsible), political correctness (64% responsible), money in politics (63% responsible), with other Americans (45%), a distant fifth.“ Seriously. Look at those reasons. Republicans blame the media, political correctness, and other Americans. WTF? Republicanism is a disease.

233 Members of Congress Just Voted to Steal Social Security’s $2.9 Trillion Surplus. “Fortunately for Social Security beneficiaries, the amendment did not attain the two-thirds majority required to pass the House. But those who voted for it are now on the record in support of stealing the American people’s earned Social Security benefits.” A list of the Members of Congress who voted for it is included.

Experts sign open letter slamming Europe’s proposal to recognize robots as legal persons. “Over 150 experts in AI, robotics, commerce, law, and ethics from 14 countries have signed an open letter denouncing the European Parliament’s proposal to grant personhood status to intelligent machines.”

New Gmail update said to add self-destructing email you can't print or forward. Let the conspiracies begin!

How to take on ‘Big Sugar’ and win. Start treating it like nicotine. 'The awful truth is that it is now normal to be fat. People of average weight are in the minority'.

Airplanes may soon install sleeping compartments in the cargo area.

“Liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people.” -- John Adams

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday, April 13, 2018

And another day where reading the news is like reading the transcript of a three-year old throwing a tantrum (or causes you to throw one yourself) oh so mercilessly comes to a close:

“The condition of a condition of war of everyone against everyone.” -- Thomas Hobbes

The US just bombed Syria. What happens next?

Russian ambassador to the US warns of "consequences" after strikes on Syria. Live update.

How the fuck did we get here?

Trump's pick to be America's top diplomat doesn't think gay marriage should be legal. And so he needs to go.

Trump pardons ex-Cheney aide Scooter Libby. Don’t assume this was out of the goodness of his heart. He has other plans.

On Friday, venture capitalist Elliott Broidy resigned from his RNC post after he acknowledged paying $1.6 million to a former "Playboy" model who said he had gotten her pregnant. The lawyer who negotiated the payoff: Michael Cohen.

House Republicans propose strict work requirements for food stamp recipients. Such horrible people.

Wells Fargo says it will keep lending to gun manufacturers, even as two of its competitors have taken a step away from the gun industry since a shooting at a Florida high school left 17 people dead.

How the Vietnam war created America’s modern “white power” movement.

Larry Nassar sexual assault victim accuses MSU of pressuring her to accept a secret payoff.

The science is clear: Alcohol causes cancer, particularly breast cancer. But the booze industry has worked hard to downplay the risk. Sounds familiar.

Trump is already trying to call off his attorney general’s war on marijuana. But nobody knows if Trump can be trusted.

Weed is known for relieving nausea and vomiting, but if you use too much, it can have the opposite effect.

America’s flat-earth movement appears to be growing. Stupidity. It’s the latest fad.

“It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.” -- Voltaire

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thursday, April 12, 2018

And another day of a “tiger” running through Manhattan, suicides, unions, football, a book, and oh yeah, a “love child” comes to a close:

“Now will you ride, with an angel by your side? Or will you just completely blow your mind?” -- Monster Magnet

The White House is preparing to cast Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as too conflicted to fairly oversee the Russia probe. The shit should hit the fan if they get rid of him.

Ex-FBI Director James Comey says in new book that Donald Trump is “unethical and untethered to truth,” and that he demanded loyalty like a mafia boss.

The Most Important News Out of Jim Comey’s Explosive New Book: Trump didn't care when briefed about the Russian attack.

5 eye-popping revelations from James Comey’s book excerpts.

The Donald Trump “love child” payoff scandal, explained. A doorman claims Trump had a child out of wedlock with his housekeeper — and the National Enquirer paid him $30,000 to shut up. Stranger things have happened.

Emails Show EPA Staff Were Concerned that Pruitt Kept Repeating False Information. His statements about fuel efficiency standards were “very troubling,” and “inaccurate.” Scott Pruitt is a horrible person.

Trump judicial nominee refuses to say if landmark civil rights opinion was correctly decided. America, 2018. Sheesh these people.

Trump tells top officials to look at rejoining TPP, one year after withdrawing from it.

House Republicans are voting to make deficits unconstitutional after their $1.5 trillion tax cut.

Republican Bob Corker on the GOP tax bill he voted for: "If it ends up costing what has been laid out here, it could well be one of the worst votes I've made.” Yup. It will be.

Holocaust is fading from memory, survey finds. That’s depressing news. Educate your kids about it. Keep it alive in memory or history will repeat itself.

Obama is more admired than Trump in every country except Russia: poll. Not surprising.

A majority of Southerners--55%--say they support allowing homosexual couples to marry legally, a drastic turnaround for a region that strongly opposed gay marriage just a few years ago. Still not high enough.

A Woman Has Accused The Republican Governor Of Missouri, Eric Greitens Of Violent, Non-Consensual Sex. Um, isn’t that called rape?

Trump administration considers plan that would allow states to require certain food stamp recipients to undergo drug testing, handing a win to conservatives who've long sought ways to curb the safety net program.

Suicides left more officers and firefighters dead last year than all line-of-duty deaths combined — a jarring statistic that continues to plague first responders but garners little attention.

Oklahoma teachers union calls off nine day walkout.

Arizona Governor Agrees To 20 Percent Raise For Protesting Teachers.

Seattle Seahawks postpone visit after Colin Kaepernick won’t say if he’ll stop kneeling during anthem. has pleaded guilty to human trafficking in Texas, one week after federal authorities shut down the classified ads website.

A Chinese couple died in a car crash. Four years later, their child was born.

Toxic lead was found in hundreds of Chicago homes' tap water within the past two years, according to a Chicago Tribune analysis of results from the tested water.

Night owls have an increased risk of death, diabetes and psychological problems, according to a new study.

Any more than five drinks a week on average can take years off a person’s life, according to a new study of more than half a million people around the world.

Whale killed by pounds of plastic trash stuck in his stomach.

Leaked proposal shows Trump administration planning to kill crucial protections for threatened animals.

57 years ago today, Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space. 57 years. That’s nothing.

Some New Yorkers can’t tell the difference between a tiger and a raccoon. “Confused New Yorkers reported a tiger loose in Manhattan Thursday, but it turned out the wild animal was only a raccoon.” Hmmm. Was that a huge raccoon or what?

“One chance is all you need.” -- Jesse Owens

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

And another day where another one bites the dust comes to a close:

“Bluntly put, in the fewest of words: cunts are still running the world.” -- Jarvis Cocker

FBI sought Trump's communications with his personal lawyer regarding Access Hollywood.

Key Senate Republicans are finally admitting Trump might fire Mueller.

Trump warns Russia to "get ready" for U.S. strike on Syria.

How Russia will respond to possible strikes on its ally in Syria is a subject of uneasy speculation in Moscow.

Speaker Paul Ryan to Retire from Congress in January. Hmmm. He saw the writing on the wall. Good riddance.

How Paul Ryan lost and Donald Trump won the fight for the future of the GOP. Yep, the future of the GOP has given over to some of the most despicable and disgusting characteristics of humanity.

Trump wants Wendy Vitter, who thinks Planned Parenthood kills 150,000 women a year, to be a federal judge (a lifetime appointment). Of course he does.

Working people could still lose health coverage under Medicaid work requirements.

Pennsylvania school district arms teachers with small baseball bats as "last resort."

Facebook tracks your browsing activity around the web with the "like” button and when you visit advertiser pages via the "Facebook pixel.”

Jill Stein’s campaign has recently turned over documents to the Senate Intelligence Committee, BuzzFeed reports.

The President’s attack on Amazon shows that he’s willing to experiment with the tools at his disposal to reshape the economy around his preferences and resentments.

Fake marijuana likely contaminated with rat poison has killed three people in Illinois and caused severe bleeding in more than 100 others, including a few in four other states.

Arizona House passes bill requiring women seeking abortions to say why.

Florida’s sex industry ‘in a panic’ after feds shut down notorious Backpage website. “Sex workers all over the country are in a panic. It was affordable — 5 to 10 dollar ads, whereas many websites can charge as much as $200 to post an ad. Backpage was accessible to people living on the streets. People living in real dire situations.”

FTC makes clear 'warranty void if removed' stickers are illegal.

The myth of ‘learning styles.’ A lot of evidence suggests that people aren’t one kind of a learner or another.

“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” -- Abraham Lincoln

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

And another day of testifying before Congress, the Supreme Leader believing he IS the country, and another conservative threatening violence against a kid comes to a close:

“I don’t gamble, but if I did I would bet on us.” -- The Lumineers

White House says President Trump "certainly believes he has the power" to fire Special Counsel Mueller.

Some Republicans warn President Trump it would be "suicide" and a "massive mistake" to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

In new tantrum, Trump calls raid on his lawyer’s office an ‘attack on our country.’ Um, no. 9/11, Pearl Harbor, Russia interfering in 2016 elections were attacks on our country. This? This is just law and order in practice.

Facebook users: Here's how you can check right now to see if your personal information was shared with Cambridge Analytica.

Zuckerberg confirms Facebook is cooperating with Mueller.

Trump's homeland security adviser Bossert resigns on Bolton's request.

The Liberty City shooting shows the everyday gun violence we ignore. Stop ignoring it!

Sinclair host resigns after saying he'd take red-hot poker to Parkland student. Yes, he said he was “getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass.” Jesus, these people. Republicanism is a disease.

There is an "avalanche" of women running for office. Good.

Michigan State University discouraged student from reporting alleged rape by athletes, lawsuit claims.

Arizona Supreme Court: No more in-state tuition for Dreamers. Arizona is an embarrassment to the country.

A federal court has ruled that employers cannot use salary history to justify paying women less than men for the same work.

Lawmakers call for probe on whether human impact on climate change was edited out of report.

Hackers can hijack emergency sirens with a radio. Of course they can.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -- Helen Keller

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday, April 9, 2018

And another day of raids, raids, and more raids comes to a close:

FBI executes ‘series of search warrants,’ raids Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s office. They raid his office, home, and Manhattan hotel room. They took his emails, tax documents and business records from his office. I’m running out of popcorn, here!

Defense Sec. James Mattis is not ruling out possible U.S. airstrikes against Syria in the wake of an apparent chemical weapons attack.

'Implicit bias' replaces the 'R' word. This is how we explain cops killing black men.

100,000 California teens have preregistered to vote.

Anti-Scott rallies held as Florida’s Governor announces bid for U.S. Senate. Rick Scott is a horrible person.

Jeff Sessions is feeding the House GOP obsession with Hillary’s emails.

Trump Tower was on fire this weekend. Guess who lobbied against sprinkler laws? Can you say Donald Trump? I knew you could. The residential floors of the building lack sprinklers. Of course they do.

Fox News accidentally runs a poll showing how little people trust them.

Sen. Tammy Duckworth has baby, becomes first serving U.S. senator to give birth. This should have never been news.

Jessica Luther: The NFL's next big scandal is its disgusting treatment of its cheerleaders. Please stop watching the NFL.

Los Angeles is painting some of its roads white and the reasons why are pretty cool -- literally.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.