Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February 28, 2018

And another day of a public shaming, a White House staffer resigning, and of course, blaming Obama comes to a close:

“Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command. Your old road is rapidly agin’. Please get out of the new one if you can’t lend a hand, for the times they are a-changin’.” -- Bob Dylan

Mueller team asking whether Trump was aware of stolen Democratic emails before the public.

Mueller probing Trump’s attacks on attorney general. He’s investigating the period of time when Trump seemed determined to push Sessions to resign.

Those little white lies could be a very big problem for Hope Hicks. “Even a white lie implies intentional misleading.”

Then just a few hours later we learn: White House Communications Director Hope Hicks is Resigning. Hmmmm. That’s interesting.

Empty seats, missing friends as Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School reopens.

Trump voiced support for confiscating guns from certain individuals deemed to be dangerous, even if it violates due process. What the fuck? No really, what the fuck? He actually says (and if you don’t believe me, watch the video): “I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida. He had a lot of firearms. They saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time. You could do exactly what you’re [Pence] saying but take the guns first, go through the process second.” I’ll say it again: What the fuck? If Obama had said anything close to this the articles of impeachment would’ve been written before the afternoon was over, but for some reason when Trump says it, no one, not even the pro-gun crowd, says a goddamn thing. Really? For eight years, so many of you were terrified that Obama was coming for your guns only to see in the end that it was all in your heads. But now when your President actually says it, you say nothing. And don’t think that you’re safe because you’re not “crazy” because “crazy” is a relative term that can be redefined by whoever is in power.

In the hour long meeting, Trump did voice support for certain gun control measures.

Dick's Sporting Goods CEO Edward Stack has announced several gun sale restrictions at its over 600 nationwide chains, including no longer selling assault-style rifles. “Thoughts and prayers are not enough."

Walmart raises minimum age for firearm purchases to 21.

Trump prods party to defy NRA on guns, says Obama did too little.

Trump says he’ll ban bump stocks through executive order.

Nikola’s Cruz’s gun reportedly jammed with tons of ammo left.

Armed Georgia teacher in custody after report of shots fired at high school. He barricaded himself in a classroom then surrendered 30-45 minutes later. Tell me again how arming teachers is the solution.

The gun issue goes way beyond mass shootings, and arming teachers will not solve the far more widespread problem. The good guy with a gun thing is a myth. It’s like how you feel safer driving your car instead of flying in an airplane because you think you have more “control” of the situation. Yeah. It’s bullshit.

Why are conservatives so obsessed with gun rights anyway? From the article: “A more workable psychological explanation begins by noting that psychologists have found consistent differences between conservatives and liberals in personality traits, attitudes, and moral stances. To summarize some of the research findings, conservatives tend to be more likely than liberals to accept or even embrace authority that is perceived to be legitimate. Conservatives tend to be more moralistic and more conventional than liberals. They tend to have a stronger need for order and control and stability and a greater dislike of change. Conservatives also tend to value equality less than liberals. They have less empathy and are more likely to see human nature as bad. Compared with liberals, their moral sense is less centered on fairness and kindness and more on loyalty, deference to authority, and moral and sexual purity. Conservatives also show a greater tendency than liberals toward dichotomous thinking and have a stronger need for certainty and cognitive consistency.” 

Trump’s public shaming of Jeff Sessions is shameful. He tweeted that his attorney general’s behavior is “disgraceful.” You know, like you do.

Vice President Mike Pence: Abortion will end in U.S. ‘in our time.’ “I know in my heart of hearts this will be the generation that restores life in America.” Now if only you and the rest of the GOP gave a shit about those already born, then maybe we’d believe you actually do care about the sanctity of life. It’s nothing more than a hot button issue for you, one that riles up your base--those that think women are just running around having abortions just to have them--and divides the country. You want to reduce abortions? Then provide healthcare, provide birth control, provide sexuality education. The issue is not black and white so stop simplifying it down to such just to anger your supporters. There are good reasons abortions should be safe and legal, and you know it.

Democratic National Committee war plan: Target 50 million voters.

People are leaving the Trump White House in record numbers. More than one in three have left the White House in its first year. Wow.

A former FBI agent is running for Congress as the “Cannabis Candidate”.

10,000 Chicagoans go bankrupt every year due to fines that disproportionately target poor and minority residents. Chicago makes $200 million a year on parking tickets.

Survey: Some Disneyland employees struggle to pay for food, shelter. So much for the “Happiest Place on Earth” bullshit.

Scott Blackmun is resigning as CEO of the U.S. Olympic Committee, after facing calls to step down following committee’s handling of the Larry Nassar scandal.

Trump is trying to repeal Obama’s clean power plan--and people are pissed.

North Pole warms to stunningly high mid-30s this morning. For this time of year that exceeds the norm by more than 50 degrees. Nothing to see her folks. Move along.

Indiana close to becoming 2nd state to ban eyeball tattoos.

New shark species discovered in depths of the Atlantic.

You can find the gravitational constant with string and a mountain.

“If we lose love and self respect for each other, this is how we finally die.” -- Maya Angelou

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

February 27, 2018

And another day comes to a close:

Robert Mueller drops many charges against ex-Trump aide Rich Gates as he’s agreed to cooperate in the investigation.

U.S. Intelligence: Russia compromised state websites or voter registration systems in seven states prior to 2016 election: Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Texas, and Wisconsin.

Rubio bill would let young adults in D.C. purchase AR-15. Because the man is a liar with absolutely no soul.

The Supreme Court has ruled that immigrants, even those with permanent legal status and asylees, do not have the right to bond hearings--effectively meaning they can be held indefinitely. America, 2018. Only some people have rights.

ICE detention facilities are essentially internment camps. Don’t bury your head. This shit is happening now.

Antisemitic incidents in US soar to highest level in two decades.

Democrats furious Trump didn’t tell NSA chief to fight Russian meddling. NSA Director Mike Rogers: “I believe that President Putin has clearly come to the conclusion there’s little price to pay here, and that therefore I can continue this activity.”

Florida Senate panel kills assault-weapons ban but approves other gun measures. The bill includes a three-day waiting period for all gun purchases; moves the age limit for buying a semiautomatic weapon from 18 to 21; bans the sale of “bump stocks” used to allow guns to fire more than one round per pull of the trigger; makes it easier for law enforcement to take weapons away from the mentally ill; and sets up a committee to investigate the school shooting and make more recommendations next year. The bill was approved by a 9-4 vote.

Sheriff says he got 23 calls about shooter's family, but records show more.

Missouri high school students stage walkout to protest gun laws. When some students returned to school, they were blocked from entering the campus. In addition, many students said as they were walking out, they were told by school officials that they would be suspended.

Controversial sex-trafficking bill passes the House of Representatives. Some groups like EFF and ACLU oppose the bill for its potential impact on online speech.

Senate Democrats push for support to reinstate net neutrality. If it doesn’t get reinstated, then just like the GOP tax bill, we commoners will get screwed.

Jared Kushner’s interim security clearance downgraded. It needs to be revoked.

Eleven people fall ill after suspicious letter arrives at military base.

HUD spent $31,000 last year to replace a dining room set in the office of Secretary Ben Carson.

Papa John’s is ending its NFL sponsorship.

This Man Is Planning To Open the World's Largest LGBT Museum. London will be the home of a ground-breaking, immersive museum that conjures centuries of queer history.

How do we know the country is in bad shape? Trump’s approval rating just passed Obama’s at this point in presidency. Apparently hatred, misogyny, and promoting fear is something a good number of people approve of. Disgusting.

Approximately 15 percent of the female firefighters in San Francisco have been diagnosed with breast cancer, which is six times the national average, according to local officials.

YouTuber who claimed veganism cured her cancer dies of cancer.

“I think the scariest person in the world is the person with no sense of humor.” -- Michael J. Fox

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Monday, February 26, 2018

February 26, 2018

And another day of needing “a little less tweeting here and a little more listening” comes to a close:

”I really believe I'd run in there, even if I didn't have a weapon,” Trump asserts while discussing Florida school mass shooting response. This from the man with five military deferments who’s afraid of stairs. Hmmm. We call BS.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders says Trump didn’t mean he would’ve stormed the building and engaged with the shooter when he actually said he would “run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon.” I know. America, 2018.

Stoneman Douglas students launch #WhatIf social media campaign. These kids know what they’re doing.

Trump says he'll act on "bump stocks" without waiting for Congress. 

Some tweets don't age well:

At the White House today, Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee (D) challenged Trump to his face on his plan to arm teachers, telling him "we need to listen to educators and they should not be foisted upon this responsibility of packing heat." Trump responded by crossing his arms and quickly changing the topic, then asking Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) for his question.

Trump-backed gun measure faces hurdle from three Republican senators. Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and John Kennedy oppose the current version of Sen. John Cornyn's bid to improve the accuracy of existing background check systems for firearm purchases.

Deputy at Stoneman Douglas High School said he didn’t enter the building because he believed gunfire was coming from outside.

Casey Cagle, the Lt. Governor of Georgia and recipient of an A+ rating from the NRA is, oh what’s the extortionist. He tweeted today: “I will kill any tax legislation that benefits @Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with @NRA. Corporations cannot attack conservatives and expect us not to fight back.” The GOP has so many geniuses it’s hard to keep track of them all.

U.S. Supreme Court rejects Trump over ‘Dreamers’ immigrants.

Trump’s Obamacare changes will cause some premiums to rise by double-digit percentages, study says.

The untouchables
From the Cuban artist Erik Ravelo.
"The first image refers to pedophilia in the Vatican. Second child sexual abuse in tourism in Thailand, and the third refers to the war in Syria. The fourth image refers to the trafficking of organs on the black market, where most of the victims are children from poor countries; fifth refers to weapons free in the U.S.. And finally, the sixth image refers to obesity, blaming the big fast food companies."

Trump has long vowed to slash government. Now the knives are finally coming out.

Remington's creditors will be looking for a quick sale after the gun manufacturer's bankruptcy, sources say.

Hope Hicks is to appear before House Intel Committee after month-long delay.

An appeals court has ruled a 1964 civil rights law mbans anti-gay workplace bias — a win for LGBT advocates and loss for Trump.

Trump: “We’re going to have to start talking about mental institutions, because a lot of the folks in this room closed their mental institutions.” He’s living in a time that long ago passed him by.

State Partisanship Shifts Toward Democratic Party in 2017. Do I really need to state the obvious reasons as to why? Now forget the poll and make sure you and everyone you know gets out there and votes.

China Cracks Down On Memes After Proposal To End Presidential Term Limits, including a meme featuring Winnie the Pooh. (Though not this one. I just like it.)

Turkey's President Told A Crying Little Girl In Military Uniform That She'd Be Honored If Martyred.

Ryan Seacrest accused of sexual harassment by former stylist.

Weinstein Co. expected to file for bankruptcy.

Hawaii appeals court says bed and breakfast was wrong to deny a room to lesbian couple. Catholic owner said she believes homosexuality is immoral. Tough shit. If your religion requires you to hate and discriminate against other people, then you need a new religion.

The FDA is trying to make it easier for people to access drug-based opioid addiction treatments.

Yet Another Study From An Ivy League Food Scientist Has Been Retracted. The withdrawn paper, about getting kids to eat more vegetables, is Cornell professor Brian Wansink’s sixth retraction. Six. WTF?

The Pacific Coast could see several feet of sea-level rise by the end of this century.

Water could be extracted all over the Moon, not just at its poles.

An AI just beat top lawyers at their own game.

Study: A Lot of Teens Are Sexting. Too Many Teens Are Sending Unsolicited Sexts. “It is becoming a normative component of teen sexual behavior and development.” Because, you know, humans are sexual beings. Just teach your kids about sexual harassment.

This app will rat out teens who won't stop sexting.

“A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.” -- Arnold H. Glasow

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

February 25, 2018

And another day of the gun issue, LGBTQ discrimination, and photojournalism comes to a close:

“The NRA doesn’t back any ban.” -- Dana Loesch

Video: Current NRA President Wayne LaPierre shortly after Columbine. "We believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America’s schools. Period." - Wayne LaPierre, then Executive Vice President of the NRA, in 1999

A New Poll Shows a Dramatic Change in How Americans View Gun Control. “What’s more, Americans are remarkably clear on exactly which steps they want the government to take.” Americans don’t expect Congress to act, though. And that’s why we need to replace Congress.

The NRA Pushes back on Trump’s plans. Because they represent the gun manufacturers, not actual humans. Their entire goal is to get people to purchase more guns.

Mangled tissue and softball-sized exit wounds: Why AR-15 injuries are so devastating.

Police in Washington state sell seized assault weapons. Because that’s a good idea.

Guns are killing high school kids across America at alarming rates.

Trump campaign uses image of Florida shooting survivor in email asking for donations. Christ in a basket, Donald.

President Trump says a military parade would be "something great for the spirit of the country.” He’s so delusional.

Trump privately pushing personal pilot to run FAA.

Trump privately talks up executing all big drug dealers.

The Chinese Communist Party's leadership calls for the removal of presidential term limits, opening the door for China's most powerful leader in decades, Xi Jinping, to remain in office beyond 2023.

How does Trump's budget attack women's health care? Let us count the ways...

Two Texas women are suing the Trump administration after the lesbian couple say they were told they could not foster a refugee child because they don't "mirror the Holy Family."

Bill making it legal to ban gays & lesbians from adopting passes in Georgia.

Extraordinary Moments: Top Contenders For A Photojournalism Prize.

The Week in pictures: From Syria's war to the Winter Olympics.

“Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions.” -- Harold S. Geneen

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

February 24, 2018

And another day of watching the country’s children be leaders, and the country’s leaders be children comes to a close:

“We will outlive you.” — David Hogg to NRA attack dogs.

The head of the Florida chapter of the NRA: “This had nothing to do with law-abiding gun owners and it punishes law-abiding gun owners for the acts of a criminal and the failure of the FBI, DCF and the SRO who wouldn’t do his job.” Except Nikolas Cruz was a law-abiding gun owner right up to the point he used that gun to kill 17 people in a high school.

Texas school district threatens to suspend students who protest gun violence. “Should students choose to do so, they will be suspended from school for 3 days and face all the consequences that come along with an out of school suspension.” Some things are worth taking a stand for. I hope hundreds of kids in this district choose to protest.

Colleges Are Promising High Schoolers That Getting Suspended For Protesting Guns Won’t Hurt Their Admissions Chances.

Student Rights at School: Six Things You Need To Know

Trump says decision to arm teachers is 'up to states' and would be ‘inexpensive.’ He can’t do basic math.

In 2017, Americans narrowly opposed allowing teachers and school officials to carry guns. 45% of all adults supported having armed teachers in school. 45% of all adults don’t think things through completely.

Walter Shaub: “No sane country debates arming teachers.” But this country abandoned sanity the day it voted Trump into office.

The Broward County Sheriff’s Office said it is investigating allegations that multiple deputies failed to enter Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, after the shooting rampage there. They knew they were outgunned?

South Florida GOP lawmaker calls on Gov. Scott to remove Broward sheriff from office.

Stoneman Douglas shooting survivor to tourists: Boycott Florida unless gun legislation is passed.

After Parkland, billionaire Democratic donor Tom Steyer pledges $1M to register high schoolers to vote. This is important. You can help by encouraging anyone who will turn 18 before the November election to get registered now. It’s their future.

Delta and United have ended travel discounts with the NRA amidst growing consumer backlash.

House Democrats defend FBI, DOJ in rebuttal to GOP intel memo. The Democrats finally release it. Afterward, Trump tweets rambling bullshit. Actually, before that he was tweeting rambling bullshit, too. You know, he just generally tweets rambling bullshit.

The Schiff Memo Dropped While Devin Nunes Won the 'Defender of Freedom' Award at CPAC. Because timing is everything.

He's like a two-year old, dancing around naked at their birthday party. Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!

#MeToo in medicine: Women, harassed in hospitals and operating rooms, await reckoning.

Trump tax reform gives Warren Buffett $29 billion boost. Shocker.

EPA chief Scott Pruitt says the Bible teaches us to "harvest" "natural resources" like gas, oil, and coal. Once again, a man uses religion to justify destroying the Earth.

A West Virginia judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by coal company Murray Energy against HBO host John Oliver. Seems Robert Murray is a snowflake.

5 things Trump did this week while you weren't looking. Beneath the gun debate, Trump made some big policy moves. Ugh.

Milwaukee residents have long thought they were targeted for their race. New data reveals they were right all along. New Data Reveals Milwaukee Police Stops Are About Race and Ethnicity.

Iowa TV reporter is making history as first to wear hijab on air. This should never be a story. No one should care if she wears a hijab or not.

Say goodnight to net neutrality as AT&T just rolled out 'internet fast lanes'. “What’s important about this is that their “sponsored” data plan means that companies will pay AT&T in order to have their content streamed on AT&T customers’ devices without hitting against their data plans. As BGR rightly points out, this is the promotion of internet “fast lanes” by almost any definition.”

Ajit Pai’s Plan Will Take Broadband Away From Poor People.

Vatican to host international exorcism conference to meet growing demand. Jesus. Christ.

Nyle DiMarco Opens Up About Having to Leave Black Panther Because He's Deaf. He wrote for Teen Vogue about how captioning systems fail deaf people.

Trump’s USDA Will Consider Work Requirements for Food Stamps Recipients.

Twitter bars tactics used by 'bots' to spread false stories.

Transgender wrestler from Euless Trinity booed after winning state semifinal. It’s a little more complicated than that, but nevertheless he was booed after winning.

52% of Americans say the main reason young people don’t pursue STEM degrees is they think these subjects are too hard. And that’s sad.

In Fiji, villages need to move due to climate change. They won’t be the last.

Sea Level Rise Is Creeping into Coastal Cities. Saving Them Won’t Be Cheap.

Here’s How Much Sex You Should Have Every Week According to Science. Get naked, people. It’s good for you.

“Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are cheese.” -- Luis Bunuel

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Friday, February 23, 2018

February 23, 2018

And another day of the “hoax” and “witch hunt” comes to a close:

“Let me get this straight...An armed school cop was too afraid to respond to the killer with an AR-15, but the NRA thinks the lunch lady, the janitor or the math teacher should stand in the line of fire and shoot it out?” -- Joy Reid

Trump campaign aide Rick Gates pleads guilty in Mueller investigation. He had a change of heart. After yesterday, yeah, I bet he did. This now makes three felons who were inside Trump’s circle. The walls are closing.

Special counsel accuses Paul Manafort of secretly paying former European politicians to lobby on behalf of Ukraine.

Did the FBI screw up the Nikolas Cruz warnings? Yes. But that doesn’t change the conversation on gun violence in America.

Allies urge Trump to not go further on gun control measures.

Some school districts have threatened to suspend students who participate in walkouts over gun violence.

American Federation of Teachers president: "Teachers don't want to be armed, we want to teach."

Giving women guns wouldn't prevent rape: it would land women in jail.

Florida Governor Rick Scott moves to bar people under 21 and mentally ill from buying guns. Since he’s eyeing a Senate run and he knows his state legislators will never give him such legislation to sign, we call BS, as Emma Gonzalez would say.

Trump bucks NRA, backs raising age for buying assault rifles to 21. Because only those under 21 will use an assault weapon? This solution is not good enough, Donnie.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans support stricter laws on gun sales, including an increasing number of Republicans, but the public divides on idea of allowing more teachers and school officials to carry guns.

Hmmmm. The NRA sends threatening letters to Judicial candidates?

NRA leader warns that Democrats want to build a socialist database of parents’ spanking habits. Oh Christ on a cross, Wayne. Shut up. He is really a conspiracy theorist nut job. It’s more than just “spanking children.” Wow.

Teachers on social media responded to the arm teachers with guns bullshit with the #ArmMeWith movement, where they stated what they needed instead of guns in order to teach children.

Trump says Chief of Staff Kelly will decide if Kushner keeps his security clearance. Who’s driving this clown car?

RNC started paying Trump campaign’s rent at Trump Tower after it stopped covering Trump’s legal bill for Russia probe. And Mike Pence’s nephew a monthly salary. The question is why?

FCC chairman Ajit Pai receives a handmade rifle and the NRA's "Charlton Heston Courage Under Fire Award" for overseeing net neutrality repeal.

If deaths continue to increase at the same rate, more than 2 million people could be dying from drug overdoses, suicide, and alcohol abuse over the next decade, the report projects.

Missouri Governor Eric Greitens (R) indicted on a charge of felony invasion of privacy.

Trump says he goes to great lengths to hide his bald spot. Someone with such low self-esteem is not someone who should be President of the United States of America.

Trump directs Pentagon to schedule military parade for Veterans Day. He is such a small man.

“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” -- Leo Tolstoy

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

February 22, 2018

And another day comes to a close. Keep pressuring those in power and keep the waves of the revolution—#MeToo, #NeverAgain, and #TheResistance—building. Man, what a day.

“The world is dead, the world is dead. What crazy shit is inside your head?” -- Monster Magnet

Mueller files new 32-count indictment against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates. Where’s the popcorn?

Dana Loesch tells CPAC crowd: “Many in the media love mass shootings. Crying white mothers is rating’s gold.” She is such a disgusting excuse for a human being.

Brian J. Karem: “At CPAC they defend a free and open policy for firearms, but there's a strict - no firearms policy to attend. Hypocrisy in action.” It’s the Republican way.

In one of several ridiculous tweets this morning, Trump praised those that work at the NRA as great people and Great American patriots that love our Country and will do the right thing. Mmm hmmm. We won’t forget the NRA gave him shitloads of money.

NRA backs Trump on arming U.S. teachers, attacks anti-gun ‘elites.’ The NRA and Trump sleep in the same bed.

Trump says a school "is frankly no different" than a military base. Christ in a basket, Donald.

Trump: "Active shooter drills are very negative thing. If I am a child and I'm 10 and I say 'we are going to have an active shooter drill,' what's that? 'People may come in and shoot you.' I think that's a very negative thing."

Dana Loesch: “Teenagers piss me off.” Because they schooled you, Dana.

If black teachers carried concealed weapons at school and an active shooter situation began, do you really think everything would go the way you think it will? RIP Philando Castile.

NRA Leader Wayne LaPierre Warns Conservatives Of 'Socialist Wave' In Wake Of Shooting. “As usual, the opportunists wasted not one second to exploit tragedy for political gain," LaPierre said.

Wayne LaPierre is a horrible person.

Some of the loudest voices opposing President Donald Trump’s proposal to arm “highly trained” teachers to protect students belong to the group that knows best what it’s like to confront someone with a gun: military combat veterans.

What I Saw Treating the Victims From Parkland Should Change the Debate on Guns. They weren’t the first victims of a mass shooting the Florida radiologist had seen—but their wounds were radically different.

Trump proposes bonuses for teachers who get gun training.

Trump blames video games and movies for American violence, choosing to ignore the fact that most of the rest of the world plays the same games and watches the same movies. Then he suggested that we need a rating system for both forms of entertainment. Seriously? WTF? His brain seems to be deteriorating before our eyes.

GOP congresswoman claims “so many” mass murderers “end up being Democrats”. You won’t be surprised to know that she “did not provide any evidence to back up her claim.”

Oregon passes bill banning gun ownership for people with domestic violence convictions.

Democrats reject GOP efforts to allow concealed firearms in Colorado schools, repeal state’s high-capacity magazine ban.

First National Bank of Omaha will stop issuing NRA Visa card. Let this be the beginning of the end of the NRA.

Enterprise Holdings Inc.--the parent company of the Enterprise, Alamo and National car rental brands--said it will end its partnership with the NRA. May the backlash against the NRA be fierce.

Florida House approves bill to post “In God We Trust” in all public schools. But talking about guns? Nah. But what if a student or parent doesn’t actually, you know, trust “God”? Is it all “gods”? What about those people who don’t believe there are “gods,” much less your particular “god”? God is not the answer to human made problems.

CPAC attendees are now being told “do not give money to higher education” because, the speaker argues, they’ll use it to destroy civilization. Conservatives are dangerous to humanity.

U.S official focused on election security being shoved aside. Hmmmm.

Reuters reporting that both National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and Chief of Staff John Kelly may be on the verge of quitting over tensions with Trump.

Officials say the Pentagon is quietly searching to see if there is a four-star military job suited for National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster.

It’s Been One Year of Amazing Scott Pruitt Accomplishments, All of Them Horrible.

Now for some comic relief:

Now back to our regularly scheduled program:

Philly DA Ends Cash Bail for Low-Level Offenses. “There is absolutely no reason why someone who will show up for court, is not a flight risk, and is no threat to their neighbors and community, needs to sit in jail for days because they can't post a small amount of bail.”

Meanwhile, in Nashville: If you can't afford bail, you’re charged $44 a day for the privilege of sitting in jail.

Lawsuit filed against store that sold guns used in 2016 Kansas workplace shooting.

Trump says he's thinking about pulling ICE from California because of what he called the state’s “protection of horrible criminals.”

Missouri governor indicted on felony invasion of privacy charge.

Barclays pays female investment bankers just under half that of male colleagues on average.

Brendan Fraser alleged that the former president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, Philip Berk, groped him years ago and that his career might have suffered as a result.

Social media is corrupting the youth slightly less than we feared.

Pop music is getting more repetitive, computer scientists say. And that’s why most of it sucks.

“Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.” -- Albert Einstein

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

February 21, 2018

And another day of living in a society where everyone is expected to be ready to kill at a moment’s notice comes to a close:

Mark Barden: “School teachers have more than enough responsibilities right now than to have the awesome responsibility of lethal force to take a life.” Thank you, sir.

President Donald Trump holds notes during a White House listening session with students and parents affected by school shootings. (AP Photo by Carolyn Kaster) Check out the cuff link. 

Trump: “If you had a teacher who was adept at firearms, they could very well end the attack very quickly.” People trained to use lethal force in their professions can’t even hit their target most of the time, yet school teachers (or the “good guy with a gun”) will somehow miraculously come to the rescue? It’s a myth. The statistics don’t back it up. This is drummed up bullshit by the NRA to sell more guns. Don’t fall for it. The NRA is nothing more than a terrorist organization.

Student asks Marco Rubio to decline NRA funds during CNN town hall meeting with survivors of mass shootings. He said he would not, by dodging the question.

During 1982-2012, more than half of mass shooters used assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. But there’s more than just mass shooters to be concerned with regarding gun violence.

After Parkland, states take a fresh look at gun legislation.

They think they can just bide their time and this will all blow over. They are wrong.

Bump stock prices soar after Trump proposes ban.

Florida House declares pornography a health risk. Guns, not so much.

US doing little to combat Russia meddling in next elections. Because the people in power will benefit?

Trump’s former bodyguard, Keith Schiller, makes $15,000 a month from a GOP ‘slush fund.’ Well isn’t that interesting?

Donald Trump Jr.: No One Ever Mentions All the Sacrifices We’ve Made. Yep, you all are sacrificing a part of the country every day.

South Carolina lawmakers are hoping to pass a bill to ban saggy pants throughout the state. The proposed bill would make it illegal to wear your pants below your hips. You know, because there aren’t other, more pressing issues to worry about.

Billy Graham died. He was 99. Too bad his son is nothing like his dad.

Trump’s Proposed Food Stamp Cuts Would Hit Military Families. The GOP supports our military in words only.

Twitter suspends thousands of suspected bot accounts, and the pro-Trump crowd is furious. Ah, all those bots made you feel important?

Today was Oregon’s “School Exclusion Day,” a day where “parents must provide schools, child care facilities with kids’ vaccine records.”

Drinking alcohol more important than exercise for living past 90, study says.

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

February 20, 2018

And another day of wondering “who would do this in a public space with live security” comes to a close:

Mikel Jollett: “Right now in America there are Republicans who received millions of dollars from the NRA accusing CHILDREN who survived a massacre of being PAID to speak out on guns.” America, 2018.

The problem is not mental illness. Stop trying to deflect the conversation.

Mueller charges lawyer with lying about interaction with Rick Gates.

Trump’s gravest responsibility is to defend the United States from foreign attack—and he’s done nothing to fulfill it.

Laughing? Not so much. Most Russians just wish the election-tampering story would go away.

Florida House votes down motion to take up assault weapons ban as Douglas High School students watch on. They don’t even want to talk about it. Change is slow. That and because lawmakers don’t respect high school students. They have no money and can’t vote.

Despite some of the toughest gun laws in the country, a former gun smuggler tells NBC Bay Area that illegal firearms will continue to flow into the state as long as guns can be purchased with relative ease in other parts of the country. This makes a very lucrative business.

U.S. gun owners and non-owners are divided on the impact increased legal hurdles would have on mass shootings. But gun violence is about so much more than mass shootings.

NC lawmakers will consider arming teachers following school shootings. Teachers aren’t soldiers.

Trump has asked for a ban on devices that “turn legal weapons into machine guns”, responding to a growing outcry over mass shootings in the US.

Dallas mayor urges NRA to find a new home for their convention.

Trump asked Mar-a-Lago members if he should take action on gun control. Of course he did.

Two Republicans push to ban death penalty in conservative Utah.

Trump denies woman’s allegations of unwanted kissing in Trump Tower.

The guy in that Trump dating site ad has a child sex conviction. You can't make this shit up.

‘These are Americans, New Yorkers living in third-world conditions,’ rapper Ja Rule said of public-housing residents.

The HPV vaccine can prevent cancer, but many teenagers still don’t get it. Get vaccinated, people.

Juuling is a trend popular with kids. What does it mean to juul? Yeah, parents need to know about this.

The popular herb kratom is linked to an outbreak of salmonella that has made 28 people sick in 20 states, federal health officials said.

Laser scanning reveals ‘lost’ ancient Mexican city ‘had as many buildings as Manhattan.’ Science. It’s freaking cool.

Japanese millionaire dubbed the ‘baby factory’ dad just won custody of 13 surrogate children. He would like to have more than 1,000 children, with as many as 20 babies born annually. No, really.

“We cannot teach people anything; we can only help the discover it within themselves.” -- Galileo Galilei

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

Monday, February 19, 2018

February 19, 2018

And another day of trying to make it “a beautiful day in the neighborhood” comes to a close:

“I can’t explain why we live this way, we do it every day.” -- Brett Dennen

The Trump White House was relieved that the Florida shooting happened, because it gave them a break from all the negative news they were getting. Yeah.

Trump backs effort to improve gun background checks: White House.

The NRA hasn't tweeted anything since Feb. 14 at 1:29 pm ET.

Students stage a “die in” in front of the White House today. The youth seem irritated with you, Donnie boy.

The disgusting new smear campaign against students who survived the Parkland massacre.

Less than 1% of firearm homicides are committed by a person diagnosed with a mental illness, report says.

Guns, replica guns, ammunition, fireworks, knives of any size, electric stun guns, martial arts weapons or devices, razors, box cutters, mace, pepper spray, and any pointed object like knitting needles or letter openers are not permitted in the US Capitol building. Hmmm. Why not? Because “Capitol visitor policies are designed to keep visitors and staff safe and secure and to preserve the collections, facilities, and historic building and grounds for generations to come.” But public schools, the country’s children, you? Nah. None of that needs to be safe and secure because none of that is worth preserving.
Capitol Visitor Center Prohibited Items

Obama did try to do something regarding Russia, but according to former Vice President Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell refused to join a bipartisan statement warning Russia against the interference during the election.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s interest in Jared Kushner has grown to include his efforts to secure financing for his company from foreign investors during the presidential transition.

To end his weekend, Trump attacks Oprah on Twitter. Because, you know, she’s black, and a woman, and richer than he is, and far more intelligent.

It's not just Anita Hill. Multiple women report sexual misconduct by Clarence Thomas, indicating he lied under oath to Congress. — The Case for Impeaching Clarence Thomas.

Trump has a 41.4% approval rating, showing once again that a large portion of the country is racist, misogynistic, and has zero empathy for others—particularly others with less than themselves.

Conservatives urge Trump to grant pardons in Russia probe.

Election interference concerns prompt returns to paper ballots.

Tax Overhaul Gains Public Support, Buoying Republicans. People are so easily moved by such little money.

Billionaire Bill Gates says he should pay "significantly higher" taxes.

Trump tweets endorsement of Mitt Romney for Senate. "He will make a great Senator and worthy successor to Orrin Hatch.” Yeah, that’s funny.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has released new congressional district lines, replacing the old Republican-drawn maps in time for the state's May primary.

Hate crimes at public colleges and universities spiked in November 2016, more than doubling the average tally of previous Novembers.

Political scientists rank Donald Trump last and Abraham Lincoln first in a presidential greatness survey. Happy President’s Day, Donald.

Another House Republican announces retirement plans. Hmmm. Falling like flies.

In Canada, a N.L. appeal court has dramatically reduced a 5-year jail term given to a 74-year-old man for molesting 4 young girls, calling the sentence 'unduly long and harsh' and cutting it in half.

The French government is struggling with what to do about potentially hundreds of children whose parents were members of ISIS who died on the battlefield or are facing criminal charges.

Sweden's accelerating march toward a cashless society leaves its authorities worried.

Baltimore is the city with the highest per capita murder rate in the nation, with nearly 56 murders per 100,000 people, according to a USA TODAY analysis.

As many as 17 killed as mountain of garbage, reportedly 3-stories high, tumbles down, crushing homes and burying people in Mozambique.

Last year the number of babies French women are expected to have in their lifetimes dropped to 1.88.

Another dog food company has recalled food tainted with a euthanasia drug.

Indonesia's Mount Sinabung volcano erupted today and the photos are spooky as hell.

Fifty years ago today, Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood first aired on television.

“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say, ‘It’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.’ Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.” — Fred Rogers

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.