Thursday, February 22, 2018

February 22, 2018

And another day comes to a close. Keep pressuring those in power and keep the waves of the revolution—#MeToo, #NeverAgain, and #TheResistance—building. Man, what a day.

“The world is dead, the world is dead. What crazy shit is inside your head?” -- Monster Magnet

Mueller files new 32-count indictment against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates. Where’s the popcorn?

Dana Loesch tells CPAC crowd: “Many in the media love mass shootings. Crying white mothers is rating’s gold.” She is such a disgusting excuse for a human being.

Brian J. Karem: “At CPAC they defend a free and open policy for firearms, but there's a strict - no firearms policy to attend. Hypocrisy in action.” It’s the Republican way.

In one of several ridiculous tweets this morning, Trump praised those that work at the NRA as great people and Great American patriots that love our Country and will do the right thing. Mmm hmmm. We won’t forget the NRA gave him shitloads of money.

NRA backs Trump on arming U.S. teachers, attacks anti-gun ‘elites.’ The NRA and Trump sleep in the same bed.

Trump says a school "is frankly no different" than a military base. Christ in a basket, Donald.

Trump: "Active shooter drills are very negative thing. If I am a child and I'm 10 and I say 'we are going to have an active shooter drill,' what's that? 'People may come in and shoot you.' I think that's a very negative thing."

Dana Loesch: “Teenagers piss me off.” Because they schooled you, Dana.

If black teachers carried concealed weapons at school and an active shooter situation began, do you really think everything would go the way you think it will? RIP Philando Castile.

NRA Leader Wayne LaPierre Warns Conservatives Of 'Socialist Wave' In Wake Of Shooting. “As usual, the opportunists wasted not one second to exploit tragedy for political gain," LaPierre said.

Wayne LaPierre is a horrible person.

Some of the loudest voices opposing President Donald Trump’s proposal to arm “highly trained” teachers to protect students belong to the group that knows best what it’s like to confront someone with a gun: military combat veterans.

What I Saw Treating the Victims From Parkland Should Change the Debate on Guns. They weren’t the first victims of a mass shooting the Florida radiologist had seen—but their wounds were radically different.

Trump proposes bonuses for teachers who get gun training.

Trump blames video games and movies for American violence, choosing to ignore the fact that most of the rest of the world plays the same games and watches the same movies. Then he suggested that we need a rating system for both forms of entertainment. Seriously? WTF? His brain seems to be deteriorating before our eyes.

GOP congresswoman claims “so many” mass murderers “end up being Democrats”. You won’t be surprised to know that she “did not provide any evidence to back up her claim.”

Oregon passes bill banning gun ownership for people with domestic violence convictions.

Democrats reject GOP efforts to allow concealed firearms in Colorado schools, repeal state’s high-capacity magazine ban.

First National Bank of Omaha will stop issuing NRA Visa card. Let this be the beginning of the end of the NRA.

Enterprise Holdings Inc.--the parent company of the Enterprise, Alamo and National car rental brands--said it will end its partnership with the NRA. May the backlash against the NRA be fierce.

Florida House approves bill to post “In God We Trust” in all public schools. But talking about guns? Nah. But what if a student or parent doesn’t actually, you know, trust “God”? Is it all “gods”? What about those people who don’t believe there are “gods,” much less your particular “god”? God is not the answer to human made problems.

CPAC attendees are now being told “do not give money to higher education” because, the speaker argues, they’ll use it to destroy civilization. Conservatives are dangerous to humanity.

U.S official focused on election security being shoved aside. Hmmmm.

Reuters reporting that both National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and Chief of Staff John Kelly may be on the verge of quitting over tensions with Trump.

Officials say the Pentagon is quietly searching to see if there is a four-star military job suited for National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster.

It’s Been One Year of Amazing Scott Pruitt Accomplishments, All of Them Horrible.

Now for some comic relief:

Now back to our regularly scheduled program:

Philly DA Ends Cash Bail for Low-Level Offenses. “There is absolutely no reason why someone who will show up for court, is not a flight risk, and is no threat to their neighbors and community, needs to sit in jail for days because they can't post a small amount of bail.”

Meanwhile, in Nashville: If you can't afford bail, you’re charged $44 a day for the privilege of sitting in jail.

Lawsuit filed against store that sold guns used in 2016 Kansas workplace shooting.

Trump says he's thinking about pulling ICE from California because of what he called the state’s “protection of horrible criminals.”

Missouri governor indicted on felony invasion of privacy charge.

Barclays pays female investment bankers just under half that of male colleagues on average.

Brendan Fraser alleged that the former president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, Philip Berk, groped him years ago and that his career might have suffered as a result.

Social media is corrupting the youth slightly less than we feared.

Pop music is getting more repetitive, computer scientists say. And that’s why most of it sucks.

“Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.” -- Albert Einstein

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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