“We will outlive you.” — David Hogg to NRA attack dogs.
The head of the Florida chapter of the NRA: “This had nothing to do with law-abiding gun owners and it punishes law-abiding gun owners for the acts of a criminal and the failure of the FBI, DCF and the SRO who wouldn’t do his job.” Except Nikolas Cruz was a law-abiding gun owner right up to the point he used that gun to kill 17 people in a high school.
Texas school district threatens to suspend students who protest gun violence. “Should students choose to do so, they will be suspended from school for 3 days and face all the consequences that come along with an out of school suspension.” Some things are worth taking a stand for. I hope hundreds of kids in this district choose to protest.
Colleges Are Promising High Schoolers That Getting Suspended For Protesting Guns Won’t Hurt Their Admissions Chances.
Student Rights at School: Six Things You Need To Know
Trump says decision to arm teachers is 'up to states' and would be ‘inexpensive.’ He can’t do basic math.
In 2017, Americans narrowly opposed allowing teachers and school officials to carry guns. 45% of all adults supported having armed teachers in school. 45% of all adults don’t think things through completely.
Walter Shaub: “No sane country debates arming teachers.” But this country abandoned sanity the day it voted Trump into office.
The Broward County Sheriff’s Office said it is investigating allegations that multiple deputies failed to enter Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, after the shooting rampage there. They knew they were outgunned?
South Florida GOP lawmaker calls on Gov. Scott to remove Broward sheriff from office.
Stoneman Douglas shooting survivor to tourists: Boycott Florida unless gun legislation is passed.
After Parkland, billionaire Democratic donor Tom Steyer pledges $1M to register high schoolers to vote. This is important. You can help by encouraging anyone who will turn 18 before the November election to get registered now. It’s their future.
Delta and United have ended travel discounts with the NRA amidst growing consumer backlash.
House Democrats defend FBI, DOJ in rebuttal to GOP intel memo. The Democrats finally release it. Afterward, Trump tweets rambling bullshit. Actually, before that he was tweeting rambling bullshit, too. You know, he just generally tweets rambling bullshit.
The Schiff Memo Dropped While Devin Nunes Won the 'Defender of Freedom' Award at CPAC. Because timing is everything.
#MeToo in medicine: Women, harassed in hospitals and operating rooms, await reckoning.
Trump tax reform gives Warren Buffett $29 billion boost. Shocker.
EPA chief Scott Pruitt says the Bible teaches us to "harvest" "natural resources" like gas, oil, and coal. Once again, a man uses religion to justify destroying the Earth.
A West Virginia judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by coal company Murray Energy against HBO host John Oliver. Seems Robert Murray is a snowflake.
5 things Trump did this week while you weren't looking. Beneath the gun debate, Trump made some big policy moves. Ugh.
Milwaukee residents have long thought they were targeted for their race. New data reveals they were right all along. New Data Reveals Milwaukee Police Stops Are About Race and Ethnicity.
Iowa TV reporter is making history as first to wear hijab on air. This should never be a story. No one should care if she wears a hijab or not.
Say goodnight to net neutrality as AT&T just rolled out 'internet fast lanes'. “What’s important about this is that their “sponsored” data plan means that companies will pay AT&T in order to have their content streamed on AT&T customers’ devices without hitting against their data plans. As BGR rightly points out, this is the promotion of internet “fast lanes” by almost any definition.”
Ajit Pai’s Plan Will Take Broadband Away From Poor People.
Vatican to host international exorcism conference to meet growing demand. Jesus. Christ.
Nyle DiMarco Opens Up About Having to Leave Black Panther Because He's Deaf. He wrote for Teen Vogue about how captioning systems fail deaf people.
Trump’s USDA Will Consider Work Requirements for Food Stamps Recipients.
Twitter bars tactics used by 'bots' to spread false stories.
Transgender wrestler from Euless Trinity booed after winning state semifinal. It’s a little more complicated than that, but nevertheless he was booed after winning.
52% of Americans say the main reason young people don’t pursue STEM degrees is they think these subjects are too hard. And that’s sad.
In Fiji, villages need to move due to climate change. They won’t be the last.
Sea Level Rise Is Creeping into Coastal Cities. Saving Them Won’t Be Cheap.
Here’s How Much Sex You Should Have Every Week According to Science. Get naked, people. It’s good for you.
“Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are cheese.” -- Luis Bunuel
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
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