“Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command. Your old road is rapidly agin’. Please get out of the new one if you can’t lend a hand, for the times they are a-changin’.” -- Bob Dylan
Mueller team asking whether Trump was aware of stolen Democratic emails before the public.
Mueller probing Trump’s attacks on attorney general. He’s investigating the period of time when Trump seemed determined to push Sessions to resign.
Those little white lies could be a very big problem for Hope Hicks. “Even a white lie implies intentional misleading.”
Then just a few hours later we learn: White House Communications Director Hope Hicks is Resigning. Hmmmm. That’s interesting.
Empty seats, missing friends as Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School reopens.
Trump voiced support for confiscating guns from certain individuals deemed to be dangerous, even if it violates due process. What the fuck? No really, what the fuck? He actually says (and if you don’t believe me, watch the video): “I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida. He had a lot of firearms. They saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time. You could do exactly what you’re [Pence] saying but take the guns first, go through the process second.” I’ll say it again: What the fuck? If Obama had said anything close to this the articles of impeachment would’ve been written before the afternoon was over, but for some reason when Trump says it, no one, not even the pro-gun crowd, says a goddamn thing. Really? For eight years, so many of you were terrified that Obama was coming for your guns only to see in the end that it was all in your heads. But now when your President actually says it, you say nothing. And don’t think that you’re safe because you’re not “crazy” because “crazy” is a relative term that can be redefined by whoever is in power.
In the hour long meeting, Trump did voice support for certain gun control measures.
Dick's Sporting Goods CEO Edward Stack has announced several gun sale restrictions at its over 600 nationwide chains, including no longer selling assault-style rifles. “Thoughts and prayers are not enough."
Walmart raises minimum age for firearm purchases to 21.
Trump prods party to defy NRA on guns, says Obama did too little.
Trump says he’ll ban bump stocks through executive order.
Nikola’s Cruz’s gun reportedly jammed with tons of ammo left.
Armed Georgia teacher in custody after report of shots fired at high school. He barricaded himself in a classroom then surrendered 30-45 minutes later. Tell me again how arming teachers is the solution.
The gun issue goes way beyond mass shootings, and arming teachers will not solve the far more widespread problem. The good guy with a gun thing is a myth. It’s like how you feel safer driving your car instead of flying in an airplane because you think you have more “control” of the situation. Yeah. It’s bullshit.
Why are conservatives so obsessed with gun rights anyway? From the article: “A more workable psychological explanation begins by noting that psychologists have found consistent differences between conservatives and liberals in personality traits, attitudes, and moral stances. To summarize some of the research findings, conservatives tend to be more likely than liberals to accept or even embrace authority that is perceived to be legitimate. Conservatives tend to be more moralistic and more conventional than liberals. They tend to have a stronger need for order and control and stability and a greater dislike of change. Conservatives also tend to value equality less than liberals. They have less empathy and are more likely to see human nature as bad. Compared with liberals, their moral sense is less centered on fairness and kindness and more on loyalty, deference to authority, and moral and sexual purity. Conservatives also show a greater tendency than liberals toward dichotomous thinking and have a stronger need for certainty and cognitive consistency.”
Vice President Mike Pence: Abortion will end in U.S. ‘in our time.’ “I know in my heart of hearts this will be the generation that restores life in America.” Now if only you and the rest of the GOP gave a shit about those already born, then maybe we’d believe you actually do care about the sanctity of life. It’s nothing more than a hot button issue for you, one that riles up your base--those that think women are just running around having abortions just to have them--and divides the country. You want to reduce abortions? Then provide healthcare, provide birth control, provide sexuality education. The issue is not black and white so stop simplifying it down to such just to anger your supporters. There are good reasons abortions should be safe and legal, and you know it.
Democratic National Committee war plan: Target 50 million voters.
People are leaving the Trump White House in record numbers. More than one in three have left the White House in its first year. Wow.
A former FBI agent is running for Congress as the “Cannabis Candidate”.
10,000 Chicagoans go bankrupt every year due to fines that disproportionately target poor and minority residents. Chicago makes $200 million a year on parking tickets.
Survey: Some Disneyland employees struggle to pay for food, shelter. So much for the “Happiest Place on Earth” bullshit.
Scott Blackmun is resigning as CEO of the U.S. Olympic Committee, after facing calls to step down following committee’s handling of the Larry Nassar scandal.
Trump is trying to repeal Obama’s clean power plan--and people are pissed.
North Pole warms to stunningly high mid-30s this morning. For this time of year that exceeds the norm by more than 50 degrees. Nothing to see her folks. Move along.
Indiana close to becoming 2nd state to ban eyeball tattoos.
New shark species discovered in depths of the Atlantic.
You can find the gravitational constant with string and a mountain.
“If we lose love and self respect for each other, this is how we finally die.” -- Maya Angelou
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
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