Monday, March 26, 2018

Monday, March 26, 2018

And another day of Facebook trouble, Russian expulsions, and a fake photo--and oh yeah, I guess we’re not supposed to buy Girl Scout Cookies anymore--comes to a close:

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” -- Albert Einstein

A new report finds that Democrats would need to win by a CRAZY amount in order to overcome gerrymandering and take the House. “In order to take back the House, Democrats would need to win the popular vote by 11 points--an enormous margin in American politics today. Ugh. Leave it to the GOP to stack the deck in their favor.

The feds confirm they're investigating Facebook's data practices.

Facebook admitted it has been keeping records of Android users’ calls and texts.

It's not just Facebook. Thousands of companies are spying on you.

The White House says President Trump continues to deny that he had an affair with Stormy Daniels. Wait, they deny the affair but admit she was paid $130,000. Hmmmm...

Trump expels 60 Russians, closes Seattle consulate after UK chemical attack.

The U.S. and its allies are expelling Russian diplomats in response to the poison attack in Britain. Here's the complete list of countries.

Emma Gonzalez is responsible for the loudest silence in the history of US social protest. Because she is what we professionally call a badass.

People are sharing fake photos of Emma Gonzalez tearing up the Constitution. Just so you know the picture is...

Remington, one of nation’s top gunmakers, files for bankruptcy.

Steve King is a horrible person.

A clear generational divide in the U.S. is evident in views of government, with those in younger generations more likely than those in older generations to express a preference for a bigger government with more services.

Suicide hotline calls double in Puerto Rico 6 months after Hurricane Maria.

Dozens of hate-fueled attacks reported at Walmart stores nationwide.

New Indiana law requires all doctors to quiz women about their past abortions. “A new state law directs Indiana doctors and hospitals to investigate every time a woman seeks treatment for a physical or psychological condition whether she previously had an abortion that is in any way connected to the ailment.” Fucked. Up.

More states move to end ‘Tampon Tax’ that’s seen as discriminating against women.

Notes, emails reveal Trump appointees’ war to end Health and Human Services teen pregnancy program. Abstinence-only activists (which is a total bullshit way to help teens) overruled the HHS experts.

The founder of a conservative Christian ministry and legal counsel which represented Kim Davis has urged his followers to stop buying cookies from the Girl Scouts, claiming it "promotes abortion and sexual promiscuity to innocent girls." Seriously.

NIH is faring surprisingly well under Trump.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wants hemp removed from controlled substance list.

Netflix booted from Cannes Film Festival competition. Some people are terrified of change.

RIP Linda Brown. Yes, from Brown vs. Board of Education.

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” -- Plato

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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