Thursday, March 29, 2018

Thursday, March 29, 2018

And another day of Facebook’s “ugly truth,” attacking a Parkland survivor, cancer and Starbucks, and of course, Trump being Trump comes to a close:

“I believe the root of all evil is abuse of power.” -- Patricia Cornwell

News that Trump’s CIA director nominee, Gina Haspel, was even more involved in destroying videos showing the CIA torturing people.

Facebook memo outlines ‘ugly truth’ behind its mission. “Maybe it costs a life by exposing someone to bullies. Maybe someone dies in a terrorist attack co-ordinated on our tools,” he wrote. “The ugly truth is that we believe in connecting people so deeply that anything that allow us to connect to more people more often is *de facto* good...That isn’t something we are doing for ourselves. Or for our stock price. It is literally just what we do. We connect people. Period.”

Zuckerberg Says He Strongly Disagrees With "The Ugly" Memo By Facebook VP. The Facebook CEO's comments came shortly after BuzzFeed News reported on the internal memo that championed growth even if "it costs someone a life." In other words: I better say something now, but in 2016 I agreed with him.

Mueller just connected a top Trump campaign staffer to Russian intelligence.

Laura Ingraham is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

Advertisers are dumping Laura Ingraham after she slammed Parkland survivor, David Hogg. There are consequences to one’s actions. Don’t be a dick.

Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg says he doesn't accept Laura Ingraham's apology, saying it was "an effort just to save your advertisers."

Vermont GOP Governor Phil Scott says he's 'changed completely' on gun issues. “I've evolved on this," Scott said. "Where I was a week or two ago has changed completely." See, it’s ok to change your mind.

Student shot at Madison Schools in Ohio gets detention for school-shooting protest.

March for Our Lives was the beginning. Town halls are next. Organizers are pushing for lawmakers to host events on April 7.

New Jersey sells off investments in gun manufacturers that make automatic and semiautomatic weapons for civilian use.

The NRA is a terrorist organization. No, we don’t want to “ban your guns.”

Trump chides Obama for court vacancies, ignoring Republican obstruction: 'I don’t know why Obama left that. It was like a big beautiful present to all of us. Why the hell did he leave that? Maybe he got complacent'. It seems a large number of people are choosing to forget about the Republican obstruction during the Obama years. We all lose when you vote Republican.

Trump thinks community college and vocational school are the same thing (they’re not). Um, no, they are not the same thing. Sheesh this guy.

The United States will require would-be immigrants to turn over their social media handles.

Tarrant County woman sentenced to five years in prison for illegally voting in 2016.

Trump is going after Amazon and Jeff Bezos, again. He always holds a grudge, and he always plots revenge...and many of you voted for him.

Scott Pruitt wants to base EPA decisions on a kind of science that doesn’t exist.

Teachers in red states are winning pay raises with walkouts and strike threats. First West Virginia, then Oklahoma. Is Arizona next? This is great, but why would anyone want to live a “red state?”

States are beginning to recognize a third, nonbinary gender option. For people who don’t identify as male or female, that can mean relief, freedom and validation.

Hawaii Democrats who backed doctor-assisted suicide say it's about 'freedom to live and die as we choose,' while others fear an 'environment of hopelessness.' This does not create an “environment of hopelessness,” Senator Harimoto. Stop being so dramatic. You got through your Cancer, not because of “God” or “prayers” or even “hope,” no, you got through your cancer because you were able to. Your cancer wasn’t bad enough to kill you before you began receiving treatment, and thus the treatment worked. Some people are not so lucky.

Starbucks must put cancer warning on California coffee judge.

Does Hell exist? Pope Francis says ‘No.’

Mexico rolls out ‘Trump’ Toilet paper that boasts ‘softness without border.’

“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” -- William Shakespeare

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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