Today is World Down Syndrome Day.
It’s also World Poetry Day.
“Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.” -- William Butler Yeats
“We are a nation not only of dreamers, but also of fixers. We have looked at our land and people, and said, time and time again, ‘This is not good enough; we can be better.’” — Dan Rather
Cambridge Analytica's big promise in 2016: developing detailed psychological profiles of every American voter, so that campaigns could tailor their pitches from person to person.
Mark Zuckerberg has regrets. "I'm really sorry that this happened," the Facebook CEO says after news that Cambridge Analytica, a data firm with ties to President Trump's 2016 campaign, accessed information from 50M Facebook users without their knowledge. Mmmmm hmmmm. Your response took too long.
Remember, a personality quiz on Facebook, that was only played by 300,000 people, gave the quiz creator access to the data of 50 million people.
Zuckerberg has sold more Facebook stock in the last 3 months than any insider at any other company. Analysts don't believe there was anything nefarious behind the insider selling, which are part of regularly scheduled plans.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team has had growing interest in better understanding the relationship between Trump campaign, RNC and Cambridge Analytica.
McCabe authorized perjury investigation into Sessions.
The Austin bomber is dead. He blew himself up as law enforcement closed in on his car. Mark Anthony Conditt was a terrorist. It doesn’t matter that he was white.
The President and chief of staff are furious that someone leaked a warning not to congratulate Putin on his victory -- hours after Trump did just that.
More people view NRA negatively than positively for the first time since before 2000. The NRA is a terrorist organization.
YouTube is cracking down on gun videos posted.
Police shot and killed an unarmed black man in his own backyard. All he was holding was a cellphone. They shot at him 20 fucking times. When’s this shit going to change?
Today, Mississippi became the 49th state to chose its first woman to send to Congress. That just leaves Vermont as the only state that has never sent a woman to Capitol Hill. Montana was first, in 1917. I’m rather disgusted by this.
In the first major change to an Internet freedom law in years, Congress votes this week on making Internet companies take a little more responsibility for content on their sites. Later in the day, the Senate approved the anti-sex-trafficking bill. It’s now headed to Trump.
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ohio Gov. John Kasich press for a Republican Party that escapes Trump turmoil for cooperation on climate change and immigration.
The alcohol industry gave the government money to prove moderate drinking is safe.
Researchers create robotic fish that can swim underwater on its own.
Third-grader leading Colorado measure to allow schools to administer medical marijuana .
“It’s difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.” -- Voltaire
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
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