Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday, April 27, 2018

And another day things that make you go hmmmm, comes to a close:

“Society, have mercy on me. I hope you’re not angry if I disagree.” -- Eddie Veder

Yesterday, Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, forced out (fired, actually) the House chaplain. Members of both parties expressed outrage about the move. It might be tied to a prayer the chaplain made about the GOP tax bill.

Today, lawmakers demand answers from Ryan about his decision to oust the chaplain. The Rev. Patrick Conroy still doesn’t know why Ryan asked him to resign.

How Trump’s travel ban became normal. “Trump’s travel ban, now in its third iteration, is currently being enforced in full; it’s been in effect since December.” And hardly anyone noticed. Where’s the resistance that accompanied the first travel ban? “These changes are almost entirely the result of the Trump administration’s attempt to build a court-proof travel ban.”

A taped conversation reveals how national Democrats are trying to dissuade insurgents.

Chance the Rapper spurns Trump after president thanks him: 'I’d never support anyone who has made a career out of hatred, racism and discrimination'. Yeah, that sums it up.

Trump has a 40.6% approval rating. Approving of Trump is approving of hatred, bigotry, racism, misogyny, discrimination, and white patriarchy.

Republicans say 51-37 percent that the media is the enemy of the people, rather than an important part of democracy, the only group to believe that. Holy shit. Republicanism is a disease. From Trump/Comey to legalizing marijuana, there’s more from the Quinnipiac Poll.

Lawyer who met with Trump Jr. says she is informant for Russian government.

Colorado teachers are protesting this week for higher salaries and increased money for schools, prompting questions about why the state's booming marijuana sales have not fixed the funding problems.

100 US mayors sign pledge to defend Net Neutrality against crooked ISPs.

Trump: “What happened with the Paralympics was so incredible and so inspiring to me. And I watched--it’s a little tough to watch too much, but I watched as much as I could.” Fuck. You. Asshole.

For four months, two Reuters journalists have languished behind bars for exposing a massacre of Rohingya in Myanmar.

An investigation into the death of a mentally ill man who was repeatedly tased in his shower by two West Milwaukee, Wisconsin, police officers has concluded with no charges being filed, Milwaukee County District Attorney says.

New Trump teen pregnancy approach stresses abstinence. Sex education advocates say it looks a lot like the abstinence-only approach they feared it would be. And they say they don’t understand why programs that had been demonstrated to work are being tossed aside for a whole new approach. People are supposed to have sex. It’s innate within us. Educate them, don’t demand that they shouldn’t have sex. That goes against nature.

Sixty-five women in TV television industry circulate letter in support of NBC's Tom Brokaw.

Archaeologists find ancient mass child sacrifice in Peru. 140 skeletons of children between the ages of 5 and 14.

The iPhone boom times may finally be officially over.

“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.” -- Anton Chekhov

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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