Friday, April 6, 2018

Friday, April 6, 2018

And another day of tariffs causing “pain” in the markets comes to a close:

“Everything is awful, everything is awful, everything is.” -- The Decemberists

Scott Pruitt can relax, he’s probably not Friday’s news dump. “Pruitt has delivered a long set of easy wins for Trump. The EPA chief has rolled back dozens of regulations, curtailed environmental enforcement, and limited the role and quality of science in the agency’s decisions. There’s still more for Trump to celebrate this week: Pruitt rolled back Obama-era fuel efficiency standards and has adopted House Science Chair Lamar Smith’s (R-Texas) push to ban air pollution studies that rely on confidential data from being used in EPA regulation.” Scott Pruitt is a horrible person.

New Russia sanctions will likely target oligarchs with ties to Putin. One U.S. official noted that the delay in initiating sanctions against the oligarchs responsible for meddling in the 2016 U.S. election has muted their effect. He said that the oligarchs have had a year to restructure their U.S. holdings. "They had to know these were coming," he said.

US sanctions several Russian officials and entities, including oligarch linked to former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort.

Trump begins informal prep for potential Mueller interview.

Trump admits tariffs could cause 'pain' in markets.

Dow Jones dives more than 550 points on fears of a trade war.

China vows to fight US 'at any cost' as trade spat worsens. Nice going there, Donnie.

Teachers make less on average today than they did in 1989.

Trump is wrong about Amazon and sales tax, but on April 17 the Supreme Court's getting involved.

While we hammer Facebook, our personal data is leaking from stores left and right.

After one year of Trump, Obamacare is actually doing fine.

In just four years you’ll be able to visit the first luxury hotel in space--if you have a spare $9.5 million in your pocket.

“Humility is attentive patience.” -- Simone Weil

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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