“Now will you ride, with an angel by your side? Or will you just completely blow your mind?” -- Monster Magnet
The White House is preparing to cast Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as too conflicted to fairly oversee the Russia probe. The shit should hit the fan if they get rid of him.
Ex-FBI Director James Comey says in new book that Donald Trump is “unethical and untethered to truth,” and that he demanded loyalty like a mafia boss.
The Most Important News Out of Jim Comey’s Explosive New Book: Trump didn't care when briefed about the Russian attack.
5 eye-popping revelations from James Comey’s book excerpts.
The Donald Trump “love child” payoff scandal, explained. A doorman claims Trump had a child out of wedlock with his housekeeper — and the National Enquirer paid him $30,000 to shut up. Stranger things have happened.
Emails Show EPA Staff Were Concerned that Pruitt Kept Repeating False Information. His statements about fuel efficiency standards were “very troubling,” and “inaccurate.” Scott Pruitt is a horrible person.
Trump tells top officials to look at rejoining TPP, one year after withdrawing from it.
House Republicans are voting to make deficits unconstitutional after their $1.5 trillion tax cut.
Republican Bob Corker on the GOP tax bill he voted for: "If it ends up costing what has been laid out here, it could well be one of the worst votes I've made.” Yup. It will be.
Holocaust is fading from memory, survey finds. That’s depressing news. Educate your kids about it. Keep it alive in memory or history will repeat itself.
Obama is more admired than Trump in every country except Russia: poll. Not surprising.
A majority of Southerners--55%--say they support allowing homosexual couples to marry legally, a drastic turnaround for a region that strongly opposed gay marriage just a few years ago. Still not high enough.
A Woman Has Accused The Republican Governor Of Missouri, Eric Greitens Of Violent, Non-Consensual Sex. Um, isn’t that called rape?
Trump administration considers plan that would allow states to require certain food stamp recipients to undergo drug testing, handing a win to conservatives who've long sought ways to curb the safety net program.
Suicides left more officers and firefighters dead last year than all line-of-duty deaths combined — a jarring statistic that continues to plague first responders but garners little attention.
Oklahoma teachers union calls off nine day walkout.
Arizona Governor Agrees To 20 Percent Raise For Protesting Teachers.
Seattle Seahawks postpone visit after Colin Kaepernick won’t say if he’ll stop kneeling during anthem.
A Chinese couple died in a car crash. Four years later, their child was born.
Toxic lead was found in hundreds of Chicago homes' tap water within the past two years, according to a Chicago Tribune analysis of results from the tested water.
Night owls have an increased risk of death, diabetes and psychological problems, according to a new study.
Any more than five drinks a week on average can take years off a person’s life, according to a new study of more than half a million people around the world.
Whale killed by pounds of plastic trash stuck in his stomach.
Leaked proposal shows Trump administration planning to kill crucial protections for threatened animals.
57 years ago today, Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space. 57 years. That’s nothing.
Some New Yorkers can’t tell the difference between a tiger and a raccoon. “Confused New Yorkers reported a tiger loose in Manhattan Thursday, but it turned out the wild animal was only a raccoon.” Hmmm. Was that a huge raccoon or what?
“One chance is all you need.” -- Jesse Owens
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
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