“I don’t gamble, but if I did I would bet on us.” -- The Lumineers
White House says President Trump "certainly believes he has the power" to fire Special Counsel Mueller.
Some Republicans warn President Trump it would be "suicide" and a "massive mistake" to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
In new tantrum, Trump calls raid on his lawyer’s office an ‘attack on our country.’ Um, no. 9/11, Pearl Harbor, Russia interfering in 2016 elections were attacks on our country. This? This is just law and order in practice.
Facebook users: Here's how you can check right now to see if your personal information was shared with Cambridge Analytica.
Zuckerberg confirms Facebook is cooperating with Mueller.
Trump's homeland security adviser Bossert resigns on Bolton's request.
The Liberty City shooting shows the everyday gun violence we ignore. Stop ignoring it!
Sinclair host resigns after saying he'd take red-hot poker to Parkland student. Yes, he said he was “getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass.” Jesus, these people. Republicanism is a disease.
Michigan State University discouraged student from reporting alleged rape by athletes, lawsuit claims.
Arizona Supreme Court: No more in-state tuition for Dreamers. Arizona is an embarrassment to the country.
A federal court has ruled that employers cannot use salary history to justify paying women less than men for the same work.
Lawmakers call for probe on whether human impact on climate change was edited out of report.
Hackers can hijack emergency sirens with a radio. Of course they can.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -- Helen Keller
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
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