“In American mythology, people are rich because of ‘hard work.’ Yet nobody can explain why those who do all the actual labor have no money.” -- Steven Salaita
Mick Mulvaney, head of a consumer watchdog, told bankers he only spoke to lobbyists who paid him. “If you’re a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn’t talk to you. If you’re a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you.” Did he just admit corruption? Taking bribes? It’s certainly not democracy.
US drops to 45th in press freedom ranking due to "media-bashing enthusiast" Trump.
Look, there really is a Trump Train.
James Comey says his own experience in college joining with others to bully a classmate helped shape the person he is today.
Gunman wounds 2 Dallas police officers, store employee.
The Toronto van killer posted about sexual rejection before the attack on Monday.
A decades-long search for the "Golden State KIller" — who police say committed 12 murders, 45 rapes, and 120 home burglaries during a reign of terror back in the 1970s and 1980s — may be finally over.
Federal judge in Spokane, Washington halts Trump cuts to Planned Parenthood teen pregnancy program.
27% of solo parents (those without a spouse or partner) are living in poverty: 30% of solo mothers, and 17% of solo fathers.
Nearly 7-in-10 Democrats and just 18% of Republicans say dealing with climate change should be a top policy priority this year. Because Republicans don’t need the environment to survive? Republicanism is a disease.
Climate change will make thousands of islands uninhabitable. A new study says it'll happen sooner than we thought.
Five black women were kicked off a golf course in Pennsylvania after the club owners said they were playing too slowly and took too long of a break between holes.
Amazon and Tesla facilities named among the most dangerous workplaces in America.
You can now set your Gmail messages to expire or protect them with a passcode.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” -- Arthur C. Clarke
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
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