Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

And another day of admitting, dropping, and finding comes to a close:

“In American mythology, people are rich because of ‘hard work.’ Yet nobody can explain why those who do all the actual labor have no money.” -- Steven Salaita

Mick Mulvaney, head of a consumer watchdog, told bankers he only spoke to lobbyists who paid him. “If you’re a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn’t talk to you. If you’re a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you.” Did he just admit corruption? Taking bribes? It’s certainly not democracy.

US drops to 45th in press freedom ranking due to "media-bashing enthusiast" Trump.

Look, there really is a Trump Train.

Jeff Sessions won't recuse himself from Michael Cohen's case. The Attorney General had once promised to sit out cases linked to the 2016 election.

James Comey says his own experience in college joining with others to bully a classmate helped shape the person he is today.

Gunman wounds 2 Dallas police officers, store employee.

The Toronto van killer posted about sexual rejection before the attack on Monday.

A decades-long search for the "Golden State KIller" — who police say committed 12 murders, 45 rapes, and 120 home burglaries during a reign of terror back in the 1970s and 1980s — may be finally over.

Federal judge in Spokane, Washington halts Trump cuts to Planned Parenthood teen pregnancy program.

27% of solo parents (those without a spouse or partner) are living in poverty: 30% of solo mothers, and 17% of solo fathers.

Nearly 7-in-10 Democrats and just 18% of Republicans say dealing with climate change should be a top policy priority this year. Because Republicans don’t need the environment to survive? Republicanism is a disease.

Climate change will make thousands of islands uninhabitable. A new study says it'll happen sooner than we thought.

Five black women were kicked off a golf course in Pennsylvania after the club owners said they were playing too slowly and took too long of a break between holes.

Amazon and Tesla facilities named among the most dangerous workplaces in America.

You can now set your Gmail messages to expire or protect them with a passcode.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” -- Arthur C. Clarke

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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