Sunday, May 13, 2018

Sunday, May 13, 2018

And another day of mockeries, scapegoats, loud noises, and addictions comes to a close:

“It is an ironic habit of human beings to run faster when we have lost our way.” -- Rollo May

Paul Ryan Just Made a Complete Mockery of Campaign Finance Rules. “So Ryan can't ask for $30 million, but he can make the entire case for it—and lend the scene a certain gravitas as perhaps the country's second most powerful elected official—then promptly leave the room so the sausage can get made.” He left the room so his his friend could ask and secure the $30 million for him. Paul Ryan is a horrible person.

Black activists call for charges after video surfaces showing white Wisconsin police officer punching black teen outside mall.

White people keep calling the cops on black people for no reason. That’s dangerous. Disgusting racists.

Jeff Sessions Is Scapegoating the ACLU for Chicago’s Murder Rate Spike. In addition to Jeff Sessions being a horrible person, he also doesn’t want you to understand math.

Why we should care about FGM. And yes, you should.

A million children now live with their grandparents primarily due to their parents' addictions, increasingly because of opioids.

Canadian police investigate after 14th human foot washes up on coastline of British Columbia.

Hawaii residents scrambling for masks the government says won't help them.

Facial-recognition software is inaccurate in 98% of cases, a report finds.

Concerts, construction sites and even loud restaurants can permanently damage your hearing. One in four US adults shows signs of noise-induced hearing loss.

Uproar after prom organizers invite surprise guest to the dance floor: a fully-grown tiger. WTF?

From lab dog to lap dog: Research animals get new lease on life with laws that require institutions to offer healthy dogs and cats up for adoption, rather than killing them. Eight states? Eight?

“Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.” -- John Steinbeck

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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