“You know, I tried to talk about good roads and good schools and all these things that have been part of my career, and nobody listened. And then I began talking about niggers, and they stomped the floor.” -- George Wallace. This is worth the quick read. “We imagine the American past as filled with rabid bigots. But there have always been at least as many people who have some sense that bigotry is wrong, though they may say nothing. And then there are a select few who are fairly clear on right and wrong, but simply see more upside in being wrong.”
Cohen received a secret payment of at least $400,000 to fix talks between the Ukrainian president and Trump. Cohen denies the allegation. Shortly after the Ukrainian president returned home, his country's anti-corruption agency stopped its investigation into Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort. Well isn’t that interesting?
Kushner's security clearance restored, met with Mueller team a second time. It’s a permanent security clearance.
"New Poll: Most Americans don’t realize Robert Mueller’s investigation has uncovered crimes.” 59%. I’ll say it again: fifty nine percent. Even though there’s so far been 5 guilty pleas and 17 criminal indictments. But you already know that because you’ve been coming here to get some of your news. Now educate your friends and family members.
Trump Can No Longer Block His Haters on Twitter, a Federal Court Rules. Excluding them “constitutes viewpoint discrimination that violates the First Amendment.”
New NFL policy: Teams to be fined if players kneel during anthem. The league says "protests created a false perception among many that thousands of NFL players were unpatriotic." Um, no, the people who thought that are either stupid or racist. It was never about the flag. Stop watching the NFL. It’s a shitty league with no regard for the player’s health, and as was made official today, it has nothing but disrespect for the majority of its players regarding social issues. If you don’t want to see the social issues that are occuring while you are on your watch on the planet, then you are part of the problem. But fining players for quietly bringing attention to said issues is not going to make those issues go away. Stop worrying about a flag and start fighting for social justice. A human is worth more than a piece of cloth.
After a 10% drop last season, some team owners and fans argued that it was because players were kneeling during the National Anthem. No, it’s just a stupid game that causes irreparable damage to the players. No game is worth that.
Congress debates freedom of speech on campus — one proposal is that universities should be deprived of public funds if they fail to show political parity in the professors they hire and the speakers they bring to campus. Ah, another way for Republicans to eliminate higher education for the masses. It is their goal, you know.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says impeachment is not a "policy agenda".
A new report highlights a massive pay gap between CEOs and typical workers — some ratios as high as 4,987 to 1. And you can’t tell me they “earned” that shit.
Eighties Babies Are Officially the Brokest Generation.
New internal memos show the White House considered ways to downplay climate science research.
Two infected Ebola patients flee treatment center in Congo.
Obesity now linked to 12 different cancers.
Apple is going to let you download all the data it collects about you.
RIP Philip Roth. He was 85.
“The road to hell is paved with works-in-progress.” -- Philip Roth
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
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