Monday, June 4, 2018

Monday, June 4, 2018

And another day of cakes, witness tampering, and the Orange One declaring himself King comes to a close:

“Kings are not born: they are made by artificial hallucination.” -- George Bernard Shaw

Robert Mueller just accused Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering. Mueller asked a judge to revoke bail for Manafort. Well now. This can only get better if Manafort is still in contact with Trump.

In narrow ruling, Supreme Court gives victory to baker who refused to make cake for gay wedding. The opinion applies to only the specific facts of this case. But it’s heading us down a slippery slope.

“I’m reading about a 7-2 vote. Pretty sure that’s not narrowly… At least 2 dem leaning justices must have agreed.” -- Donald Trump (He really is a special kind of stupid.)

Trump lawyers sent special counsel letter arguing President can't obstruct Russia probe. A 20-page letter essentially saying Trump is the law and therefore can not be guilty. You know, like all innocent people behave.

Trump declares 'absolute right' to pardon himself. You know, like all innocent people behave.

Rudy Giuliani Says Trump Shouldn’t Testify Because “Our Recollection Keeps Changing”. WTF?

Trump's legal memo to Robert Muller makes an unusually frank case for a tyrannical interpretation of presidential power.

Trump's 'cruel' measures pushing US inequality to dangerous level, UN warns. Donald Trump is deliberately forcing millions of Americans into financial ruin, cruelly depriving them of food and other basic protections while lavishing vast riches on the super-wealthy, the United Nations monitor on poverty has warned.

A Trump Employee Said He Knew Of Misconduct At The Company. Then He Claimed His Family Was Assaulted. A mother and her young son said they were terrorized by Trump security in 1995, after a family member announced plans to reveal “financial improprieties.” The incident is one of several in which Trump surrogates have been accused of going to extreme lengths to protect him. It’s the Trumpian way.

Trump scraps scheduled reception for the reigning Super Bowl champions after several Eagles players indicated they planned not to attend. It’s simple. Don’t be an asshole.

Guatemala volcano death toll up to 65, expected to rise.

Palestine Football Association: Fans should burn Messi shirts if he plays in Jerusalem next weekend.

Many breast cancer patients can skip chemo, big U.S. study finds.

Monsanto to drop name after sale to Bayer. Synonymous with deadly chemical warfare and genetically modified plants, Monsanto's new owner is ditching the name.

RIP Dwight Clark. He was 61.

“The Supreme Court is not elected, and it is therefore not a proper arbiter of social policy.” -- Lamar S. Smith

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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