Thursday, June 28, 2018

Thursday, June 28, 2018

And another day with another shooting, another protest, more connections with Russia, children still separated from their parents, and feeling like we’re almost living in the world of “A Boy and His Dog” (though for the time being without the nuclear war part) comes to a close. Yes, there’s a lot to learn today.

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.” -- Harlan Ellison

Your thoughts and prayers don’t mean shit. They don’t get anything done. And they certainly don’t save anyone’s life. It’s time to vote all these people out of office.

Five people were killed and several others were “gravely injured” in a shooting at the Capital Gazette office. A shooter is in custody. Oh yeah, he’s he wasn’t killed by the police.

Annapolis shooting suspect damaged his finger tips to thwart identification.

Suspect in shooting at Maryland newspaper was ID'd using facial recognition technology.

“The FAKE NEWS media (failing New York Times, NBC News, ABC, CBS, CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American people!” -- Donald Trump, February 17, 2017

Trump at South Carolina rally on June 25, 2018 reiterated his disdain for the news media: “the enemy of the people, I call them".

Two days ago, Milo Yiannopoulos jokes of death squads murdering journalists.

It was only a matter of time before something like today happened. There’s a good chance it’ll be happening again soon. Without a free press, there can be no free people.

How is what’s listed below a “bad” agenda? You’re really going to fight against this?

Why young Democrats are so open to socialism. Because there’s more to life than struggling to eat, worrying about if you’ll get a life-altering disease, falling into crippling debt to get an education (if you’re lucky enough to even get one), hoping you can find a job that pays a living wage, wondering if you’ll ever be able to afford a home, and praying that you, your family, and your friends don’t wind up killing or dying in foolish wars set off by stupid and childish men.

Nancy Pelosi says socialism is not ascendant in Democratic Party. She’s the 6th richest member of the House.

But it’s not socialism we’re after. It’s Democratic Socialism. There is a difference.

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone. Yes, without their parents. Children as young as three. While this is not a new practice, under the Trump administration’s policy, more young children--including toddlers--are being affected than in the past.

“If you are stuck there a long time, it will change you,” one employee said. “In a matter of time, this kid is going to become more aggressive. He is just there like a little animal being caged.” Some punch walls, or other kids, or staff, according to employees and records. Some cut themselves or attempt suicide. After ending up in the hospital multiple times, one boy wrote a staff member to apologize: “You told me many times not to hurt myself but I continued to do it and now I am here.”

History Teaches Us There Are Limits to the Power of Civility in the Face of Nazis (Extremism).

The people and institutions that were supposed to constrain Trump are failing us.

Nearly 600 women arrested at immigration protests in the Senate building.

Nearly one third of Americans think another civil war could break out in the U.S. in the next five years over opposition to President Donald Trump’s policies with more than one in ten believing it is very likely to happen. A similar survey conducted in March 2010 during Barack Obama’s second year in office yielded similar results with 53 percent of U.S. voters describing themselves as “somewhat concerned” that those opposed to his policies will resort to violence.

Trump suggests Justice Kennedy’s retirement during his presidency was a deliberate choice: “He felt confident in me to make the right choice and carry on his great legacy, that’s why he did it”. I’m thinking there may have been a little more to it than just that.

In the 9 months leading up to this weekend's presidential election in Mexico, 132 politicians have been killed since campaigning began.

Tony Blair warns rise in populism could risk return to the '1930s'.

Reality Winner, former U.S. intelligence specialist accused of leaking report on Russian election hacking, to change her plea to guilty. The only person in jail for the Russian election hacking is the American who tried to tell us about it.

Several billionaires with deep ties to Russia attended exclusive, invitation-only receptions during Donald Trump’s inauguration festivities, guest lists obtained by ABC show; their presence is being eyed by special counsel Robert Mueller. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

Trey Gowdy apparently forgets that he led the Benghazi investigation in the House which was active for...wait for it...950 days. Shut up, Gowdy.

CBS News interview with ICE whistleblower interrupted by surprise visit from government agents. There are things they don’t want us to know.

Former Fox News co-president ousted during sexual harassment scandal reportedly accepts job in Trump White House. Of course he was offered the job. This is America, 2018.

Across Canada, people are increasingly angry about the way the country is being treated by the Trump administration — and are protesting with their pocketbooks. Please be patient with us, Canada. We are trying to rectify this disaster.

64% of Republicans say technology firms support the views of liberals over conservatives. 85% of Republicans think it likely that social media companies intentionally censor political viewpoints that those companies find objectionable, with 54% indicating they find it very likely. 62% of Democrats also think social media companies engage in this behavior.

California lawmakers pass bill stopping companies like Facebook from selling user data without consent.

San Francisco families earning $117,400 a year are now considered "low income".

Pornhub adds closed captions for viewers with hearing loss. More than 1,000 videos, across all genres, now come with subtitles.

Age 105? Then you've a better chance of living even longer. Study suggests that death rates level off at this age threshold, but fuels fierce debate whether humans are approaching upper lifespan limit

RIP Harlan Ellison. He was 84.

“The two most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity.” -- Harlan Ellison

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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