Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

And another day of America’s moral crisis comes to a close:

“We shall overcome.” -- Pete Seger’s version

I am part of one tribe: the human race. Why do you continue to hate people different than you?

Remember, for eight months McConnell refused to allow a Supreme Court nominee to come before the Senate.

U.S. Supreme Court in 5-4 decision backs Trump on travel ban targeting Muslim-majority nations.

“Our Constitution demands, and our country deserves, a Judiciary willing to hold the coordinate branches to account when they defy our most sacred legal commitments. Because the Court’s decision today has failed in that respect, with profound regret, I dissent.” -- Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayer. Read more here.

It may be the law, but that doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do. Morality needs no law.

One father said he felt broken without his teenage son, while another cried over his daughter. A mother wiped away tears, fearing that her 4-year-old son believes she abandoned him.

UN says Trump separation of migrant children with parents 'may amount to torture'.

Far from Southwest, children of workplace raids await fate.

"Quit trying to make us feel teary-eyed for the children. Yes, I love children a great deal, but to me, it's up to the parents to do things rightfully and legally". What some Trump supporters think of family separations at the border. When a person lacks empathy, it’s easy to think of others as “lesser.”

No, rude liberals are not making Donald Trump more popular.

Supreme Court effectively put an end Tuesday to a California law that forces anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers to provide information about abortion.

The United States demands that countries around the world must stop buying Iranian oil before November 4 or face a renewed round of American economic sanctions. It’s like he’s trying--actually putting forth a concerted effort--to start World War III.

Trump revs up attacks after Harley-Davidson said tariffs are forcing them to move overseas.

Trump falsely claims (in other words “lies”) that crime in Germany "is way up." But data from the German government shows that 2017 saw the lowest number of crimes committed there since 1992.

The White House tried to suppress a bombshell study on water contamination near military bases because they were afraid of the PR.

And another sign that the end is near: Sean Spicer is developing a TV show.

“Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.” -- John W. Gardner

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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