Monday, July 23, 2018

Monday, July 23, 2018

And another day of tapes, threats of annihilation, Russians hacking US utility control rooms, immunity, dropping pants, breastfeeding, a presidential enemies list, and of course, homosexual discrimination, comes to a close:

“While the world outside my window goes insane. You’re here to remind me, a few good things remain.” -- Kathy Mattea

Twelve Michael Cohen audiotapes released to federal investigators. We’ll start things off with a little good news today.

Donald Trump Threatens to Annihilate Iran But No One Really Cares. “This is how seriously people take the United States of America these days. This is what our country has come to.”

Trump returns to 'Witch Hunt' tweets against Mueller probe.

Russian Hackers Reach U.S. Utility Control Rooms, Homeland Security Officials Say

Maria Butina and her colleagues guessed that guns would be their ticket into Republican politics. They were right. Man, Republicans sure were played.

Americans increasingly believe Russia meddled in the 2016 election.

Judge grants immunity for five witnesses in Manafort case; trial delayed until July 31.

Sarah Sanders suggests Trump will revoke the security clearance of any former official who criticizes president. Such the authoritarian wanna-be creating an enemies list like that.

Rotten meat. Chicken pox. Tearful separations. Migrants describe their experience in federal custody. In more than 1,000 pages of new court declarations from children and adults in federal custody, several hundred migrants who crossed the border seeking asylum describe long waits for medical care, outbreaks of chicken pox and untreated diaper rashes. The documents detail minimal access to legal services, with obstacles like language barriers and confusion about their own rights. Some migrants say they are told they aren’t welcome in the United States; others are told it doesn’t matter what they try, they’ll be deported in a matter of days.

U.S. says 463 migrant parents may have been deported without their kids.

US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh said back in 1999 that the landmark Supreme Court opinion that ordered President Richard Nixon to turn over White House recordings toward the end of the Watergate investigation might have been "wrongly decided." Brett Kavanaugh is horrible person.

Gun control advocates worry Brett Kavanaugh's previous opinions on gun control laws — in which he argued assault weapons bans are unconstitutional — could fundamentally change the way the Supreme Court considers gun control. I’ll say it again: Brett Kavanaugh is a horrible person.

Trump calls Washington Post 'expensive lobbyist' for Amazon.

Georgia lawmaker Jason Spencer is under fire after dropping his pants and yelling the "n-word" on the Showtime series "Who Is America?" He’s blaming his “fear” for his actions. Like that’s a legitimate excuse.

Voter purges are on the rise in states with a history of racial discrimination.

Cops called on women nursing their kids at pool, so dozens of breastfeeding moms show up to protest. Fantastic!

Charlottesville-based wedding photographers refuse to serve same-sex couple.

A 15-year-old girl in Indonesia has been imprisoned for six months for having an abortion after her brother repeatedly raped her. A foreshadowing of things to come in America?

Cuba's draft constitution opens path to same-sex marriage.

By almost every measure, the U.S. economy is booming. But a look behind the headlines of roaring job growth and consumer spending reveals how the boom continues in large part by the poorer half of Americans fleecing their savings and piling up debt.

Seasonal cycles in Colorado's Rocky Mountains are changing. Flowers are blooming before there are bees to pollinate them. Some plants and wildlife have been able to adapt. Others are being left behind. Hmmmm. Evolution in action?

HPV: The gender-neutral killer in need of prevention among men. Get your boys vaccinated before they become sexually active.

Officer helps homeless man shave so he can apply for McDonald's job. And now we’ll end the day with some more good news.

“Go out and chase your dreams no matter how crazy it looks.” -- Shanice Williams

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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