Monday, July 30, 2018

Monday, July 30, 2018

And another day of horrible people (I capped it at four), collusion, conspiracy, cover-up, whatever, and other WTF moments comes to a close:

“The noises Russia makes on the world stage are deeply misogynist, homophobic and racist.” -- Timothy Morton


Remember: Mueller has already indicted 32 people and 3 Russian companies. He has also already secured 5 guilty pleas. Seems there might be something going on here.

Hmmm. Trump’s defense has gone from “no collusion” with Russia to “collusion is not a crime.”

Giuliani: Trump tweets have 'laid out his defense very clearly' against obstruction claims, suggesting he may not need to testify in Mueller’s investigation because so. Seriously? WTF? Wow. So commit a crime and then repeatedly tweet out that you are innocent and, well, then you won’t have to testify. What a brilliant defense!

Dana Rohrabacher Says Anyone “In This Town” Would Meet With Russians Peddling Political Dirt; And, says “Putin’s favorite congressman,” the Maria Butina case is “B.S.” Dana Rohrabacher is a horrible person.

Republicans anxious about keeping control of Congress think it's a bad idea, but President Donald Trump still says he's willing to close the government over border security issues, including money he wants to build a promised U.S.-Mexico border wall.

Trump accuses migrant parents who cross the US-Mexico border with their sons and daughters of using these children to further “their own sinister purposes.” Donald Trump is a horrible person.

Giuliani once praised Michael Cohen as 'honest,' but now says Cohen has 'lied all his life'. Do they really think we’re this stupid?

How Russia Persecutes Its Dissidents Using U.S. Courts. Russia’s requests to Interpol for Red Notices—the closest instrument to an international arrest warrant—against Kremlin opponents are being met with increasing deference by the Department of Homeland Security.

Rand Paul backs Trump's pick for the Supreme Court. Of course he does.

The Trump administration is considering acting unilaterally (in other words, bypassing congress) to institute a $100 billion tax cut that will largely benefit the wealthy. 86% of the benefit would go to the top 1%.

Jim Jordan denies that his Ohio State colleagues knew about sexual abuse. The evidence says they did. Jim Jordan is a horrible person.

3D-printed 'downloadable' firearms could reshape U.S. gun control. On August 1st, homemade plastic 'ghost guns' could be as accessible as a 3D printer.

Trump escalates attack against media after NYT publisher warned of violence against journalists. He’s radicalizing his followers to violence.

Jeff Sessions announces ‘religious liberty task force.’ Jeff Sessions is a horrible person. This has nothing to do with “religious freedom” and everything to do with oppressing LGBTQ people and those of religious beliefs different from those currently in charge of our government. In essence, it’s about creating a regressive Christian white ethnostate. If your religion requires you to hate other people, then you need a different religion. Or better yet, no religion at all.

The number of Americans with no religious affiliation is rising. There is still hope for this country.

The newest trend in modeling? Not being an actual human being.

Belgian museums are uniting in protest against Facebook over artistic nudity ban. It’s just nudity, people. It’s not a big deal.

Largest-ever survey of Americans' sexual fantasies looks at what we want, “what we really, really want.” It’s just sex, people. Talk about it. Explore it. Have more of it.

“I must study politics and war so that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.” -- John Adams

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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