Thursday, July 26, 2018

Thursday, July 26, 2018

And another day of “Holy Cow! Where’s my popcorn!” comes to a close:

Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting, and is willing to tell Mueller. You remember, the meeting in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton.

But remember, Trump Jr. claimed the Trump Tower meeting focused on “adoption,” and that it was dictated by Trump himself after Trump talked with Putin.

Shit. Meet fan.

Now the attacks on Cohen will ramp up. Here we have Rudy, ugh, explaining that Cohen has done nothing his entire life but lie and therefore can not be believed. Um, much like your client, Trump, you moron?

The Giant Timeline of everything Russia, Trump and the investigations.

Recent polls suggest Trump and the Republicans may not have suffered much lasting political damage in the wake of family separations. In fact, polling indicates that Republicans have emerged more unified and motivated by immigration than they were before the policy was publicized. Because Republicans relish their “white privilege.” They have chosen to think of these parents and their children as “lessers,” not quite human enough to warrant being treated with dignity and respect.

American white people really hate being called “white people”. “In fact, they want their America, the America where white dominance is so ubiquitous as to be unremarkable, back. They keep saying so.” This is an interesting article.

“A typical scenario...was that ICE officers told the parents that in order to see their children, they had to sign the form that was presented in front of them" — but the form could actually deport the parents without their children.

We have the first documented case of Russian hacking in the 2018 election.

Trump ally and super-conservative Jim Jordan is running for House speaker. Because the GOP doesn’t have a decent human being to run? Jim Jordan is a horrible person.

The White House press corps shows unity after a CNN reporter was barred from a Rose Garden event. The press is not our enemy.

When students return to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in three weeks, they won't have to use see-through backpacks. Instead, there will be metal detectors, 52 new cameras, fences, new locks, and other additional security measures. Oh, like prison.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says he should have brought up presumption of innocence during a recent "lock her up" chant from a group of conservative high schoolers. Jeff Sessions is a horrible person.

Practically all Republicans ages 65 and older who say higher education is on the wrong track (96%) say professors bringing their views into the classroom is a major reason why. Because that age group knows what’s going on with higher education? WTF? Check out the article and see the second, more detailed chart.

Facebook just had the biggest single-day loss for any public company in US history — about $119 billion in market value.

The U.S. is "most dangerous" place to give birth in developed world.

Amazon's Facial Recognition Tech Falsely Matched 28 Members Of Congress With Arrest Mugshots. The false matches were disproportionately people of color, said the ACLU, which released the new report.

While the ninja profession pays $85,000 in Japan, there’s a shortage of them due to the low unemployment rate. In case you’re looking for a job.

When no one is looking, many women are watching gay porn. Heterosexual porn is designed for men, and a researcher finds that it often makes women uncomfortable. Everyone should just have more sex. Just saying.

“Hope is but the dream of those who wake.” -- Matthew Prior

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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