Thursday, August 2, 2018

Thursday, August 2, 2018

And another day of creeping fascism comes to a close:

“It is legal because I wish it.” -- Louis XIV

If Trump supporters liked facts, they wouldn’t be Trump supporters.

New York judge says the government was applying its "zero tolerance" policy toward illegal entry in a "thoughtless and cruel" manner. Except they did think it through. It’s just that this is what they wanted.

Worker charged with sexually molesting eight children at immigrant shelter, new records show.

Senators: Trump 'not paying attention' to Russian threats in 2018. “While the President has been inconsistent in his tweets, and some of the messaging that he's put on it, he's the only one in the government that hasn't been paying attention to this."

Trump national security team says Russia behind effort to meddle in U.S. elections.

Alleged Russian agent's infiltration of GOP circles anything but subtle.

Trump says Sessions should end Mueller investigation 'right now'. Hmmm. Obstructing justice?

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Thursday refused to say the media is not the enemy of the people.

Acosta after clash with Sanders: White House has lost sight of the fact that media, Americans aren't enemies.

Donald Trump Jr. says the Democratic Party platform is similar to the Nazis'. Oh look, another Trump that, at best doesn’t know history, and at worst is lying to you to stoke your anger and fear.

Sanders claim about Osama bin Laden's phone use and journalists is untrue. In other words, she lied.

GOP Illinois state lawmaker allegedly used nude photos of ex-girlfriend to catfish men. It’s like the worst humans gravitate toward the GOP.

More Schools Are Buying ‘Active-Shooter’ Insurance Policies. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Texas school district where 10 died in shooting accepts donations of guns.

France outlaws sexual harassment on the streets after viral video of recent attack. French lawmakers approved a bill that outlaws cat-calling, allowing fines of as much as hundreds of dollars to be handed out on the spot to street harassers.

The leader of one of the largest Roman Catholic dioceses in Pennsylvania has released a list identifying 71 priests, deacons and seminarians accused of "substantiated" sexual misconduct over the past seven decades.

Study: most wealthy countries aren’t religious. Then there’s the US. 55% of Americans say the pray daily. If true, then that’s a statistical anomaly.

Black man wears 'Caucasian' shirt to expose the hypocrisy of white privilege. And some white people missed the point. Shocking, I know. The shirt mimicked the logo for the Washington Redskins.

Apple becomes first-ever company valued at $1 trillion. A little math lesson: at one dollar per second (that’s $3600 an hour), 24 hours a day non-stop, it would take about 32,000 years to have $1 trillion. Yes, that’s 32,000 years.

Bacteria are learning to beat alcohol-based hand sanitizers too.

“Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.” -- Josh Billings

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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