Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

And another day of so much stuff happening so damn fast that it’s easy to get distracted or become apathetic but so important that you don't and instead stay focused and vigilant comes to a merciful close:

“History repeats itself. So you might wanna pay attention.” -- Quavo

Trump revokes ex-CIA director John Brennan's security clearance. Mr. Brennan has been very critical of Trump and has therefore made the President’s enemies list.

“The larger issue here, to me, throughout has been an infringement of First Amendment rights. And I think people ought to think seriously about that.” -- Former Director of National Intelligence James Calpper on John Brennan’s revoked security clearance.

Are Democrats Actually Souring on Capitalism? A new poll finds that Democrats now view socialism more favorably than capitalism. But what does that mean, exactly?

Why Facebook is losing the war on hate speech in Myanmar. Reuters found more than 1,000 examples on Facebook of posts, comments, images and videos attacking the Rohingya and other Muslims in Myanmar. Posts like: ‘We need to destroy their race’

Twitter puts Alex Jones in a “timeout.” As well as InfoWars. A one-week ban.

FCC shuts down Alex Jones’s flagship radio station.

Sarah Sanders apologizes for her false claim about African-American jobs. I checked, but no, Hell did not freeze over. In fact, it may be expanding since...

Washington State Is on Track to Have the Most Wildfires Ever This Year.

Connecticut police have made an arrest after 76 people overdose on K-2 in one day at a New Haven park. K-2 is also known as synthetic marijuana.

Transgender candidate Christine Hallquist made history Tuesday when she captured the Democratic nomination for governor in Vermont. Here's five things you should know about her.

Christian university in Canada dropped ban on same-sex student relationships. The decision comes about two months after Canada’s Supreme Court upheld the denial of accreditation to the University’s proposed law school due to concerns about the covenant and discrimination against LGBTQ students.

Oklahoma school shuts down for two days after parents threaten transgender 7th grader. The school did not have a problem with fellow students threatening Maddie, Beene said, it was parents and other adults who were allegedly making the comments online. Those parents are disgusting excuses for humans.

Republicans are condemning a poster by Pearl Jam that shows the White House in flames and a bald eagle pecking at a skeleton they say is meant to depict President Donald Trump.

The Roundup Chemical Found Responsible for Cancer Might Also Be in Your Oatmeal. And Cheerios and granola bars and...

Disney Takes Stand Against "Overzealous Copyright Holders". You read that correctly. Go ahead...laugh at the irony.

The share of U.S. teens working summer jobs has tumbled since 2000: Despite some recovery since the end of the Great Recession, about a third of teens had a job last summer. I fear that my children, once they become teenagers, will never be able to find a job.

Imagine a device that would allow humans to breathe underwater without heavy equipment. It could become a reality.

“Almost everyone I know has this sense of overdosing on information and getting dizzy living at post-human speeds.” -- Pico Iyer

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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