“They don't care about us enough to hate us. We are simply a form of livestock." — Gillian Flynn
Call your senators and tell them not to confirm Kavanaugh. Vote is scheduled for Thursday.
Christine Blasey Ford comes forward. And she has everything to lose. Read her letter here.
GOP Senator Bob Corker joins Jeff Flake in saying that Kavanaugh’s accuser should be heard out before panel votes.
Why We Should Be Protesting the National Anthem. It’s a very good reason. And yes, I agree.
Because Republicans are hypocrites, and most of them are horrible people.
West Virginia library: We won't carry new Woodward book. That’ll teach ‘em!
Kansas woman told birth certificate wasn’t enough to prove citizenship for passport. “Border crossing card or green card for your parents issued prior to your birth? My parents were born in the United States….Early religious records? We don’t have any. Family Bible? They won’t accept a birth certificate but they will accept a family Bible?”
Ken Paxton Wants to Eliminate the ACA’s Pre-Existing Condition Protections. How Would That Affect Texans? More than a quarter of adults in Texas have a pre-existing condition that could make them unable to get health coverage without the ACA’s requirements. Ken Paxton is a horrible person. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege.
In the #MeToo era, can Dallas-based breastaurant chain Twin Peaks survive a wave of allegations? Wow. I recommend not eating at this chain.
A U.S. Border Patrol supervisor was charged Saturday with murder in the deaths of four female sex workers following what authorities called a two-week killing spree that ended when a fifth woman escaped from him at a Texas gas station and found help. It doesn’t matter that they were sex workers.
Nearly one in 10 U.S. houses have negative equity mortgages. That’s double the rate considered healthy by real estate analysts.
Canada court says ISPs can charge studios for hunting pirates.
Scientists have developed a forecast model for predicting mass bird migrations, based in part on weather patterns.
“Truth is power and it prevails.” -- Sojourner Truth
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
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