Sunday, September 2, 2018

Sunday, September 2, 2018

And another day where some stuff happened (or maybe it didn’t) comes to a close:

“The world outside looks so unkind.” -- Dobie Gray

George Papadopoulos says Attorney General Jeff Sessions supported his proposal that Donald Trump meet with Vladimir Putin during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Trump says he'll 'study' his decision to cancel federal pay raises. Wait. You didn’t ‘study’ that before you made the decision?

Parkland survivor David Hogg helps raise thousands for anti-Ted Cruz billboard featuring Trump tweet. Simply beautiful.

This Arizona police department has a history of violent incidents caught on video. Now, the FBI is getting involved.

Plano, Texas, doctor sparked outrage after he told a medical publication that female physicians make less than men because they “don’t work as hard” and prioritize “something else ... family, social, whatever.” Let’s make him a former doctor.

What Pope Francis knew or didn’t know won’t cure the disease that is the Catholic Church. 

aka: idiots

Billionaire Seahawks owner and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen this year has made his largest-ever foray into congressional politics: A $100,000 donation to a group aiming to keep Republicans in control of the House. If you needed another reason to stop watching the Seahawks and the NFL.

Americans should be more afraid of HPV. HPV-related oral and genital cancers are on the rise — yet we're under-using the vaccine that can prevent them. Get your kids—both girls AND boys—the HPV vaccine. They’re going to have sex at some point. You’re not going to stop that from happening. But you can help protect them against some cancers. Get them vaccinated.

Rio's 200-year old National Museum hit by massive fire. More than 20 million items ranging from archeological findings to historical memorabilia are at risk of being lost.

A man is facing 10 felony counts for allegedly going on dates with numerous women across Southern California before skipping out on the bill. Up 10 13 years if convicted. And now you know.

“I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.” -- Socrates

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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