Sunday, September 23, 2018

Sunday, September 23, 2018

And another day of accusations, denials, and cannabis comes to a close:

“A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” -- Duke Ellington

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is planning to give the Senate Judiciary Committee calendars from his high school years his legal team argues will back up his denial of sexual misconduct allegations, The New York Times reported on Sunday. Seriously, this is just fucking hysterical. Nevermind the fact that someone who wants to be a Supreme Court Justice believes showing a “calendar” will exonerate him. Sheesh.

Sen. Lindsey Graham says he is “not going to ruin” Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s life over Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation. It seems her coming forward has already ruined her life. That should tell you something.

Trump unleashes on Kavanaugh accuser. This is not surprising. He desperately needs Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.

After Trump’s insensitive tweet, women respond as to why people don’t report sexual assaults. And if you don’t think this shit goes on, then you live a very privileged life and your opinion doesn’t mean shit.

Young people listening to the news right now are learning whether adults in power will take claims of sexual violation seriously, and whether speaking up results in harsher consequences for survivors or for those accused.

A man in Anchorage, Alaska, pleaded guilty to assaulting a woman who said he strangled her unconscious and sexually assaulted her. The man then walked out of court with no prison sentence.

Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has denied an allegation made by a second woman accusing him of inappropriate sexual behavior.

Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump, and the larger crisis of elite impunity in the United States. The elite are somehow frequently allowed to play by different rules.

Trump Campaign Aide Jason Miller Exits CNN Analyst Job After Accusations. Supposedly, Miller had an affair with a woman and when she later found out she was pregnant, Miller “surreptitiously dosed her with an abortion pill without her knowledge,” leading to the end of the pregnancy. Trump always hires the best.

Michael Cohen spoke to Mueller team for hours; asked about Russia, possible collusion.

Trump has so far appointed relatively young judges to the appeals courts. These are lifetime posts, so their impact could be felt for decades.

3-D gun advocate accused of paying for sex with underage girl back in Texas after arrest in Taipei.

The numbers of U.S. priests and seminarians have been plummeting for decades, and it's not just because of the church's sexual abuse scandals.

Judge rules a California kindergartner can keep bringing a cannabis-based drug used for emergency treatment of a rare form of epilepsy to her public school.

As Coca-Cola considers cannabis drinks, hopes for CBD are still higher than the science.

“The art of communication is the language of leadership.” -- James Humes

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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