Friday, October 5, 2018

Friday, October 5, 2018

And another day of...ah, screw it. It’s been a crappy day that finally comes to a close:

“I think these are very precarious times for women, it seems. So many of your rights are under assault.” -- Richard Hanna


You are not alone. Take your anger to the polls and vote this November 6th. And vote these old white men out of office.

The GOP approves, even supports, sexual assault. They refuse to take the crime seriously, preferring to pass it off as boys will boys or some other similar bullshit. If you support the GOP, then you, too, approve of this behavior.

GOP members didn’t call victims of Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein liars or proclaim they were “mistaken.” No, they saved that stupid shit for Ford.

More importantly in all this was Kavanaugh’s demeanor at his hearing. He is the typical white-privileged male that believes he’s entitled to whatever he wants. And he’ll probably get it on Saturday.

I sure hope this is the last gasp of old white men clinging to power. They need to go.

Kavanaugh Has The Votes To Be Confirmed To The Supreme Court.

Here are 10 Kavanaugh scandals that have nothing to do with sexual assault.

Susan Collins’ Senate speech was a cruel attack on Christine Blasey Ford. Susan Collins is a horrible person––as well as the other five GOP women in the Senate.

Susan Collins’s Kavanaugh speech wasn’t moderate at all. She sounded like Trump.

Joe Manchin is a horrible person. No, he doesn’t get off in all this. He’s horrible. Don’t forget it.

“As you lament the Merrick Garland outrage never forget that McConnell and Republicans did not fill lower court seats for YEARS. Those are the seats being filled now. Use the rage of today to get people out to vote and be rid of these people. Your voice matters. Your vote counts. VOTE!” -- Eric Holder

GOP leaders, including President Trump, have waged what amounts to an aggressive anti-#MeToo campaign in Kavanaugh’s defense, not only rejecting the charge that he behaved improperly but more broadly arguing that men in America are in peril. No, men in America are not in peril. Don’t fall for the bullshit.

There Have Always Been Protests On Capitol Hill. This Is Different.

This Texas Republican would really prefer you don't ask him about the Violence Against Women Act. Vote this guy out.

Vice President Pence Accuses China Of Trying To Interfere In U.S. Elections.

How Pissed Off Parents and Teachers Could Expel Scott Walker From Office. He slashed education funding. Now Wisconsin’s governor is in the race of his life against the state’s education superintendent. Scott Walker needs to go. He is a horrible person.

Texas rejects 2,400 online voter registrations as Oct. 9 deadline looms. If you registered through you will need re-register.

Leon Lederman, an experimental physicist who studied subatomic particles, has died at 96 after selling his Nobel Prize for $765,000 at an auction to help pay medical bills. Think about that. He had to sell his Nobel Prize in order to pay his medical bills. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

Adults Up to Age 45 Can Now Get the HPV Vaccine. Get it. You don’t want to deal with what I had to deal with.

Amazon raised its minimum wage -- but it also eliminated bonuses and stock awards for hourly workers.

High school official apologizes for saying girls "ruin everything". This is the kind of misogynistic bullshit that needs to stop. Your apology is meaningless.

“You don’t lead by hitting people over the head--that’s assault, not leadership.” -- Dwight D. Eisenhower

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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