Sunday, October 28, 2018

Sunday, October 28, 2018

And another day of the planet “going off the rails on a crazy train” comes to a close:

“The problem is that my generation was pacified into believing that racism existed only in our history book.” -- Chance The Rapper

"Crazy, but that's how it goes. Millions of people, living as foes." -- Ozzy Osbourne

These days are some of the darkest moments in our nation’s history. Stay strong, my friends. We will prevail.

To recap the previous week: A neo-Nazi murdered Jews at a Pittsburgh synagogue; a white supremacist murdered two black people in Kentucky; and a Republican sent bombs in the mail to Trump critics.

Trumpism Is Bent on Creating a Police State. Trump continues to argue that his casual bigotry and xenophobia, his exhortations of extralegal measures against political opponents, and his delegitimization of the media are inconsequential to the violence. Instead, Trumpism demands that violence be solved by local militarization: increased security at schools, the arming of teachers, and now, the adoption of guns in places intended quite literally to be sanctuaries from the scourges of the world. Taken altogether, what Trumpism seems to intend is the creation—or perhaps the expansion—of the machinery of a police state.

Stop Trying to Understand What Trump Says and Look at What His Followers Do.

The Conspiratorial Hate We See Online Is Increasingly Appearing In Real Life.

Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism.

How many mass murders happened when George Bush was in office, when Obama was in office and now Donald Trump in office? 27 since Trump’s inauguration, 21 months ago. 35 in the 8 years that Obama was president. 13 during George W Bush’s 8 year presidency. And 18 during Clinton’s eight year term.

Trump Just Called a Bomb Recipient a “Crazed & Stumbling Lunatic”.

The surge in anti-Semitic incidents in the US between 2016 and 2017 was the highest increase in incidents on-record since the Anti-Defamation League started reporting on them in 1979.

Far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro wins presidential election in Brazil. Hatred and Fascism infect another democracy.

The US just revealed more families were separated. Here's why that matters.

Younger Americans are better than older Americans at telling factual news statements from opinions. So much for “age brings wisdom.”

Some online trolls and bots have evolved into more sophisticated, stealthy threats that social media companies and security researchers are finding increasingly difficult to spot.

A journal has finally retracted a long-debunked article about the spurious link between vaccines and autism, a full eight years after the bogus research on which the paper was based was pulled from the scientific literature.

New research shows women internalize criticism, while men let it roll off their backs.

Teen anxiety and depression more likely in kids who don't trust or communicate with parents, a new study shows.

“All racism is wrong, and denying that it exists does not make it go away.” -- Roger Ross Williams

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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