Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Question

The question we should be asking ourselves, particularly GOP supporters, is not whether Kavanaugh is a good man or not, but rather why he, or anyone for that matter, needed to be rushed through so quickly? Why was it fine for the Supreme Court to be down a justice for ten months at the end of one President's tenure (more than ten percent of his entire time in office), but at this moment, this man (and it does appear that it had to be this particular man) had to be confirmed despite his low public approval rating and the severe allegations brought against him?

Unfortunately, your answer will probably depend on which side of the aisle you're on.

Yes, the midterms are less than a month away, and I have no doubt our political leaders used that fact to rush through this man's confirmation for fear of not being able to do so afterwards, but these are questions that should bother us. They should gnaw at our insides and keep us awake at night, pondering if these are the people who deserve to represent us and run our country. Do these people truly represent who we are, or are we content to just let such people be in power because at least it's not the other side?

If it's the former, then they are a reflection of us and we should be ashamed of who we turned out to be.

If it's the latter, then that's an emotional way to be involved in the political direction of this country.

And emotion mixed with politics leads to atrocities.

So again I ask you to ponder why Kavanaugh's confirmation had to be rushed through despite the many concerns about him that surfaced. They are questions that may make us uncomfortable, but they need to be thoughtfully considered. It is worth our time to do so.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends.

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