“There are few things easier to do than vote.” -- Chris Matthews
Jamal Khashoggi's Last Column Before Disappearance Calls For Free Expression.
Trump praises a US congressman's assault of a Guardian journalist, as the world watches for US response to the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has zero redeeming qualities, and those that still support him should never be forgiven for taking the country down this road to Hell.
Conservatives mount a whisper campaign smearing Khashoggi in defense of Trump. There’s not a single decent person in the GOP. Those that still support the Republican Party should never be forgiven for allowing their leaders to pave the before mentioned road to Hell.
Flashback. December 2016: Saudi Arabia bans journalist for criticising Donald Trump. That journalist was Jamal Khashoggi. Hmmm.
Pat Robertson is a horrible person.
Watch out, they need a distraction. Look for it. Be aware of it. But don’t fall for it.
Trump just threatened to send the military to the US-Mexico border — again. Here’s what the US military can do at the US-Mexico border.
The biggest lie Trump tells is that he’s kept his promises.
New Interior Dept IG report says Secretary Zinke sought to designate his wife an agency volunteer to obtain free, taxpayer-funded travel and that he neglected to get permission from ethics officials when he took campaign donors on a boat trip.
GOP lawmaker condemns ad warning black voters Dems will bring back 'lynchings'.
Hate in Maryland: From racist taunts to swastikas to a campus stabbing, bias reports up sharply in state.
Louis Farrakhan compared Jews to insects, but Twitter says they will not suspend him.
Sentencing Minors to Life Without Parole Is Declared Unconstitutional in Washington State.
An Indian government minister who has been accused of sexual misconduct by at least 20 women has stepped down from his post in the foreign ministry Wednesday.
Trump blames wildfires on California forest policy, threatens to withhold funds from state.
Rihanna Declined Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show Offer in Support of Colin Kaepernick. That’s good, but really, stop watching the NFL.
U.S. customers can now download their data from Apple. Here's how to do it.
Huge alien planets detected around baby star for first time ever. The unprecedented discovery challenges long-held ideas about how planets form.
Scientists have invented a new extra-slippery self-lubricating condom for better safe sex.
“People say satire is dead. It’s not dead; it’s alive and living in the White House.” -- Robin Williams
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
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