Thursday, October 25, 2018

Thursday, October 25, 2018

And another day of them saying the truth is whatever they say it is comes to a close:

“Have you heard what they said on the news today; have you heard what is coming to us all?” -- Iron Maiden


Trump’s Plea for Unity Didn’t Last Long. At the start of a campaign rally in Wisconsin, the president said he wanted Americans “to come together in peace and harmony.” Minutes later, he was attacking immigrants and Democrats.

The GOP mailed wrong information to voters in a Senate battleground. They say it was a mistake. There are no accidents in politics.

In another explanation shift, Saudi Arabia’s attorney general said Thursday that evidence shared by Turkish officials suggests that the killing of Jamal Khashoggi was “premeditated.”

Democrats probing President Trump's tax returns would show if the "Kavanaugh fight was worth it," former Speaker of the House and Trump ally Newt Gingrich says. And now you know why they fought so hard to get Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. To protect Trump. Thanks everyone who supports Republicans.

"The racists believe he’s a racist": Andrew Gillum calls out his opponent for Florida governor.

Trump's policies could take away health care protections from 15 million Americans.

The NRA is accused of engaging in an "elaborate scheme" to evade campaign finance law. The NRA is a terrorist organization.

US plans to send 800 troops to border as caravan travels through Mexico.

A gunman who shot two in a Kroger in Kentucky allegedly told one man, “Whites don’t kill whites.” And he killed two black people. Fucker.

Trump tweets 'I rarely use a cellphone' from his iPhone. Of course he did.

Kansas voters receive strange texts, purportedly from Trump.

New voters in Kansas town sent notices with wrong polling site.

Ethiopia now has its first female president.The United States? Apparently too afraid to have a woman president. Let’s change that.

Investigation finds that hospitals in more than 30 countries refuse to let patients leave if they cannot pay their medical bills.

The US Air Force has found itself in a brewing scandal after it emerged that the service has been spending more than $1,000 to replace high tech coffee cups with fragile handles.

In 1979, Sweden became the first country to ban the corporal punishment of children. New research suggests such bans make a difference in reducing youth violence.

LGBTQ characters at all-time high on TV, new study says. And we’ll wind down with some good news.

'Liquid gold': students make world's first brick out of human urine.

The oxygen-deprived depths of the Black Sea preserved a Greek trading vessel that's been dated to 400 BC -- making it the oldest intact shipwreck ever discovered. That’s cool.

“We will never have true civilization until we have learned to recognize the rights of others.” -- Will Rogers

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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