“If you’re a Republican, you’re in the right place. If you’re a Democrat, you’re in the right place. If you’re an independent, you’re in the right place. We’re all human beings, and we’re going to start treating one another that way.” -- Beto O’Rourke
The Anger Is Real. Let’s Do Something With It. "Rage has become the defining principle of one part of the political spectrum. Don’t let it become yours. Turn it into something better."
Trump-Supporting Friend—This Really isn’t About Donald Trump. "It's about my sadness at seeing you make a million tiny concessions—and how easy it now is for you to sanction actions, that only two years ago you'd have told me fully disgusted you."
If it is, as Trump says, “a very scary time for young men in America,” imagine how utterly terrifying it must be for young women.
Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public. A former classmate of the Supreme Court nominee has reached out to the FBI but hasn't received a response. Witness tampering?
US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh called himself and his friends "loud, obnoxious drunks" in a 1983 letter — and signed it "Bart," The New York Times reports.
The New York Times just published a damning report about Donald Trump's finances. Trump Wealth Largely Based on Tax Scams and Bailouts From Dad. Long story short, the Times tells us that both Donald and his father, Fred, were engaged in massive tax fraud for decades. And it won’t faze his supporters.
Trump taxes: New York authorities examine president's tax affairs.
Trump to woman reporter: "She's shocked I picked her, she's in a state of shock”
Reporter: “I'm not, thank you Mr. President”
Trump: "I know you're not thinking, you never do”
Reporter: "I'm sorry?"
Trump: "Go ahead"
Damn you if you voted for this asshole.
Trump openly mocked Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault testimony at a rally. He is such a waste of human flesh.
Are Evangelical Adoption Agencies Stealing Children?
Adopted daughter of military family will have to leave the country, court rules. A federal court in Kansas has ruled that the adopted daughter of a now-retired Army officer — who missed a key immigration deadline for her while he was deployed to Afghanistan — will have to leave the U.S., her father confirmed Monday.
California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a new law that bans automated accounts, more commonly known as bots, from pretending to be real people in pursuit of selling products or influencing elections.
Russian trolls stoked ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ fan outrage, study finds.
Indonesia tsunami: Death toll rises to nearly 1,350.
Former Miss Iraq fears she will be the next high-profile woman to be killed in the country following murder of Instagram model and three others who defied Islamic conservatives.
US confidence in Pope Francis plummets amid sexual abuse scandal.
Children subjected to abuse may carry the physical hallmark of that trauma in their cells, scientists say, in research that could help criminal investigations.
This amazing chart shows how much women have saved under Obamacare. Out-of-pocket costs for contraception plummeted. Wow.
First woman Physics Nobel winner in 55 years. Only the third woman in history ot win the award.
Amazon raises minimum wage to $15, urges rivals to follow.
Why Social Security’s annual increase doesn’t actually keep up with cost of living.
This summer California became the largest state to abolish money bail. But many of those who pushed for bail reform say this new system might be worse than the old one.
Red tide likely spreads in Florida, causing breathing problems for beachgoers.
The hunt for Planet X has turned up an extremely distant object dubbed "the Goblin." Its elongated orbit suggests that it is shepherded by a massive planet, researchers say.
“It is during our most darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” -- Aristotle
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
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