Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

And another day comes to a close:

“The very important thing you should have is patience.” -- Jack Ma

Deported parents may lose kids to adoption. This is unacceptable.

"The extremism that many Republicans of goodwill had been trying to push to the fringe of their party is now its governing ideology. That’s why I can no longer be a Republican." — Max Boot, ex-GOP strategist.

Rand Paul: I'm worried that "someone is going to be killed" because of political climate. People already have, Captain Observant.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy says he will introduce a bill to fully fund Trump's border wall this week.

World must take 'unprecedented' steps to avert worst effects of global warming: U.N. The planet doesn’t need us. It’ll go right on along after we’re gone. It’s up to us to decide if we want to remain on it or not.

That sign telling you how fast you’re driving may be spying on you.

Gene editing in human embryos takes step closer to reality.

Virginia city threatens trick-or-treaters over the age of 12 with jail time to thwart Halloween mischief.

Instagram is using AI to detect bullying in photos and captions.

Google to shut down Google+ after failing to disclose user data breach.

Mothers who used a donor's eggs were more likely to express a lack of confidence in their own parenting ability, a new study says. Changes were not detected in fathers.

Scientists may have found a genetic risk factor for erectile dysfunction.

Would a BDSM sex robot violate Asimov's First Law of Robotics?

“History repeats itself. So you might wanna pay attention.” -- Quavo

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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