Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

And another day of leaving, lynching, and a bunch of Facebook crap comes to a close:

“Came here looking for American soul.” -- U2

U.S. troops to rapidly leave Syria as President Trump declares victory over ISIS.

ISIS Is Not Defeated and Pulling US Troops From Syria Would Jeopardize Everything.

Russia praises Trump's decision to pull troops out of Syria. You know who’s in charge. It’s not Trump.

Customs and Border Protection will now inform Congress, press of any death within 24 hours. New guidelines say the agency has 24 hours to notify members of Congress of a death, and the news media one hour after that.

A newly obtained document shows Trump signed a letter of intent to move forward with negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Russia, despite his attorney Rudy Giuliani claiming on Sunday that the document was never signed. So many, many lies.

Paul Ryan is a horrible person. Good riddance.

South Carolina GOP open to canceling state's 2020 primary to protect Trump from challenge. Let’s just flush all of our democracy down the toilet. And for what? A horrible man named Donald Trump.

The number of journalists killed around the world in reprisal for their work nearly doubled in 2018.

Texas Makes Public Colleges Forbid Contractors to Boycott Israel. A Lawsuit Says That Violates the First Amendment.

The Senate votes to make lynching a federal crime -- 153 years after the end of the Civil War. There have been about 200 previous attempts to pass similar legislation.

Britain's House of Commons erupted in anger when Labour opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn appeared to mouth the words "stupid woman" after a lively exchange with PM Theresa May.

Female journalists, politicians received abusive, hostile tweets every 30 seconds, study says. Black women in the study were targeted 84 percent more often than white women.

New Hampshire Police Arrested a Man for Being Mean to Them on the Internet. Should it be a crime to call public officials corrupt? Yes, according to the police in Exeter, New Hampshire. Earlier this year, they arrested a local man for writing a comment on a news website accusing Police Chief William Shupe of covering for a corrupt officer.

Facebook let Russia target African Americans. Now the NAACP is calling for a boycott.

Facebook Will Halt Political Ad Sales in Washington State by the End of This Year.

Facebook is denying it offered fellow tech giants like Amazon and Microsoft broader access to data without user permission.

Facebook admits that it allowed Netflix, Spotify to access your private messages.

Yeah, who the hell knows?

Illinois attorney general's office says it found accusations of child sex abuse against 500 more Catholic clergy than previously admitted by the state's six dioceses. Five. Hundred. Organized religion is not a necessary, nor a sufficient condition to be a decent person.

Nevada becomes 1st US state with female-majority Legislature.

Six baby seals have been found decapitated at a popular New Zealand bay, in what authorities described as a "brutal and violent" crime.

A 16-Year-Old Has Died After Being Electrocuted By His Headphones. The teenager in Malaysia was found dead with blood coming out of his ears.

Adolescent pot use dropped after Washington legalized.

Houseplant with added rabbit DNA could reduce air pollution, study shows.

21 Cool Scientific Discoveries That Prove 2018 Wasn't All Bad. Nope. It wasn’t.

“Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you.” -- Jean-Paul Sartre

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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