Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thursday, January 24, 2019

And another day of Americans getting screwed by Republicans comes to a close:

“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.” -- Napoleon Bonaparte

Where's the 'art of the deal'? Trump has simply stopped negotiating to end the shutdown. Only know how to bully people. He doesn’t know how to negotiate.

Officials rejected Jared Kushner for top secret security clearance, but were overruled.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said Thursday that he was confused why thousands of federal workers, who've already missed one paycheck, are relying on food banks during the partial government shutdown. This is what happens when rich people are in charge.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Commerce Sec. Wilbur Ross' comments: "Is this the 'let them eat cake' kind of attitude, or 'call your father for money?'".

House Oversight Committee, now led by Democrats, is launching an investigation into White House security clearance process; plans to review the clearances for Trump aides Flynn, Kushner, Gorka, Bolton and others.

House Democrats gearing up for fresh investigations into President Trump's businesses and money laundering involving Russia are setting their sights on the German lender Deutsche Bank.

Without Fox News, Republicans Would Be Toast. Stop watching Fox News.

A state senator in Arizona has proposed a bill which would tax anyone viewing pornography on an electronic device in the state. The tax would be in form of a one time $20 fee and funds would be used in part to fund a border wall. WTF?

U.S. Uninsured Rate Rises to Four-Year High. Two steps forward, three steps back. God damn Republicans.

Who knew? Trump's top White House attorney is Covington Catholic High School graduate. Shocking, I know.

People are sharing examples of bigotry at Christian schools after Karen Pence and 'MAGA hat boy' uproars. I’ve been following this hashtag since it was started and wow. Just, wow.

Lawsuits Allege 'Grave Harm' To Immigrant Children In Detention. The administration's treatment of more than 10,000 immigrant children in custody at shelters across the U.S. is under intense scrutiny. Many lawsuits claim the government is using the child confinement system to punish and deport kids and their families.

“Sleep is the best meditation.” -- Dalai Lama

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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