Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thursday, January 31, 2019

And another day of additional troops, harmless memes, and letting others love what they love comes to a close:

“If the truth contradicts deeply held beliefs, that is too bad.” -- Hans Eysenck

Over 3,000 additional active duty troops will be deployed to the southern US border, joining the 2,300 troops already there, several defense officials tell CNN. WTF?

Trump blames former Speaker Paul Ryan for not getting border wall funding.

94% of Democrats say they trust what Trump says *less* than what prior presidents said, while 58% of Republicans say they trust what Trump says *more* than what prior presidents said. It’s like Republicanism is a cult. Oh wait.

India’s female college students are fighting for their right to stay out after dark.

Facebook’s 10 year challenge is just a harmless meme—right? "Thanks to this meme, there’s now a very large data set of carefully curated photos of people from roughly 10 years ago and now."

National parks face years of damage from government shutdown.

U.S. land managers will move forward in March with the sale of oil and gas leases that include land near Chaco Culture National Historical Park and other sites sacred to Native American tribes.

Twitter disclosed on Thursday that it had identified and shut down disinformation and government-backed trolling operations from thousands of accounts from 5 different countries, including Russia, Iran and Venezuela.

A California panel on Wednesday recommended that Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten be paroled after serving more than 4 decades in prison.

Nearly half of US adults have heart or blood vessel disease.

Male contraceptive gel: couples being recruited for pioneering UK trial.

Love what you love. Let others love what they love. “It's hard to imagine folks missing that in the show. But then, narrow-minded parochial tribalism is a helluva drug...It's OK not to like something. It's even OK to tell people why. It's not OK to tell them to not like it, and it's not OK to assume everything has to be made for you.”

“Morning is the best time to see movies.” -- Christopher Walken

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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