Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

And another day of deception and fraud, “semiliterate primitive monkeys,” and the web turning 30 comes to a close:

“Fear is a disease that eats away at logic and makes man inhuman.” -- Marian Anderson

Today the web turns 30. Tim Berners-Lee invented the Web. Now he wants to fix it.

What’s So Scary About Socialism? The truth is this: The Democratic Party has never been socialist, but rather its most progressive members promote a vision of regulated capitalism intended to stave off the worst depredations on the most vulnerable Americans. The realization, alas, is that the “socialism” tag keeps working as a way to trick Americans into voting against programs they might actually love.

“If Democratic socialism includes roads, vaccines, health care, and electricity, then maybe Republican capitalism involved sick people who can’t afford health care, have nowhere to drive, and are just sitting in the dark.” -- David Perry

Tucker Carlson calls Iraqis “semiliterate primitive monkeys" in latest round of tapes. Can we get this waste of human flesh off the air already? What a racist.

Trump has done nothing about his month-old 'emergency' other than declare it.

William Rick Singer, admitted mastermind of college cheating scandal, wore wire to expose it.

Cheat. Bribe. Lie. Here's how the college admissions scam allegedly worked.

The plot allegedly involved cheating on standardized testing exams like the ACT and having the children of wealthy parents falsely designated as athletes to help them get into elite schools.

Cardinal George Pell, the most senior Catholic cleric ever convicted of child sex abuse, sentenced to 6 years in prison.

Indiana, where VP Mike Pence was governor, is the latest state to offer transgender and nonbinary residents gender-neutral driver's licenses.

There are measles outbreaks in rich countries and poor countries, from the United States to Madagascar. And the World Health Organization says vaccine hesitancy is a top ten threat to global health.

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.” -- Norman Cousins

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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