“There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires.” -- Nelson Mandela
The Democratic divide over impeaching Trump, explained.
Who In The House Is Calling For Impeachment? There are now over 100.
Democrats Say Their Impeachment Inquiry Has Already Begun.
Supreme Court allows Trump to tap $2.5B in Pentagon funds for border wall. Not voting has consequences.
What happens if you don't claim your $125 Equifax money? You lose it -- and your chance to sue in the future.
Utah to test out smartphone ballots with absentee voters. Experts in voting integrity and technology have raised security and practical concerns about the plan.
Florida officials failed to act on warnings about 2016 Russian hacking, a Senate report finds.
A new paper found that many birds are adapting to climate change –– but probably not fast enough. It comes to a stark conclusion: "The temperature is changing so fast that evolution isn't able to keep up." Um, think about that.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg defends Kavanaugh, Gorsuch as 'very decent and very smart'.
"Open carry is legal in 45 states. In Colorado, you can walk up and down Pearl Street with an A/R 15 strapped to your chest but not a dog. That’s the absurdity of the gun laws in our country."
Emmett Till memorial in photo of gun-toting Mississippi students will be made bulletproof. Because there are horrible people on the planet
How segregation keeps poor students of color out of whiter, richer nearby districts.
South Dakota Public Schools Add 'In God We Trust' Signs To Walls. WTF?
Apple contractors 'regularly hear confidential details' on Siri recordings.
Glaciers are melting underwater. It's worse than previously thought.
A heat wave is headed to the Arctic.
Trump administration starts paying $14.5 billion to farmers hurt by the trade war. It’s the second time the Trump administration has paid them. Oh, look everyone. Socialism.
Girls are reporting three times as much harassment online as boys amid a nationwide rise in cyberbullying, new data shows.
How To Bring Cancer Care To The World's Poorest Children.
Juul exec says he never intended the electronic cigarette to be for teens. Mmm hmmm.
A “city-killing” asteroid just zipped by Earth. Why didn’t we see it coming? NASA tracks big asteroids. Small ones — which can still do damage — are harder to spot. It’s just a matter of time.
Poll: Two in five Americans still believe God created humans 10,000 years ago. Jesus Christ these people.
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
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