“Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.” -- Samuel Goldwyn
The 3.5% Rule. Looking at hundreds of campaigns over the last century, Chenoweth found that nonviolent campaigns are twice as likely to achieve their goals as violent campaigns. And although the exact dynamics will depend on many factors, she has shown it takes around 3.5% of the population actively participating in the protests to ensure serious political change.
Trump admin considers monitoring people with mental illness to prevent shootings. First they came for those with mental illness...
The US extracted one of its top spies from Russia in 2017, worried about exposure and Trump’s handling of intelligence.
‘Someone’s Gotta Tell the Freakin’ Truth’: Jerry Falwell’s Aides Break Their Silence. “We’re not a school; we’re a real estate hedge fund,” said a senior university official with inside knowledge of Liberty’s finances. “We’re not educating; we’re buying real estate every year and taking students’ money to do it.” Jerry Falwell Jr. is a horrible person.
End child marriage in the U.S.? You might be surprised at who's opposed. 'Well, Joseph married Mary when she was 8. If it was good enough for God, why shouldn't it be good enough for us?'
Republicans move to nix primaries in show of support for Trump. It is not unprecedented for state Republicans or Democrats to decide not to hold a presidential primary when an incumbent is running essentially uncontested. What is different in this election, however, is that a number of Republicans have expressed interest in challenging Trump.
Amazon office workers plan to strike over company's inaction on climate change.
Future health of Australia's Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef, downgraded to "very poor" due to rising water temperatures.
'It can kill you in seconds': the deadly algae on Brittany's beaches.
There is an undercurrent of dissatisfaction – even suspicion – among the U,S, public about the role colleges play in society and these views are increasingly linked to partisanship.
CDC says "people should consider not using e-cigarette products" while it investigates soaring number of illnesses. Five deaths from vaping-related illnesses have been confirmed.
Vegetarians are often health conscious, so it may come as a surprise that a study released in the British Medical Journal this week found vegetarians have a 20% higher risk of stroke than people who eat meat. When researchers analyzed hemorrhage strokes, or strokes caused by a brain bleed, vegetarians had 43% higher risk than meat eaters.
A Teen Boy's Diet of Fries and Sausage Led to Blindness, According to a New Case Study.
Scientists Just Detected Brain Waves in Mini Lab-Grown Brains.
Deaths From Red Light Running At A 10-Year High, AAA Study Finds.
Suicide rates are on the rise, especially in rural America, according to a new study.
A Catholic school removes 'Harry Potter' from its shelves, claiming the books' spells are real. “These books present magic as both good and evil, which is not true," his letter reads. "The curses and spells used in the books are actual curses and spells; which when read by a human being risk conjuring evil spirits into the presence of the person reading the texts." Yes, you read that correctly.
Left-handers' DNA markers found for 1st time. They may be better at language.
New species of dinosaur discovered in Japan.
Two-year pilot program to find ways to give students more time to eat lunch.
Bank accidentally put $120,000 in couple's account. They were arrested for spending it.
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
you have the right of way and boom. drive safe the life you save could be your own I think I heard the on a commercial or something