Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday, March 22, 2020

And another day in the coronapocalypse comes to a close:

Before reading today’s cesspool of incompetence and devastation, lower your blood pressure with a message from Neil Diamond. He tweeted this out today.

"Trump didn’t deceive anyone. I blame the voters who elected him — and the senators who refused to impeach him. They should have known better. Because they didn’t, we will all pay a fearful price." -- Max Boot

US: 419
World: 14,647

U.S. Hospitals Prepare Guidelines For Who Gets Care Amid Coronavirus Surge. As COVID-19 spreads rapidly through the United States, many American doctors could soon be making the decisions that overwhelmed health care workers in Italy are already facing: Which patients get life-saving treatment and which ones do not?

“What’s scary about Italy’s experience is that Italy wasn’t exactly passive in its response to the virus.”

Several months before the coronavirus pandemic began, the Trump administration eliminated a key American public health position in Beijing intended to help detect disease outbreaks in China. “If someone had been there, public health officials and governments across the world could have moved much faster.”

A top NY surgeon warns that the coronavirus has 'breached' hospital walls and infections could peak in 22 to 32 days.

Mayor Bill de Blasio criticized the federal government's response to the novel coronavirus pandemic on Sunday, saying New York City is "about 10 days away now from seeing widespread shortages of really fundamental supplies."

Trump says he's activated the National Guard in New York, California and Washington state.

Ignoring years of warnings, Trump falsely claims 'nobody in their wildest dreams' predicted a ventilator shortage.

“In Italy, we are painfully living out an alternate reality in which a vibrantly liberal state unexpectedly became authoritarian overnight.”

DOJ Wants to Suspend Certain Constitutional Rights During Coronavirus Emergency. While the asks from the Department of Justice will likely not come to fruition with a Democratically-controlled House of Representatives, they demonstrate how much this White House has a frightening disregard for rights enumerated in the Constitution.

Team Canada Won't Send Athletes to 2020 Tokyo Olympics Due to COVID-19.

German leader Angela Merkel in quarantine after her doctor tests positive for virus.

Rand Paul is 1st senator to report positive test for virus. — He was at the Senate gym and pool just this morning.

Trump: “Romney’s in isolation? Gee, that’s too bad.”

Anthony Fauci’s Plan to Stay Honest. He’s never seen a disease quite like COVID-19, nor has he ever worked for a president quite like Trump.

North Korea says Trump offered country help to fight coronavirus pandemic.

Trump criticizes Illinois Gov. Pritzker and "a very small group" of other governors for "blaming" his admin. for its response to the coronavirus pandemic. — Such a fucking snowflake.

Lupus Patients Can’t Get Crucial Medication After President Trump Pushes Unproven Coronavirus Treatment. Trump’s unproven claim that hydroxychloroquine could be used to treat COVID-19 has led to hoarding, putting Lupus patients and others at even greater risk. — He’s a danger to people every time he speaks.

At least four state pharmacy boards took steps to limit prescriptions of potential coronavirus treatments touted by President Donald Trump that are in short supply as demand surges with the spread of the outbreak.

At New York prison, Harvey Weinstein put in isolation after contracting virus. — Even in prison old white guys are heavily privileged. How’d he get tested when sick people in our communities can’t?

College students in Florida test positive for coronavirus after spring break trip. — Shocking, I know.

CDC: What people should know if they have asthma during COVID-19 pandemic.

There’s a Huge Disparity in the Number of Available Hospital Beds. See Your County’s Capacity. In the West, nearly 100,000 people over 65 years old live in counties without a hospital bed. — Holy cow that map of the western states.

How not to be a jerk while ordering groceries during a pandemic.

What it means to love a dead child. "Forget everything you think you know about grief - the rules do not apply when it is your child that dies." — Beautiful.

Drive-in movie theaters are seeing an uptick in business across the country as audiences practice social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic.

Scientists discover ice age structure made from bones of 60 mammoths.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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