Thursday, March 12, 2020

Thursday, March 12, 2020

And another broken day comes to a close:

“If there ever was a time in the modern history of our country when we are all in this together, this is that moment. Now is the time for solidarity. Now is the time to come together.” -- Bernie Sanders

Trump Voters Wanted to Blow up the System. Well, Here We Go. Some 63 million Americans voted for a man who wanted to smash the system to smithereens, either because they felt it wasn’t doing enough for them or because breaking glass just feels so primitively satisfying. Or maybe it's because the Republican Party has been peddling a dystopian anarchistic anti-government pipe dream to them for the last four decades. Now, it turns out, a functioning government is a good thing to have when a global pandemic arrives on your shores. It turns out that maybe reforming an imperfect system is wiser than just taking a sledgehammer to it, better to trust people who have dedicated their lives to being public servants than trashing them in favor of a one-man, megalomaniacal savior, better to have a functioning system than dancing on its rubble while crowing about the death of the “deep state”—or “the political establishment.”

The Coronavirus Shows Us America Is Broken. Things will get worse from here.

Max Boot: The entire country is now paying for those colossally irresponsible decisions—to elect Trump and to dismiss the articles of impeachment—as we face the worst crisis since 9/11 under the bungling leadership of the worst president in modern times.

Coronavirus: what happens to people's lungs when they get Covid-19?

Trump Doesn’t Grasp What Americans Are Going Through. As news about the coronavirus worsens, Americans need good information and a realistic basis for hope. But the president shows little evidence of empathy. He’s never shown empathy. Why would his actions during this crisis be any different?

How three stories in one hour changed America's perception of coronavirus.

Satellite images show Iran has built mass graves amid coronavirus outbreak.

Blood donations are plummeting as coronavirus cases continue to rise, raising the alarming possibility of a national blood supply shortage. The resounding message from blood banks: If you’re healthy, give blood now.

Ohio, Maryland become first states to shut all K-12 schools.

Rome's Catholic churches are ordered to be closed because of coronavirus, a move believed to be unprecedented in modern times.

A federal judge says Chief Justice John Roberts is "undermining democracy".

Polar ice caps melting six times faster than in 1990s.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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