Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

And another day of waiting until the shoe drops comes to a close:

“This is the greatest failure of American government in my lifetime.” — Director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness Irwin Redlener, MD

On Lockdown in Rome: A Preview of American Life in 11 Days. To slow the spread of the coronavirus, Italy has ordered its entire population to stay home. To leave, you must carry a document that says who you are, where you live, and your purpose for being outside. This is a preview of what may come to the US.

Nearly 8 million Northern California residents asked to shelter in place.

Coronavirus lockdowns: 24 hours of confusion around the world.

UK warns coronavirus outbreak spreading faster than expected.

U.S. hospital association warns of ventilator shortage if coronavirus proliferates. -- It’s not going to be pretty.

A video has emerged of Donald Trump talking about cutting the US pandemic response team in 2018 – days after claiming that he knew nothing about the disbanded White House unit. — He hopes you’re stupid.

Fact check: Trump tries to erase the memory of him downplaying the coronavirus.

The Kushner Kingpin and His Corona Conflicts. “This ultimately means that we are not able to formally confirm that the Trumps or Jared Kushner are completely divested of any personal stake in any of the companies that are set to benefit greatly from the disbursement of private coronavirus contracts from the federal government...If all of these deals are happening out in the open and in plain sight, what deals are being made behind closed doors and who will those deals really profit? Who stands to make the most from the delay in testing and the impending death of Americans from this virus?”

White House eyes giving Americans checks to combat economic impact of outbreak. -- Yeah, I don’t think it’s going to be enough. We look to be in this for the long haul.

A National Day of Prayer During a Mishandled Pandemic Is a National Day of Distraction. "If we continue to equate prayer and patriotism—and confuse the pageantry of prayer with meaningful action—the loss of life will continue, long after this particular contagion is gone."

US and Canada preparing to suspend non-essential travel between the two countries.

Not just older people: Younger adults are also getting the coronavirus. Simply looking at the age ranges of the infected, however, doesn't provide any insights into the severity of the illness.

Seven Ways to Be a Good Citizen in the Time of Coronavirus.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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