Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

And another day of watching all the covidiots comes to a close:

“One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived.” -- Niccolo Machiavelli

US: 775
World: 18,892

Let’s be clear: Trump can’t “reopen the country.” But his words are dangerous and his followers are gullible and many people will die following his advice.

The US has seen its deadliest day since the coronavirus pandemic began, with more than 160 deaths.

FL Gov. DeSantis pushes back against calls for statewide stay-home order.

Fed up with social distancing's hit to the economy, Trump goes back to minimizing the coronavirus threat.

Coronavirus cases increasing at a slower rate in hardest hit part of Italy. — It’s almost like the lockdown is working. Strange.

An ice rink in Madrid has been turned into a temporary morgue as Spain tries to cope with the fallout from its rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak.

New York is experimenting with splitting one ventilator between two patients.

U.S. hospitals brace for another challenge — an unprecedented shortage of nurses.

Death of juvenile in California from coronavirus believed to be first in US of someone that age.

New Orleans-area coronavirus cases see alarming spike as governor requests major disaster declaration.

Over half the US population will be ordered to stay at home.

“A Fake Pandemic”: Antivaxxers Are Spreading Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories. In recent weeks, Facebook groups that oppose mandatory vaccination have turned their attention to the coronavirus. Their feeds are full of posts that downplay the risks of the COVID-19, promote discredited conspiracy theories, and criticize efforts to control the spread of the virus. Here are a few of the ideas they’ve been spreading: — Some people are whacked.

White supremacists encouraging their members to spread coronavirus to cops, Jews, FBI says. -- And the whackedness continues.

Liberty University students to return to campus amid coronavirus outbreak. Liberty President Jerry Falwell Jr., one of Trump's earliest and most ardent supporters, has speculated on Fox News that coronavirus may have been the work of North Korea. — As I said, some people are whacked.

Ohio stops daily reporting of new unemployment claims at request of Trump administration.

Fears mount of a coronavirus-induced depression. Forecasts of doom for the American economy are quickly turning from gray to pitch black.

The people who can least afford to lose their jobs are the ones who’ll be hit the fastest and the hardest by the coronavirus recession.

Great Barrier Reef hit by third major bleaching event in five years.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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