“You think it's justifiable, I think it's pretty cruel. And you know you lie best when you lie to you.” -- The Dixie Chicks
Health care is a right, not a privilege.
Coronavirus has mutated into more aggressive disease, say scientists. Researchers at Peking University's School of Life Sciences and the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, discovered the virus has evolved into two major lineages - dubbed ‘L’ and ‘S’ types. The older ‘S-type’ appears to be milder and less infectious, while the ‘L-type’ which emerged later, spreads quickly and currently accounts for around 70 per cent of cases. A patient can be infected with both.
Washington state warns voters they shouldn't lick their mail-in ballots.
Coronavirus is battering the airline industry, turning some airports into ghost towns.
The new James Bond film 'No Time To Die' Release Delayed Until November Due to Coronavirus Outbreak.
Italy Says Sporting Events Closed to Fans Until April 3 Due to Coronavirus Fears.
Senator Demands Amazon Answer for Coronavirus-Linked 'Price Gouging'.
Yes, technically you can make your own sanitizer at home—but it probably won't go very well.
The Democratic Party’s risky bet on Biden. Picking Biden over Sanders might seem like the safe electability choice, but the Ukraine situation makes Biden much riskier than many believe. They’re risking setting themselves up for a fall campaign mired in scandal and innuendo — a 2020 version of “Her Emails” that plays right into Trump’s “drain the swamp” narrative.
Senate Republicans are ramping up their investigations involving Joe Biden as he surges in the Democratic presidential race.
At one point, the Democratic presidential race had almost two dozen candidates. Now, it's essentially a contest between two men representing dueling ideological poles of the party. That would be two old white males. Ugh.
Long lines frustrate Houston voters in black neighborhoods. It’s the Republican way. They go above and beyond to suppress your right to vote.
Supreme Court Oral Arguments Leave Abortion Precedents in Jeopardy.
John Roberts lays groundwork for Supreme Court to limit abortion.
Chief Justice John Roberts rebukes Chuck Schumer for comments about Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.
White House questionnaire adds new litmus tests for prospective hires. While it is not unusual for presidential administrations to vet political appointees for ideological or policy alignment, the questionnaire previously used by the Trump White House did not ask for applicants' views about Trump or his campaign. Trump's name does not appear once on the previous questionnaire. It now appears five times. He demands loyalists...like all Mob bosses.
A customer at an Olive Garden restaurant in Indiana on Saturday loudly demanded a server who is not black. A manager acquiesced, and is no longer employed by the company. The customer should have been banned forever from Olive Garden. Luckily, there are still good people in this world, as another customer took video of the incident and posted it on Facebook. Fuck racism.
Female high school hockey player taunted with gender reveal sign, chants she's 'a dude'.
Welcome to Walmart. Your doctor will see you now.
FDA bans shock device used on mentally disabled patients. The devices were used to discourage aggressive, self-harming behavior in patients with mental disabilities. Jesus Fucking Christ, it’s 2020.
Large asteroid will fly by the Earth next month, but won't hit us, reassures NASA. I sure hope the scientists weren’t “C” students in math. Sure the chance of a large asteroid hitting Earth is slim...but tell that to the dinosaurs.
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Good night.
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