Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thursday, April 9, 2020

And another day of making it through comes to a close:

“It’s not clear that intelligence has any long-term survival value.” -- Stephen Hawking

US: 16.691 (+1896)
World: 95,725 (+7223)

Vice President Mike Pence's office has declined to allow the nation's top health officials to appear on CNN in recent days and discuss the coronavirus pandemic killing thousands of Americans, in an attempt to pressure the network into carrying the White House's lengthy daily briefings in full. — Republicans are literally trying to kill you. Now they are implementing blackmail to accomplish it.

The Parents Are Not All Right. This cannot be solved by tweaks to the schedule, helpful routines, and virtual activities. We have to collectively recognize that parents — and any caregivers right now — have less to give at work. A lot less. The assumptions seem to be that parents have “settled into a routine” and “are doing okay now.” To be clear, parents are not doing okay.

Not a single shipment of medical-grade N95 masks arrived at U.S. ports during the month of March. The federal government was not only disorganized; it was absent.

Trump said that there have been more than two million coronavirus tests conducted in the United States, and claims mass testing is not needed.

Struggle to apply for unemployment continues across the country. The number of unemployed Americans continues to rise as states try to keep up.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta provides a tutorial on how to make a mask at home using a bandana.

33 million people in America live without internet, including 15% of folks living in rural areas. For many individuals, the pandemic has exposed just how limiting it can be to not have internet access -- High speed internet is a necessity. Make it a utility.

People in India can see the Himalayas for the first time in 'decades,' as the lockdown eases air pollution.

The Supreme Court is tipping the scales toward Trump's reelection. The decision by the conservative-majority Supreme Court to make it harder for people in Wisconsin to vote should be a warning sign that Trump and the conservative court he and Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell helped shape will stop at nothing to get him reelected.

In shadow of pandemic, Trump seizes opportunity to push through his agenda. With coronavirus occupying people’s attention, the Trump administration is giving handouts to big business, appointing judges and rolling back regulations.

In biggest turnout yet, 10,000 hit hard by economic effects of coronavirus seek San Antonio Food Bank help. — Wow, those pictures.

4 In 10 U.S. Teens Say They Haven't Done Online Learning Since Schools Closed.

Saturday Night Live is returning this weekend with remote sketches.

Astronomers clock extremely high winds on an object outside of our solar system.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Good night.

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