Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sunday, May 24, 2020

And another day of being with those who are doing the right thing while waiting around for the others to either catch up or die comes to a close:

"Instead of focusing on what you can't do this weekend, a couple things you should do: Wear a mask — it's common decency." -- Tom Bossert

US: 99,300 (+317)
World: 346,688 (+2713)

Countdown: 163 days.

The Bungling Superpower: COVID-19 Has Recast America as a Global Chump. "The emotion is schadenfreude: people around the world are taking a secret pleasure in the U.S.’s ineptitude and feel the U.S is getting payback for its self-righteousness, boasting, and incessant lecturing."

Trump’s pitch to voters: Trust me, economy will soar in 2021. — It’s all he’s got. He’s hoping you’re stupid.

As the United States approached 100,000 coronavirus deaths, The New York Times on Sunday marked the grim milestone with a stark memorial on its front page -- one-line obituaries for 1,000 victims. — It’s sobering. Zoom in to get the details.

Covid-19 cases surge in some states as Americans celebrate Memorial Day weekend.

Let's put the vote-by-mail 'fraud' myth to rest. With well over 50 million ballots cast, there have been only two fraud cases verifiable enough to result in convictions for mail-ballot fraud in 20 years. That is 0.000004 percent — about five times less likely than getting hit by lightning in the United States.

Trump gutted the checks on his power when they were most needed. Trump's intervention with the FDA and the lucrative contract awarded to Battelle are the latest exhibits of how and why he sees oversight as a political enemy.

In an interview on Friday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said he is planning for students to return to schools in August.

Three months ago.

What 'Jaws' can teach us about our coronavirus response.

Donald Trump shared a string of sexist tweets from a failed congressional candidate calling Hillary Clinton a "skank", suggesting that Nancy Pelosi's mouth be taped shut and mocking the physical appearance of Stacey Abrams. -- But he won’t suffer any consequences because his bar is subterranean. Biden’s? Clinton’s? Any Democrat’s, really? Their bars are in the stratosphere.

Thousands of protesters in Hong Kong ignored a coronavirus ban on large gatherings to demonstrate against a sweeping new national security law that critics say would severely restrict civil liberties.

Brazil's Supreme Court releases video of President Bolsonaro swearing in cabinet meeting.

Breonna Taylor is one of a shocking number of Black people to see armed police barge into their homes.

In fact, almost 9% of the coronavirus relief package money for higher education went to for-profit schools, NBC News has found, despite only serving 5.4% of students. Community colleges, by contrast, got 22% even though they serve 32% of students.

A feel-good ad from Facebook boasts a coronavirus group. But it's not quite what it seems.

New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern stays cool as 5.8 earthquake hits during live interview.

The future of publicly funded youth sports is a growing concern in the sea of problems created by the COVID-19 crisis. Community leaders worry about a group of children being lost to sports.

Millions of cicadas are expected to emerge after 17 years underground because, of course, it's 2020.

How the coronavirus pandemic is changing the pornography industry.

The sun is experiencing a less active phase called 'solar minimum,' but it won't cause an ice age. And that’s likely due to climate change.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.

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