Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

And another day of triggers, accelerations, deflections, lies, cancellations, racist rock singers, racist senators, and a “bridge too far” comes to a close:

“Chaos is what we have. That is what I believe.” -- Ta-Nehisi Coates

US: 83,425 (+1630)
World: 292,893 (+5600)

Countdown: 175 days.

In case you missed it: Dr. Anthony Fauci warned today that if states open too soon, “there is a real risk that you will trigger an outbreak that you may not be able to control.”

Doctors treating coronavirus patients are seeing a range of odd and frightening syndromes.

Global alarm was sounded on Monday over a potential second wave of coronavirus cases after Germany, relatively successful in slowing the outbreak, reported that infections had accelerated again after the first tentative steps to ease a lockdown. — Looks like all that praying and hoping it’ll go away is really working. Never forget: Republicans are trying to kill you as they demand states “reopen.”

With more than 80,000 Americans dead from the coronavirus, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and President Trump are trying to deflect blame to former President Barack Obama, who was in office 2009-2017. — It’s their only game plan: blame the black guy.

Fact check: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell falsely accused the Obama administration of failing to leave the Trump administration "any kind of game plan" for something like the coronavirus pandemic. — We know Mitch is lying. Obama left a 69-page playbook.

Asked when everyone will be able to get tested as often as White House officials are, Trump claimed: "Very soon. I mean, really, very soon." But there's no evidence the U.S. is close to testing everyone routinely — or that there's even a plan to do so. — He’s just trying to placate the public.

Four federal agencies told states they consider online voting to be a "high-risk" way of running elections even if all recommended security protocols are followed. The eight-page report recommends mail-in ballots as a more secure method of voting.

Dr. Fauci says students might feel safest returning to campus if there is a vaccine for coronavirus — but that it's a "bridge too far" to think a vaccine or treatment will be ready by the time classes start this fall.

The US House’s Supreme Court defense of its Trump investigation was a disaster. And yet, at Tuesday’s oral arguments on both cases, a majority of the Court seemed concerned that the House has too much power to investigate the president. The Supreme Court appears likely to create a special rule for Trump — or, at least, for sitting presidents — that it wouldn’t apply to any other person. — Some animals are more equal than others.

U.S. Officials: Beware Of China And Others Trying To Steal COVID-19 Research.

Trump stormed off after racist confrontation with a female reporter. Now he's declaring conspiracy.

Two female reporters refused to let Donald Trump bully them into silence, so he ran away.

Republicans Keep Blaming Workers for Coronavirus Outbreaks at Meat Plants. Trump’s HHS secretary Alex Azar said the virus was linked to the “home and social” lives of workers.

Trump is continuing deportations during the pandemic. It’s causing the coronavirus to spread.

Mitch McConnell: Obama 'should have kept his mouth shut' instead of criticizing US coronavirus response. — Just like a white boy from Kentucky to use that tone of voice when talking about a black man.

Twitter will allow some of its workforce to continue working from home "forever" if they choose.

World powers including Russia and India push on with easing coronavirus restrictions, despite upsurges in infections in parts of the world and warnings of a second wave epidemic. — Viruses don’t care about profit margins.

Brazil's Bolsonaro challenges governors to sue over gym reopenings amid COVID.

For the first time since March 16, the French can now leave their houses without a government permit explicitly stating their essential task, such as grocery shopping, going to work or one hour of exercise.

Denmark is establishing a new government agency to prepare for future epidemics. It will be part of the Ministry of Justice, not a health agency.

Los Angeles County stay-at-home order likely to continue until August, county’s public health director says.

Los Angeles mayor hedges on plan to extend coronavirus lockdown for three months.

California state universities plan to cancel most in-person classes through the fall while LA County is likely to remain under a stay-at-home order for months.

Gov. Inslee unveils plan for rapid COVID-19 contract tracing in Washington.

Singer Bryan Adams slammed as racist for post blaming 'bat eating' people for coronavirus. -- Shut up, Bryan.

Prices are tumbling at an alarming rate.

Major U.S. defense projects - including modernizing nuclear weapons - face uncertain futures as the federal deficit soars because of the coronavirus. — The country needs healthcare, not more nuclear weapons.

Trump promotes conspiracy theory accusing MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough of murder. — Trumps shit-spouting just never ends. He’s trying to distract you again. Stay focused.

Trump rants about 'Obamagate,' but won't explain what it is when asked directly. — See my previous comment.

Numerous studies have arrived at the same conclusion: Voting by mail doesn’t provide any clear partisan advantage.

Counterfeit masks reaching frontline health workers in US. For more than four weeks, millions of masks now considered inadequate for medical protection entered the U.S. and are now in use.

How the Coronavirus Will Change Faculty Life Forever. As the pandemic wears on, expect heavier teaching loads, more service requirements, and more time online.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.

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