And another day of fascism, “goon squads,” “Immigration Nation,” record increases, different “types” of Covid-19, being “sent home to die,” the minimum wage, “Paw Patrol,” and Trump’s war on a large portion of America comes to a close:
“Fascism is itself less ‘ideological,’ in so far as it openly proclaims the principle of domination that is elsewhere concealed.” -- Theodor W. Adorno
US: 148,490 (+1157)
World: 642,688 (+6218)
US: 4,248,327 (+78,336)
World: 15,940,379 (+288,468)
Countdown: 102 days.
This is what happens when the war on terror is turned inward, on America. Trump has realized that our vast post-9/11 security state can be used to police internal bogeymen like antifa.
How many novels about fascism do you have to read to see what is happening in U.S.? Whatever our problems, I have never believed such could happen here in the U.S.— that is until Donald Trump became president. My hope for almost four years has centered on the corrective of voting America’s most dangerous president out of office. And that is still my hope. But it has been shaken of late by an action and an interview by the ever-bombastic, ever-bellicose Trump.
The three reasons Black Lives Matter marchers refuse to quit. Each has their own reason. Some personally experienced the sting of police brutality. Some demand things need to change. For their unique motivations, all of them agreed -- this work has become a vital part of who they are.
Trump is using federal agents as his 'goon squad', says Ice's ex-acting head. John Sandweg says the deployment of homeland security officials is a ‘manufactured crisis’ stemming from ‘a failure of leadership.’
A Judge Won’t Force Federal Officers In Portland To Identify Themselves When Making Arrests. The judge found the Oregon attorney general’s office could not bring a lawsuit against the Trump administration over the federal presence in Portland.
From Black lives to 'white spectacle,' Portland protests have lost focus, civil rights leaders say.
A Rare Look Inside Trump’s Immigration Crackdown Draws Legal Threats. In early 2017, as Immigration and Customs Enforcement prepared to carry out the hard-line agenda on which President Trump had campaigned, agency leaders jumped at the chance to let two filmmakers give a behind-the-scenes look at the process. But as the documentary neared completion in recent months, the administration fought mightily to keep it from being released until after the 2020 election. After granting rare access to parts of the country’s powerful immigration enforcement machinery that are usually invisible to the public, administration officials threatened legal action and sought to block parts of it from seeing the light of day. -- The documentary, called Immigration Nation, will be on Netflix. Here’s the trailer. Watch it.
Democrats preparing for 'nightmare scenario' in which Trump challenges election results.
Federal agents fired tear gas canisters at BlackLivesMatter demonstrators in downtown Portland in a 56th straight day of protests.
WHO reports record daily increase in new coronavirus cases. -- Things are going so smoothly.
The rise in testing is not driving the rise in U.S. virus cases.
CDC: One-third of COVID-19 patients who aren't hospitalized have long-term illness. The acknowledgement is welcome news to patients who call themselves "long-haulers" — suffering from debilitating symptoms weeks and even months after their initial infection. — This is why the high number of cases matters. It’s not just about the number of deaths.
America's Covid response is flawed. But even the gold standard nations are seeing big outbreaks.
Fauci: "We could start talking about real normality again" with a vaccine in 2021.
WHO: 'We will not be going back to the old normal'. Countries comparable to the U.S. in terms of infrastructure and wealth, such as the United Kingdom, France and Canada, have less than half a million cases each, and their epidemiological curves that track the virus spread are showing signs of a plateau. At the same time, the U.S.’s is consistently demonstrating an upward trajectory.
COVID-19 patients will be ‘sent home to die’ if deemed too sick, Texas county says. — This is all on Governor Abbott. How depressing.
Study identifies six different "types" of COVID-19. The discovery could potentially open new possibilities for how doctors can better treat individual patients and predict what level of hospital care they would need. -- Science works.
Trump warns of 'greater mortality' if schools don't reopen. — He is literally trying to kill you.
The CDC is officially recommending reopening schools, just as Trump demanded.
Florida lawyers offering free living wills to teachers returning to school during the pandemic.
A three-year-old girl was among the latest series of deaths from the COVID-19 epidemic in Belgium.
New Zealand beat Covid-19 by trusting leaders and following advice – study.
New technology shows the standard for reopening may be about testing buildings and not just people.
Corporate America was here for you on coronavirus until about June. When the Covid-19 pandemic took hold in the United States this spring, companies jumped on the opportunity to advertise the ways they were supporting their customers and workers...Now companies have begun quietly rolling back many of the benefits, perks, and allowances they so loudly announced earlier this year. The state of the Covid-19 pandemic isn’t materially different than it was a few months ago — arguably, it’s now more widespread and worse. But corporations seem ready to move on.
Police use of rubber bullets, bean bag rounds has left a bloody trail for decades. Those maimed say enough is enough.
Despite judge's order, migrant children remain detained amid COVID outbreak. Nearly a month after a federal judge ruled the Trump administration must release migrant children "with all deliberate speed" from Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention centers because of COVID-19, 346 parents and children are detained in facilities with outbreaks and court filings show releases remain rare.
Trump just appointed an immigration judge who defended anti-gay and anti-Muslim causes. Brandon Bolling argued that Islam was incompatible with the First Amendment and homosexuality was not innate.
President Trump signed 4 executive orders to lower drug prices, but policy experts say they'll likely offer patients only minimal relief and may take months to implement — if implemented at all.
The Senate overwhelmingly passed a defense appropriations bill yesterday that calls for renaming U.S. military bases that honor Confederate officers — something President Trump has threatened to veto.
It's been a record 11 years since the last increase in U.S. minimum wage. Since the last federal minimum wage hike — to $7.25 an hour, starting July 24, 2009 — the cost of living has increased 20%, while the price of essentials such as housing and health care have increased even faster.
ICE not allowing newly enrolled students to enter the US for online-only classes.
Permission Required to Change Your Tampon. This could be the first line of a dystopian novel, but it’s actually part of the 2020 bar exam.
Donald Trump Thinks That All Women Who Live in the Suburbs Are Housewives. Twitter was quick to correct him.
GOP Sen. Tom Cotton pitches bill to prohibit use of federal funds to teach 1619 Project. Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas has introduced legislation that takes aim at the teaching of the 1619 Project, an initiative from The New York Times that reframes American history around the date of August 1619 when the first slave ship arrived on America's shores.
The amount of plastic waste flowing into the ocean and killing marine life could triple in the next 20 years, unless companies and governments can drastically reduce plastic production, a new study said.
Even Anti-Weed White House Officials Admit Legalization Leads to Less Teen Pot Use. Rates of cannabis use among children and teens have steadily declined in adult-use states. In fact, the decrease has been so significant that even the federal government has taken notice.
COVID-19 lockdowns worldwide led to the longest and most pronounced reduction in human-linked seismic vibrations ever recorded, sharpening scientists’ ability to hear earth’s natural signals and detect earthquakes, a study found.
White House lies about 'Paw Patrol' being canceled and everything is so stupid. -- Yes, you read that correctly. Now, make sure you are registered to vote and let’s vote Trump and his Republican enablers out of office this November and end this shitshow.
Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.
Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.
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