Monday, July 20, 2020

Monday, July 20, 2020

And another day where All Lives really don’t Matter, Republicans show they are anything but “pro-life,” the Senate GOP insists they will fill a SCOTUS seat this year if possible, Portland is the precursor to more US cities, and the religious right’s stronghold on homeschooling comes to a close:

“Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.” -- John Steinbeck


US: 143,834 (+1545)

World: 613,213 (+4311)


US: 3,961,429 (+62,879)

World: 14,852,700 (+210,881)

Countdown: 106 days.

Joe Biden refuses to play into Donald Trump’s hands. Biden’s theory of wavering Trump voters is the same as his theory of wavering Republican senators: He thinks they want to vote with him but need help getting over their political hang-ups about voting for a Democrat. And so he is trying to give them that help. He praises the old Republican Party, refuses to pick a side in American politics’ hottest fights. Biden has resisted calls to abolish private insurance, ban fracking, decriminalize immigration, and defund the police. It’s cost him enthusiasm on the left, but it has denied Trump the clear foil he needs. That’s left Trump confused, pathetically insisting Biden holds positions Biden doesn’t hold and getting fact-checked live on Fox...Strange as it is to say, the low level of enthusiasm for Biden is at least partly a choice the Biden campaign has made. And perhaps they have made the right one. Studies of political polarization over the past few decades largely converge on the same finding: Rising polarization isn’t driven by a deeper attachment to the party or politicians we support, but increased fear and loathing of the party and politicians we oppose. — This whole article is interesting. Read it all.

The Department of Homeland Security, at the center of some of the administration's most controversial and political actions from immigration restrictions to an aggressive response to protests in Portland, Oregon, is mostly run by temporary officials.

A Constitutional Crisis in Portland.

Portland protests: Trump threatens to send officers to more US cities. He specifically named New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Baltimore and Oakland in discussing problems with violence. "We're not going to let this happen in our country, all run by liberal Democrats." — And we’re not going to let your fascist bullshit happen in our country. 

House votes to curtail Insurrection Act powers. The Democratic-controlled House voted Monday to add limits to the Insurrection Act after President Trump threatened to invoke it to deploy active-duty troops against recent protests over racial injustice. In a 215-190 vote largely along party lines, the House approved the Insurrection Act changes as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act.

‘Wall of moms' at Portland protest formed to protect demonstrators. — I’m pretty sure tear gassing moms is a bad strategy.

Donald Trump is sealing his fate as the coronavirus denier-in-chief. When the history of the coronavirus pandemic is written, President Donald Trump will go down as the great denier-in-chief who refused to acknowledge the catastrophic damage Covid-19 has wrought and repeatedly spread falsehoods while disputing data that revealed the true toll of the virus on America.

Texas is a 'red zone state' and Dallas County is one of the worst coronavirus hotspots, White House report says.

Gov. Mike Parson [R-MO]: “These kids have got to get back to school,” Parson told Cox. “They’re at the lowest risk possible. And if they do get COVID-19, which they will — and they will when they go to school — they’re not going to the hospitals. They’re not going to have to sit in doctor’s offices. They’re going to go home and they’re going to get over it.” — Republicans are literally trying to kill you. 

Trump looks to use executive orders to move agenda beyond coronavirus. The shift in strategy is aimed at bolstering confidence in the president's leadership amid criticism of his handling of the pandemic.

Biden eyes GOP supporters while Trump focuses on his base. Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican and frequent Trump critic, has been approached and is expected to speak at the Democratic National Convention on Biden’s behalf next month.

'Things could get very ugly': Experts fear post-election crisis as Trump sets the stage to dispute the results in November. These experts are keenly aware of President Donald Trump's well-documented history of lying about voter fraud and claiming that elections were "rigged" when he doesn't like the outcome. They also see a Democratic base that is still burned from 2016, when its nominee was dragged down in part by Russian meddling operation, won the popular vote, and lost to Trump.

Republican leaders vow to fill a potential Supreme Court vacancy this year, despite some apprehension. Senate Republican leaders, undeterred by the scathing criticism leveled against them for blocking President Barack Obama's election-year Supreme Court nominee in 2016, are signaling that they are prepared to confirm a nominee by President Donald Trump even if that vacancy occurred after this year's election. -- Republicans don’t play fair, and they always cheat. They never think the rules apply to themselves. Even rules they made up.

American Death Cult. Why has the Republican response to the pandemic been so mind-bogglingly disastrous? The distrust and open dismissal of expertise and authority may seem uniquely contemporary — a phenomenon of the Trump era, or the rise of online misinformation. But the president and his party are the products of a decades-long war against the functioning of good government, a collapse of trust in experts and empiricism, and the spread of a kind of magical thinking that flourishes in a hothouse atmosphere that can seal out reality.

Florida educators have filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn the state's emergency order that forces schools to open for in-person instruction next month.

Spain's coronavirus rate triples in three weeks after lockdown easing.

Fox News, Ed Henry, Sean Hannity & Tucker Carlson Sued In Sex Trafficking, Sexual Harassment & Retaliation Suit.

Whistleblower files complaint about Pompeo's 'questionable activities,' senior staff's push to block questions. Senior staff reportedly "blocked" the employee from addressing it internally.

Majority of Public Favors Giving Civilians the Power to Sue Police Officers for Misconduct. In addition, 92% of Americans favor requiring police to be trained in nonviolent alternatives to deadly force, including 71% who strongly favor this.

Suspect in federal judge's home ambush railed against her in misogynistic book. The writings are littered with language common among the most extreme anti-feminist communities on the web, some of which he was a member.

Women abducted for marriage, and often raped, in Indonesia – it’s the custom, villagers say.

Coronavirus home schooling highlights the religious right's education system influence. Parents have rights, but I believe children have rights, too — to an environment free from exploitation and to a meaningful education. In a way, the abuse proved one of Bartholet's central theses: that much of home-schooling advocacy right now is in the hands of a small but belligerent minority who believe that parents have absolute rights over their children and that any form of regulation amounts, in the words of some home-schooling families, to "tyranny."...Families decide to home-school for a wide range of reasons...However, the data show that a very large number of home-schoolers are motivated by a desire to provide their children with religious and moral instruction and by concerns about the "environment" of public schools. -- The religious right should not have so much power and influence.

Colleges Hoped for an In-Person Fall. Now the Dream Is Crumbling. — And science prevails over hope.

Colleges and universities face a dilemma in the fall: Risk letting students slip through the cracks in online classes, or risk deaths and hospitalizations from in-person courses.

Trump tweets image of himself wearing a mask and calls it 'patriotic'. For months, aides tried to get Trump to wear a mask, saying they could have "MAGA", "Trump-Pence 2020" or even the American flag printed on them. But he steadfastly refused and only wore a mask once in public. But it wasn't until a meeting with campaign aides at the White House last week, where aides bluntly told him even internal numbers showed Americans didn't approve of his response, that Trump relented, according to an official who attended that meeting. — Ratings. Not science. Not the health of all Americans. No, it was ratings that got to him. How pathetic. 

Rich Americans spew more carbon pollution at home than poor. Rich Americans produce nearly 25% more heat-trapping gases than poorer people at home, according to a comprehensive study of U.S. residential carbon footprints.

Facebook reportedly loses another major advertiser: Disney.

Study finds that Facebook is full of transphobes, just as we suspected.

NFL players to be tested daily for COVID-19 first 2 weeks.

The Italian coastguard has been trying for days to free a massive sperm whale after it was spotted struggling to free itself from a fishing net.

Life’s short. Live, love, create, and help others.

Until next time, my friends. Stay safe and stay sane. Good night.

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